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Dbol Steroids Pills Reviews: Side Effects, Test Cycle, Before And After Dosage Tablets

Dbol stands for Dianabol which is a well-known trade name for the initial gear steroid named Methandrostenolone. For about 40 years, dianabol has likely been the most widely used steroid in the bodybuilding and athletic industry. Dbol is frequently taken during bodybuilding phases to assist users in gaining massive amounts of energy, power and muscular mass.


Dbol Steroids Pills

Steroids are an artificial form of hormone-like compounds that the body usually produces. Steroids function the same as compared to hormones in order to lessen swelling. They are also known by the name corticosteroids and are distinct from the anabolic steroids known as gear steroids usually used by many athletes and bodybuilders.

Nowadays you can also get them online as there are many steroids for sale which are readily available.

Dbol Steroids Pills Reviews 

What does Dbol stand for?

Dbol stands for Dianabol which is a well-known trade name for the initial gear steroid named Methandrostenolone.


For about 40 years, dianabol has likely been the most widely used steroid in the bodybuilding and athletic industry. Dbol is frequently taken during bodybuilding phases to assist users in gaining massive amounts of energy, power and muscular mass.


Methandrostenolone is a kind of steroid that is basically used by bodybuilders and athletes. These are also known as dyanabol or dianabol. You can get dianabol pills for sale from any site, Methandrostenolone readily gained a lot of popularity among bodybuilders and athletes as it helps in gaining muscles while strengthening the body and prepares the body for further workout. 


Dianabol Benefits:

After getting dianabol for sale online and use of dianabol you can start observing the following changes in your body:

  • Increases protein formation

For growth and development of body tissues, organs, body muscles, protein is used. We can also use it for maintaining body fitness and gaining body muscles

  • Increases glycogenolysis 

It is a simple sugar which is a molecular breakdown of glycogen into glucose. It is mostly present in liver cells or muscles. It basically provides energy to muscles.

  • Enhanced metabolic activity

(Metabolism takes place in our body, which is a type of chemical process and helps us to convert our intakes like foods and drinks into energy. It is present in all our body activities like breathing, circulation of blood, digestion of food and many more).

Greatly Anabolic (the way to build up your muscles and to strengthen them).

Encourages a healthy nitrogen balance (nitrogen balance helps in more creation of protein and also it directly helps in muscle formation. And if nitrogen levels start to decrease in your body your muscle tissue will also start to break down.

Dianabol Drawbacks:

  • Increases blood pressure 

High blood pressure can cause severe heart problems, kidney failure, liver problems and many more

  • Greatly effective toward liner in a bad way 

Can cause infection in liver, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, liver cancer etc. can be caused

  • Acne

You get Acne over your face, your skin becomes so oily, non-necessary hair growth starts.


  • Cause Insomnia

Insomnia is a disease in which you cannot sleep means in simple words sleeplessness 

Speed Rate of Dianabol:

Dianabol starts to work very fastly. Dianabol is taken as an oral drug and the results start to come out very quickly. Some people may only need 3 to 4 weeks to let Dianabol kick in that body. Dianabol adds a huge amount of weight to the body after kicking in it, maybe some people gain 30 pounds of weight in just a single cycle. So, for this you can buy dianabol online as Dianabol for sale are already available.


Side Effects of Dianabol:

Some severe effect of dianabol on human body;

    • High Blood Pressure
    • Water retention
    • Gynecomastia
    • Liver damage
    • Suppressed Testosterones
    • Hair thinning
    • Acne
    • Roid rage
    • Virilization in women
  • High Blood pressure:

Dianabol causes testosterone levels to increase very high which allows the level of LDL (low density lipoprotein) to increase, which can cause blockage to arteries and try to make up space for blood and increases blood pressure level.

  • Water Retention:

Dianabol is highly loaded with estrogen which causes water retention. This can cause users to look puffy and swollen. It causes swelling in feet, ankles, hands, legs and many other parts of the body.

  • Gynecomastia:


When water retention does not have control over or causes more swelling in the body it can cause Gynecomastia. In Gynecomastia breast tissues in men begin to enlarge and get swollen.

  • Liver Damage:

When Dianabol cycles are taken more than 6 weeks it can cause serious liver problems. Dianabol is hepatotoxic because it is c-17 alpha-alkylated like other oral steroids. Our LFTs show that Dianabol causes a considerable increase in AST/ALT liver enzymes, which indicates severe liver damage until cycle termination. These can be overcome by using supplements like milk thistle.

  • Suppressed Testosterones:

Taking a great dose of Dianabol can cause blockage to natural production of testosterones. This process can be accelerated with help of TRT (testosterone replacement therapy), HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), AI’s (aromatase inhibitors) and SERMS (selective estrogen receptor modulators) etc.


  • Hair thinning:

The hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) level can increase with the use of Dbol, so we can say that Dbol will result in hair loss. Both men and women experience hair loss due to DHT, a consequence of testosterone. Increased DHT levels have been linked to hair follicle, which in turn causes hair loss. 

  • Acne:

Because of Dianabol more androgenic effects are present such as acne, hair loss, oily skin etc. The production of Sebum is increased as a result of the glands that produce sebum being activated, which causes this.

  • Virilization in women:

Dianabol intake can lead to virilization in women. Virilization is something in which women get some male characteristics like deep voice, reduction of breast size, increased unnecessary body hairs and many more.


Dianabol Cycles:

Dianabol is very effective for beginners, you can also buy dianabol online.

Beginner cycle:

Week: 1 Methandrostenolone: 10mg / day

Week: 2 Methandrostenolone: 10mg / day

Week: 3 Methandrostenolone: 15mg / day

Week: 4 Methandrostenolone: 15mg / day

Week: 5 Methandrostenolone: 20mg / day

Second Cycle:

Week: 1 Methandrostenolone: 20mg / day

Week: 2 Methandrostenolone: 20mg / day

Week: 3 Methandrostenolone: 25mg / day

Week: 4 Methandrostenolone: 25mg / day

Week: 5 Methandrostenolone: 25mg / day

Week: 6 Methandrostenolone: 25mg / day

Before and After Dosage Tablets:

Thanks to Dianabol's amazing impact on muscle strength and size. Because methandrostenolone is composed of short molecules with a half-life of only 3-6 hours, it can produce results quickly. A beginner's first cycle of Dianabol will yield better results than someone who has been running it for years. The amount of muscle and strength users experience will vary on the dose, length of cycle, and how experienced they are. These are some surveyed data:


  • 25-30 lb strength gains in the first week of 50 mg per day.
  • 70-100 lb strength gains in 4 to 6 weeks cycle on 50 mg per day.

So simply for body building and for muscle strength you should get steroids as steroids for sale are available or you can also buy the most common steroid dianabol online USA.


Steroids for sale are available which allows quick improvements in strength and performance may be possible with dianabol, the possible hazards and moral issues surrounding its use should be properly examined. To ensure the safety and validity of any steroid use, responsible decision-making based on medical guidance is essential.


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