Outlook Spotlight

Lifestyle Influencer Nidhi Agarwal Shares Affirmative Mantras To Follow This New Year

Nidhi Agarwal started her journey in 2015 with a personal blog called Treasuremuse. She has been invited to speak at several colleges and events. Besides working with brands like Gionee, Vivo, Bewakoof, Paperboat, Max Fashions, Reliance Footprints, Adore Lenses, etc.,


Nidhi Agarwal

While 2023 has already rolled, we assume that you are following your new year's resolutions point by point, aren't you? Well, we know that resolutions are made to be broken. Yet, with an ounce of new hope, we try every year to change our lives in an optimistic way. Speaking of which, even the eminent lifestyle influencer Nidhi Agrawal has started her new year with influential thoughts.

While it's very tough to decide what and what not to do, this young lady has lessened the burden off your shoulders. She has shared some affirmative mantras that you must follow this new year to lead a great lifestyle. So, start taking notes, or just screenshots!
Nidhi Agarwal shares the 3Ms that you must pin...

1. Manifestation

The influencer firmly believes that one should believe in the power of manifestation. She says, "The universe is always paying attention to you and your thoughts. So be crystalline, stubborn, and devoted to your goals. You get everything that you want from a pure, whole heart. So do it!" There are many people who have strongly manifested for things they have received. So, what's stopping you?  

2. Mission

Nidhi Agarwal says, "With a new year comes new enthusiasm to achieve either new or already set goals. No matter what comes your way, stay dedicated to your mission and take all the steps to achieve it." Many people set their mission and avert from mid-way. The influencer says to keep going, as staying focused on your goal will keep your mind occupied and active. Since there will be no room for queer thoughts, you will have a positive life.

3. Monitor

The third thing that Nidhi Agarwal suggests you adhere firmly to is monitoring your own growth. Isn't that crazy? Well, the influencer says, "Jotting down your failures will remind you to be strong, penning your achievements will remind you that hard work pays off, and similarly, analyzing the data will keep you on track to stay motivated. So, monitor your growth with a simple rule of sacrificing your comforts and following your goals." Monitoring is not just about writing down all your achievements and demerits; it also helps you make mistakes without getting stuck on them.

We hope that Nidhi Agarwal's mantras might help you to some extent and keep you motivated. For more such empowering words and thoughts, you can follow her on Instagram at @treasure_muse
Nidhi Agarwal started her journey in 2015 with a personal blog called Treasuremuse. She has been invited to speak at several colleges and events. Besides working with brands like Gionee, Vivo, Bewakoof, Paperboat, Max Fashions, Reliance Footprints, Adore Lenses, etc., she was also featured as a fashion blogger on various digital magazines and newspapers like Dainik Bhaskar, DNA, and Rajasthan Patrika. Nidhi Agarwal is worth her salt, and her lifestyle is an inspiration for us!

