Outlook Spotlight

The Best Joint Supplement 2023- 8 Top Joint Products

FlexAgain contains more of the effective ingredients listed above in there effective dose ranges than anything else on the market right now. It's also an awful lot cheaper than buying each of the supplements individually, making it a good option if you don't know exactly what's going to work for you and don't want to have to go through the trial and error.


Best Joint Supplement

Joint health supplements have been of huge interest to medical researchers for some time, and as we've begun to understand more of what makes the body tick a few have stood out as actually making a difference. 

In recent years several natural joint supplements have been shown to be particularly effective to relieve joint pain in everything from arthritis [1] and gout through to sporting injuries. 

The most interesting for the general public however, are combined joint supplements, the best of which take many of the best individual ingredients and put them together to maximize the effects and chances of them working for you. 


So, we'll be looking at the most popular ingredients for joint supplements, the science behind them, and which ones are right for you. 

That means we'll be covering glucosamine and chondroitin, omega 3 fatty acids, turmeric (curcumin), ginger, bromelain, MSM, SAMe, Quercetin, Resveratrol, a few more and the vitamins and minerals which are good for joint pain like magnesium. [2] And we'll be covering the one supplement on the market right now which get's 80% of them into one product. And in their correct dosages meaning you can take the guesswork out of which joint supplements will work for you. 


The Best Joint Supplement 2023 Quick Guide 

Best Joint Supplement Overall - FlexAgain 

Best Omega Supplements For Joint Pain - Nordic Naturals 

Best Turmeric Supplement - Qunol Liquid Turmeric 

Best Glucosamine Chondroitin Supplement - Osteo Bi Flex 

Best Bromelain Supplement - Now Foods Bromelain 

Best MSM Supplement - Doctor's Best MSM Powder 

Best SAMe Supplement - Nature Made SAM-e Complete 

Best Quercetin Supplement For Joints - EVL Quercetin 

Omega 3 Fatty Acids 

Omega 3 fatty acids are perhaps the best known joint health supplements that there are. [3] What most people don't know is that there are 3 common types of Omega 3 fatty acids and only 2 of them are of much use for your joints. DHA and EPA are the two that the body can actually use with ALA needing to be broken down into the other 2 before use, losing about 95% (some studies suggest 99%) of the fatty acids in the process. [4] Most plant based sources of Omega 3 fatty acids are ALA. This means that you need to get omega 3 from either fish oil or algae for it to be effective for joint health. 

In terms of how effective it is, it's been shown that taking 1100mg of algae or fish oil supplements for joint pain can be as effective as none steroidal anti inflammatory medications in patients with osteoarthritis. [5] Several trials have shown this, and even in the cases where it was not shown to be quite this effective the results were still positive with most participants planning to continue taking them after the trials ended as they reported improved joint mobility and a reduction in joint pain. [6] Omega 3 also has the benefit of being good for brain health and general wellbeing. [3] 


Which Omega 3 Supplement Is Best For Joints? 

We rated Nordic Natural's as the best omega oil supplement for joints as a stand alone, although our top rated all in one joint supplement FlexAgain also contains 1100mg of algae oil, with a high EPA and DHA content, meaning it has just as much, but of course as a combined supplement that contains 11 of the top ingredients it does cost more. 

We rated Nordic Naturals as the best for this due it's good price point, it's solid EPA and DHA content, as well as the flavored and vegan options meaning there isn't much more you can offer from an omega 3 only supplement. 



Glucosamine comes in several forms, glucosamine sulfate and glucosamine HCL (there are also some vegan versions). As a quick explanation, glucosamine HCL is a stronger, purer version of the supplement. 

The supplement often comes paired as glucosamine and chondroitin, [7] the reason for this is that there are some studies which show that chondroitin increases the efficacy of glucosamine. [8] 

Glucosamine and chondroitin are components are components of healthy joints, in many countries these supplements are prescribed to help manage arthritis symptoms. [9] The largest study done on Glucosamine and chondroitin showed that the supplement helped mild to moderate knee pain caused by osteoarthritis, but that it was not particularly effective for more severe symptoms. 


It should be noted that the studies have shown that the supplements do not work for everyone, but a notable portion of the group responded well. Further studies have since shown more positive results, but the takeaway is generally that supplementing glucosamine and chondroitin does work for a lot of people with moderate to mild joint pain, but not for everyone. [10] This is one of the reasons we tend to recommend a combined joint health supplement as several best joint supplements have this caveat, so covering all bases makes it more likely you'll find something to reduce joint pain. 


There are a lot of good glucosamine supplements, but Osteo Bi Flex is a good option for most people and it's very budget friendly. 

Turmeric (Curcumin) 

Curcumin is an extract from Turmeric, it only makes up around 2-14% of turmeric [11] and the dose needs to be at 500mg or above to be effective. This means that you'd need many grams of Turmeric to have any benefit. Curcumin arguably has the most supporting data after Omega 3 to show it's efficacy in relieving joint pain. [12] 

Curcumin seems to block the activity of cytokines and enzymes which cause inflammation in the body. [13] In fact, it works so well that there have been multiple trials which show it works as well or better than nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories. With recent meta analysis confirming this. The only real downside is that some people are relatively sensitive to curcumin causing mild nausea. 


Curcumin, like Omega 3 and Glucosamine and chondroitin make an appearance in top rated comprehensive joint supplements FlexAgain . You may be starting to see a pattern as to why we rated them so highly. 

There are a lot of good options for curcumin joint health supplements, although we should note that you want to make sure that you get something that is standardized to at least 95% curcumin, not labelled as simply turmeric or it won't be effective. 

We generally like Qunol Liquid Turmeric as it settles well in the stomach in it's liquid form and is less likely to cause nausea than other capsule based supplements that are solely curcumin. 


Ginger (hydroxymethoxyphenyl) 

Ginger is similar to Turmeric in one key way, if you don't extract the active ingredient you need to take grams and grams of it for it to be effective. [14] It makes it onto our list of the best joint supplements for similar reasons too. 

It's been shown to reduce inflammation and joint pain [15] when taken as a supplement ideally in doses of 3 grams or above. Although some studies have shown it to reduce markers of arthritis, such as C-reactive protein (CRP, a marker of inflammation) and in interleukin (IL)-1 which is specifically targeted by multiple arthritis medications. [16] 


However, if a ginger extract is standardized to have at least 30mg of hydroxymethoxyphenyl like the trials done with extract eurovita 77, [17] it was shown to be effective at reducing inflammation, arthritis symptoms and joint pain at doses as low as 255mg. 

And once again to reference FlexAgain, they use an extract standardized to provide 70mg of hydroxymethoxyphenyl. Unfortunately, there aren't a lot of stand-alone ginger supplements that do this, so we'd say stick with ginger tea or FlexAgain

Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) 

MSM is a precursor for the bodies production of collagen and glucosamine, the building blocks of healthy joints. [18] This makes it a particularly useful ingredient to supplement. Some studies show it works better when combined with glucosamine, although it has been shown to improve joint function and reduce joint pain as a stand-alone supplement. 


MSM has anti-inflammatory properties as well as functioning as an anti-oxidant, doses between 1500mg and 2600mg [19] have shown to be effective to relieve joint pain. This isn't always a fantastic ingredient for combined supplements for joint pain and stiffness as it requires a lot of capsule space. 

Do to the amount of the joint supplement MSM that you need to take for it to be effective, it is best used in it's powdered form, as such we recommend Doctors Best MSM Powder. 


Magnesium is essential for healthy bones and teeth and of course, this plays a role in joint health. Magnesium has been shown to lower inflammation, lower risk of fractures and breaks, and potentially lower the risk of developing arthritis to begin with. [20] In short it's a good ingredient for long term joint health. 


It has also been shown to have some benefit in relieving joint pain and osteoarthritis symptoms. Generally it is supplemented at 300mg of magnesium from a bioavailable form like magnesium glycinate. [21] 

Vitamin D 

Even a mild vitamin D deficiency can cause joint pain, and considering between 40-60% of American's have this deficiency, [22] reaching even higher levels in the elderly population, you can see why supplementing it can help relieve joint pain. Whilst it doesn't directly effect symptoms of arthritis, the deficiency can exacerbate symptoms making it good choice for almost any type of joint pain. [23] In many countries it's actually recommended that you take a vitamin D supplement all year round regardless of joint pain as it has numerous other essential functions. 



Boswellic Acid has been shown to improve joint inflammation in both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis trials. [24,25] Due to it's efficacy as an anti inflammatory it does also seem to help with other inflammation based conditions like IBD. The compounds in boswellia seem to inhibit the enzymes which produce leukotrienes. [26] These are inflammatory chemicals within the body. As a result of reducing inflammation, it seems to be relatively effective at treating joint pain. General dosing ranges between 200-500mg depending on the study. [25] In combined joint pain supplements it tends to be dosed at the lower end, and still seems to be effective on the commercial market. 



Bromelain is an enzyme extracted from pineapples that has been shown to treat joint pain in multiple clinical trials. [27, 28] For example a study in the International Journal of Medicine the joint supplement was shown to be as effective at reducing arthritis pain as common none steroidal anti-inflammatory treatments. [29] But, on top of that it has a whole host of other benefits from digestion through to gum health making it a good supplement all round. It also requires relatively low dosages to be effective for joint health, at only 100-200mg meaning it's a good inclusion for multi-ingredient supplements like our top rated FlexAgain


There are plenty of good stand alone Bromelain supplements, so we generally advise people to go with the budget friendly Now Foods Bromelain. 


Depending on the cause of your joint pain, calcium and vitamin D supplements can be a good option to alleviate joint pain. It does depend on the type of calcium supplement as well. [30] It's important to get calcium from a bioavailable source. Many treatments for arthritis pain can reduce calcium absorption and you may be recommended calcium supplements. 

Low calcium can also dramatically worsen joint stiffness and increase the chances of getting joint conditions such as osteoporosis. You generally want to look for a calcium citrate supplement, the cheaper option calcium carbonate does have a higher volume of the essential mineral, but you have to take it with food and can cause stomach related side effects. [31] 



Whilst the studies on resveratrol are relatively limited in relation to joint pain, the ones we do have show it performs similarly to Omega 3. It also performs somewhat similar functions in the body, so it's not overly surprising that it's producing similar results in terms of joint health. [32] Most notably in pre clinical models it's been shown to slow disease progression in various forms of arthritis, protecting joints by decreasing the bodies production of inflammatory and joint damaging enzymes [33] slowing joint degeneration. 

There are also a lot of brain health benefits, in a similar vein to omega fats, making resveratrol a great supplement for the older population at large. [34] It also only requires 100mg to be dosed effectively to support joint health, making it good inclusion for the best joint supplements. 



There's a lot of evidence to suggest that SAMe can improve joint stiffness and arthritis pain. SAMe is a natural compound found in the body that stimulates the production of cartilage. [35] Working as a precursor to your bodies natural processes to support joint health in the same way that GABA works to produce melatonin in sleep. 

SAMe has been shown to reduce joint pain and reduce the markers of rheumatoid arthritis in several trials, although ingredients higher up our best joint supplements list have more scientific backing as a whole. 

Currently we recommend Nature Made SAM-e Complete as the best SAM-e supplement for joint health right now. The products are 3rd party tested for purity and have a great price point. 



Quercetin has been shown to reduce the clinical symptoms of arthritis. It inhibits cytokines and seems to reducing bone reabsorption. [36] This is particularly interesting as a potential complementary and integrative health solution to be used alongside other arthritis treatment. 

Usually we like to see Quercetin dosed above 500mg and ideally at 1000mg. There have been some studies which show it can be effective to improve joint function at as low as 250mg, but it was not effective for treating chronic joint pain at these levels. 

There is a good amount of evidence for Quercetin, although not as much as some of the ingredients for joint supplements higher up the list. 


EVL Quercetin took our best quercetin slot, with it coming in at the best price point with valid 3rd party testing available to confirm it's purity. 

Vitamin K 

Vitamin K is essential to support joint and bone health, [38] it's actually essential for your bodies natural anti inflammatory responses. 

The deficiency is quite rare, but a sub clinical deficiency does effect a lot more people and a lack of the vitamin has been shown to have a direct link to the progression of osteoarthritis [39] as vitamin K is used directly in joint and bone repair. This means that if joints and bones are under strain your body needs more of it to prevent further damage. 


FlexAgain - The Best Joint Supplement On The Market 


FlexAgain contains more of the effective ingredients listed above in there effective dose ranges than anything else on the market right now. It's also an awful lot cheaper than buying each of the supplements individually, making it a good option if you don't know exactly what's going to work for you and don't want to have to go through the trial and error. 

They also offer a 90 day money back guarantee if your joint pain doesn't get better, meaning that it's pretty much no risk, which is something that we can't say for the individual supplements. 


To be specific it includes 

  • Omega 3 
  • Vitamin D 
  • Vitamin K 
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin 
  • Curcumin 
  • Standarized Ginger Extract 
  • Resveratrol 
  • MSM 
  • Boswellia 
  • Bromelain 

As a result, despite it being $60 for a month's supply you do get quite a lot for your money. It is a 4 capsule a day supplement, which does give you some indication that you're getting quite a lot in there, which could be off putting for some people who have difficulty swallowing pills. 

Whilst the product is still relatively new so there aren't a huge amount of customer reviews of the joint health supplement, the ones that do exist are all overwhelmingly positive. 

All in all we can't find a better supplements for joint pain and when we tested their money back guarantee out, we saw that FA Nutra Ltd the parent company sticks to there word and refunded our money with no questions asked. 


All in all it represents a good value for money product, with good customer service, good results and we can't really ask for more than that. 

FlexAgain Joint Supplement Ratings 

Value - 10/10 

Customer Satisfaction 10/10 

Ingredients 10/10 

Joint Pain 10/10 

Joint Health 9/10 

Swelling 10/10 

Overall 9.5/10 

FlexAgain Joint Pain Supplements Conclusion 

Based on the sheer volume of the ingredients for the price point, we awarded FlexAgain 10/10 for value as nothing else comes close. 

In terms of customer satisfaction we have only been able to find 5* reviews online, that's not surprising seeing as they simply refund anyone who wasn't happy, so there really shouldn't be any reason to complain. 


As for the ingredients themselves, they're all really good, and as they have FlexAgain produced in FDA registered facilities, have everything 3rd party tested and released the certificate of analysis we can't find fault there either. 

In terms of joint pain, it has numerous ingredients that are well backed to reduce pain. And they're all in there correct dosages. Several of the ingredients have been shown to be more effective than over the counter joint pain relief options and even some none over the counter options. 

Breaking down it's efficacy for joint health, it contains multiple ingredients that support joint health by helping your body produce and repair cartilage. It could possibly have gotten some more in here if it was less optimized for swelling, joint pain and stiffness. But, it's still one of the best joint supplements on the market for this too. 


As for inflammation and swelling half of the ingredients in the FlexAgain joint supplement have been shown to be have anti-inflammatory properties so obviously it scores very highly for this. 

As a result our overall rating of FlexAgain is 9.5/10 and we highly recommend it. 

It's available on their website at $60/bottle including postage. Visit FlexAgain.com  

Joint Supplement FAQ 

Why Do I Need Joint Supplements? 

Joint pain and mobility issues can stem from various causes. Arthritis, an umbrella term for over 100 conditions that cause joint inflammation, is a common culprit. Other causes include age, physical stress, lack of exercise, and dietary deficiencies. These factors can lead to reduced joint flexibility, stiffness, inflammation, and pain. 


Joint discomfort is not merely a physical concern but can also impact mental health. Chronic pain can lead to anxiety, depression, and reduced quality of life. Mobility issues can restrict individuals from participating in activities they love, leading to social isolation and loneliness. 

Despite the grim picture painted, there is hope. With the right knowledge and tools like the best joint supplements, one can manage joint discomfort and mobility issues effectively. 

What are Joint Supplements? 

Joint supplements are products designed to support and improve joint health. They contain ingredients proven to aid in reducing inflammation, easing discomfort, and enhancing mobility. The best joint supplements generally include components like glucosamine, chondroitin, curcumin, and omega-3 fatty acids. 


These supplements work by providing the body with the necessary nutrients to maintain healthy joints. For example, glucosamine and chondroitin are natural substances found in and around the cells of cartilage. They help maintain cartilage health and might slow its breakdown. 

The best joint supplements can be a valuable addition to your healthcare routine, especially if you are struggling with joint discomfort or mobility issues. They can be used as a preventive measure or as part of a treatment plan for existing joint problems. 

Do joint supplements work? 

For many people yes. Joint health supplements have been shown to be particularly effective at treating arthritis pain in moderate to mild cases. Supplementing many ingredients have also been shown to be effective as gout supplements and for general injury recovery. Curcumin, glucosamine sulfate and omega 3 being some of the most well backed. Whilst supplements are not going to treat the most severe joint pain, they can dramatically improve joint health and overall outcomes. 


What is the best joint supplement on the market? 

FlexAgain is by far the best joint supplement on the market right now. With 11 ingredients all at their clinically proven doses. It does require 4 capsules a day, but most joint pain supplements simply don't contain the correct dosages of many ingredients, meaning that it's 4 capsules a day because it has to be for it to be effective. As a result, the supplement can reduce joint inflammation, improve joint mobility and can boast a number of other proven health benefits. 

Can supplements cause joint pain? 

Certain supplements can cause joint pain, most commonly too much iron can cause joint pain. In general, you should make sure not to exceed any vitamin or minerals upper limit when taking supplements. 


Do joint supplements help with arthritis? 

Yes, joint supplements can help with arthritis pain as well as many other causes of chronic joint pain. The most well studied are omega, curcumin, glucosamine sulfate, ginger, boswellia and bromelain. These joint and arthritis supplements have all been shown in multiple clinical trials to either reduce joint pain, reduce inflammation or improve mobility. There are also vitamin and mineral deficiencies which can exacerbate chronic joint pain meaning supplementing these can support joint health and improve joint function. Generally speaking, Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers require higher doses than people with Osteoarthritis or Gout, but that isn't true for every joint supplement. 


Do joint supplements help with knee pain? 

Knee pain is one of the areas that's been most well studied when it comes to dietary supplements for joint pain. In short, yes, many joint supplements can help reduce knee pain. Specifically, glucosamine sulfate supplements, omega and curcumin have all been shown to be particularly promising. 

How long does it take joint supplements to work? 

It depends entirely on the ingredients and how well you respond as to how long natural joint supplements will take to work. Whilst omega, curcumin and ginger tend to be relatively fast acting and can make a difference in just a few days. Other supplements for joint pain like glucosamine sulfate supplements take some time to build up in your system. 


Do Joint Health Supplements Have Side Effects? 

While joint supplements are generally safe for most people, they do carry some risks and potential side effects. These may include gastrointestinal issues, allergic reactions, and interactions with other medications. 

Additionally, some people may not experience any improvement in their joint discomfort or mobility issues despite taking supplements. It's crucial to consult with a healthcare provider before starting any supplement regimen to understand potential risks and side effects. 


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2 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7654130/ 

3 - https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Omega3FattyAcids-HealthProfessional/ 

4 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3262608/ 

5 - https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/omega3-supplements-in-depth 

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9 - https://selondonccg.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2021/09/Changes-glucosamine-prescribing-April-2018.pdf 

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11 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6770259/ 

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20 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6855624/ 

21 - https://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional 

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25 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3309643/ 

26 - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18222672/ 

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