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Best Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece 2023 - Top Mouth Guards And Mouthpieces For Sleep Apnea OSA

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a medical condition that causes people to stop breathing during their sleep. One of the main symptoms is snoring. Sleep apnea restricts normal respiration when the tongue relaxes during sleep and drops to the back of the throat. This results in air turbulence that causes the flesh to vibrate noisily.


Best Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece

If sleep apnea is affecting your quality of sleep there are some treatment options available to you. The most popular is using a sleep apnea mouth guard or mouthpiece.

Also called mandibular advancement devices (MADs), mouth guards are devices that fit in the mouth that push the lower jaw forward while you are asleep. As well as being effective treatment for mild to moderate OSA, mouth guards are also good to reduce snoring.

Here are the best mouthpieces for sleep apnea and snoring in 2023:

  1. AirSnore (best sleep apnea mouth guard)
  2. VitalSleep
  3. ZQuiet
  4. SnoreRX

The sleep apnea mouth guards above are available to buy directly from the manufacturers websites and do not require a prescription.


Which Sleep Apnea Mouthpieces and Mouth Guards Work Best?

The quality of sleep apnea mouthpieces varies from brand to brand - these are the best of breed and fully guaranteed.

#1 - AirSnore - OSA MouthGuard and Drops


AirSnore is a high-quality boil and bite mouthpiece that can provide effective relief from snoring and mild to moderate sleep apnea.

Boil and bite mouthpieces are very popular. Before their introduction, people requiring this type of device had to buy custom-built versions via their dentists. However, with a price tag of $1000 or more, the cost of using a device of this type is prohibitively expensive.


Boil and bite anti snoring mouthpieces are much cheaper. They utilize special thermoplastics or resins that soften when the device is immersed in hot water. While the plastic/resin is soft, it becomes easy to bite into and get a perfect fit to the teeth.

Due to its superior build quality and reasonable price, the AirSnore mouthpiece has earned a reputation for being one of the best boil and bite sleep apnea mouthpieces on the market. It's especially popular with people who have been let down in the past by low-grade anti-snoring mouthguards that kept falling out during the night or made the gums and inside of their mouths feel sore.

It's possible to use the AirSnore mouthguard on its own or as part of a 2-part system by combining it with AirSnore drops. The drops provide aromatic oils.

Although most sleep apnea sufferers will only need the mouthpiece, the AirSnore drops can offer added value to people suffering from nasal congestion. They also have a calming effect that may make it easier to get to sleep.

Customer reviews are excellent. The AirSnore mouth guard appears to work well for most people seeking relief from snoring or obstructive sleep apnea. However, should you prove to be the exception, there is no need to worry because the manufacturer provides a 60-day money-back guarantee.


#2 - VitalSleep - OSA Device Only


VitalSleep is a similar anti-snoring mouthpiece to AirSnore. Although the initial boil and bite process is the same, the mouthpiece utilizes a patented mechanism called Accu-Adjust that makes it possible to fine-tune the lower jaw position after the initial set up.

The Accu-Adjust system provides 8 mm of adjustment. So, if you set the mechanism to the middle position during your boil and bite, you will have an extra 4 mm to play with on either side.

VitalSleep also boasts a few additional refinements including a low-profile design that provides extra comfort during use. The mouthpiece also has generous venting at the front to enable easy mouth breathing without the risk of the mouth guard falling out.


If you decide to use this mouthpiece to control your sleep apnea, you also have the option of choosing from two sizes. The standard version is perfect for most men. The second option is slightly smaller and is generally the best fit for women.

The VitalSleep sleep apnea mouth guard is very popular with people who are seeking relief from snoring. Customer reviews show it works for many people suffering from sleep apnea too. The VitalSleep mouthpiece has already helped more than 40,000 people to sleep better and wake up refreshed.

Bearing in mind the fact most VitalSleep users will not be sleeping alone, that 40,000 figure may only be telling half of the story.


Due to the extra refinements, VitalSleep is slightly more expensive than AirSnore but, once again, your money is safe thanks to a 60-day money-back guarantee.

#3 - ZQuiet - Snoring MouthPiece


Another one of the best mouthpieces for controlling snoring and sleep apnea, ZQuiet stands apart from the other three options on our list because it's the only one that does not require boil and bite.

Like VitalSleep, the ZQuiet mouthpiece is available in two sizes, with the smaller option being the best fit for women in the majority of cases.


However, there is no need to worry about buying the wrong size. The ZQuiet starter kit provides both.

ZQuiet has a unique "living hinge" that allows it to grip the teeth and advance the jaw without the need for hot water or boil and bite.

Unlike VitalSleep, this option does not have any vents at the front but it does not require them. Even if the jaw drops open during sleep, the living hinge applies enough pressure to grip the teeth and retain the necessary advancement of the jaw. It's a very clever system.

It's also very effective, as with all the best mouthpieces, ZQuiet has excellent customer reviews and a 60-day money-back guarantee.


If you regularly suffer from nasal congestion or have other issues that require you to breathe through your mouth, ZQuiet is easily the best mouthpiece to pick.

Unfortunately, ZQuiet costs a little more than the previous two options. However, the price difference is small and, after you know which size works best for your mouth, if you need a replacement the single-pack option is surprisingly cheap.

#4 - SnoreRX - Adjustable OSA Device


SnoreRX anti snoring mouth guards are boil and bite mouthpieces that have much in common with VitalSleep and are equally good for controlling sleep apnea and snoring.


Like VitalSleep, SnoreRX has vents at the front to support mouth breathing if necessary. It also has a special adjuster mechanism to fine-tune the lower jaw position.

However, the Posi Lock system that adjusts jaw advancement only provides a 6 mm adjustment. That's 2 mm less than VitalSleep provides but should be enough for most people.

The standard version of SnoreRX is slightly cheaper than the VitalSleep mouthpieces. However, there is also a more advanced option that costs 65% more. it's called SnoreRX Plus.

There is very little difference between the two options. SnoreRX Plus does everything the standard version does, "plus" compensates for vertical movement of the jaw during sleep.


However, although this is a very useful design feature and lots of customers love it, ZQuiet can do this too at a fraction of the price of other sleep apnea devices.

Nevertheless, like AirSnore, VitalSleep, and ZQuiet, SnoreRX is far superior to any of the other mouthpieces that are popular with people seeking relief from sleep apnea. It's a high-quality option and customers love it.

There is a money-back guarantee as well but, in this case, it's only good for 30 days. That's one of the reasons we cannot rate this mouthpiece as highly as the other three options.

What is Sleep Apnea?


Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a medical condition that causes people to stop breathing during their sleep. One of the main symptoms is snoring.

Sleep apnea restricts normal respiration when the tongue relaxes during sleep and drops to the back of the throat. This results in air turbulence that causes the flesh to vibrate noisily.

In the case of normal snoring, the airway restriction causing the noise remains partial. It does not cause breathing to stop.

However, if the tongue drops back further, completely sealing the airway, breathing stops. This pause in respiration is known as an apnea–hence the name of the condition.


In most cases, the tongue relaxes slowly, causing short periods of snoring that last until the tongue drops back far enough to stop respiration.

Although normal snoring can be disruptive, sleep apneas present a greater level of concern.

When sleep apneas occur, the affected individual generally begins to rise out of their slumber. This partial return to consciousness causes the tongue to become less relaxed. A similar thing happens with the soft tissue at the back of the throat and normal breathing resumes.

Initially, there may also be a brief pause in snoring but the reprieve seldom lasts long. People who suffer from OSA often have 4-14 apneas per hour.


Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition. Although it's rare for sufferers to die during their sleep it can happen. However, the risks are not so great in younger people who are in otherwise good health.

There are a few ways to control sleep apnea. One of the best ways is to use a CPAP machine that pumps a constant supply of air into the throat via a mask. The air pressure prevents apneas by keeping the throat open.

Unfortunately, CPAP machines can be expensive. Even people who don't mind the investment often don't relish the idea of wearing a mask during sleep.


Sleep apnea mouthpieces are the best alternative to CPAP. OTC options are inexpensive, easy to buy online and work well for most people.

What are Sleep Apnea Mouthpieces (Mouth Guards)?

Also called sleep apnea mouth guards, sleep apnea mouthpieces are devices that sit over the teeth and pull the jaw forward during sleep. When the jaw advances, it brings the tongue with it, helping to keep the throat open.

These devices are officially known as mandibular advancement devices (MADs) and they can be extremely effective. Research is highly supportive of using this type of mouthguard to control chronic snoring and mild to moderate OSA.


Some of the best anti snoring mouthpieces are also very effective treatment options for sleep apnea. They can help users to stop snoring, control sleep apnea and provide better quality sleep while avoiding daytime sleepiness.

However, although the best sleep apnea mouthpieces may be a tad more expensive than the ones available on sites such as Amazon and eBay, they offer superior results and better value for money. The top 4 options also have money-back guarantees.

How Sleep Apnea Can Interfere with Your Quality of Life

One of the most scary things about sleep apnea is it can cause loss of life. However, as we pointed out earlier, this is very rare and more likely to occur in people who are old and/or infirm.


The loud snoring that often accompanies central sleep apnea can be a very big problem. Especially for people who are sleeping with a significant other. The resulting lack of sleep can cause irritability and bad feelings that can put a strain on relationships that are otherwise sound.

It's not just the audible repercussions of sleep apnea that can present issues. When the depth of your slumber is constantly broken due to apneas, you fail to reach the REM (rapid eye movement) stage of sleep that is necessary if you want to wake up feeling refreshed.

Poor quality sleep can trigger many health issues including headaches, poor memory, and impaired mental function.


Needless to say, poor sleep also causes fatigue. One way or another, sleep apnea can hinder productivity at work, cause relationship issues, and generally lower your quality of life.

How to Choose the Best Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece

If you just want a cheap cost-effective way to relieve your sleep apnea, AirSnore is an excellent option. Unfortunately, it may not be the best mouthpiece to choose if you have ongoing difficulties breathing through your nose.

Depending on the severity of the problem, AirSnore drops may help but their aromatic ability offers the most value to people suffering from mild congestion due to the common cold or flu.


If you know nasal breathing is going to be a problem, it's best you choose one of the other top 4 mouthpieces to manage your sleep apnea instead.

Due to the vents at the front, VitalSleep and SnoreRX are far better options, and the ability to adjust the jaw position after the boil and bite is a bonus.

However, ZQuiet's living hinge allows it to be an excellent option too.

Which one of the three you choose will largely come down to a matter of personal preference but there are strong arguments for buying ZQuiet mandibular advancement devices if you are particularly prone to opening your mouth while you are asleep.


ZQuiet sleep apnea mouth guards are also the easiest sleep apnea mouthpiece to use. It's good to go straight from the box, with no requirement for boil and bite or fine-tune adjustment. There are many good arguments for choosing ZQuiet over the other three options.

Nevertheless, all four mouthpieces are known to work well for controlling snoring and sleep apnea. They have money-back guarantees as well so, although your initial investment may vary, it will always be safe.

A Look at Some Alternative Sleep Apnea Solutions

We have explained how anti snoring mouthpieces work to treat sleep apnea and minimize snoring but here are some other options.


Choosing a good mouthpiece or mandibular advancement device is one of the best ways to combat sleep apnea. However, it's the not only way to do it.

As we mentioned earlier on in this article, CPAP machines can be extremely effective so we will take a look at this option first.

CPAP Machine

CPAP is an acronym. It stands for continuous positive airway pressure.

There are three main parts to a CPAP machine: a pump, a length of tubing, and a face mask.

Early CPAP machines used to be quite noisy. This is no longer the case. Thanks to advances in modern technology, there is no need to worry about the CPAP machine keeping you or anyone else awake.


However, it can be unpleasant to sleep wearing a mask. Some people find it claustrophobic. Wearing a mask can also present extra challenges on hot nights by making the skin underneath uncomfortably warm and sweaty.

Nevertheless, CPAP can work well and is often seen as the gold standard sleep apnea treatment.

The pump provides a continuous flow of air that pressurizes the airway at the back of the throat. If you visualize wind blowing through a wind sock, you should get a good idea of the way the system works.

As long as the pressure is maintained, there should be no need to worry about snoring or cessation of breathing.


Unfortunately, CPAP machines cost a lot more than mouthpieces. There are also ongoing running expenses because they run on electricity.

Although the amp requirement is low, the costs mount up when you are using the machine every night. This is a point that bears serious consideration in these days of rapidly increasing energy prices.

Tongue Retaining Devices

A tongue retaining device (TRD) is an oral appliance designed to treat sleep apnea by holding the tongue forward, which helps to keep the airway open during sleep. An examples of a good TRD is Good Morning Snore Solution.

They are often used as an alternative to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy, which involves wearing a mask that delivers a continuous flow of air to keep the airway open.


TRDs work by creating a vacuum effect that gently pulls the tongue forward, preventing it from falling back and blocking the airway. This helps to maintain an open and unobstructed airway, which can significantly reduce or eliminate episodes of apnea and snoring and give better sleep quality.

TRDs are custom-fit to the individual's mouth, and they are typically made of soft, pliable materials that are comfortable to wear. They are easy to use and require minimal maintenance.

While TRDs can be effective in treating mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea, they may not be suitable for everyone. It is important to consult with a sleep specialist or dentist experienced in treating sleep apnea to determine if a TRD is the right treatment option for you.


Pillow Positioning to Help Mild Sleep Apnea

Pillow position can influence mild sleep apnea and has the potential to make it worse. The best pillow position is one that keeps your neck straight, helping to keep the throat open.

Although optimizing pillow position can be beneficial, this option has limited value and is only likely to work for very mild cases of OSA.

Nerve Stimulation Devices (for Treating Moderate Sleep Apnea)

Nerve stimulation devices are one of the more invasive sleep apnea treatments. Often called pacemakers for the tongue, these devices are implanted in the chest.

Like traditional pacemakers, the nerve stimulation devices used for sleep apnea provide an electrical charge that stimulates muscle activity. However, instead of stimulating the heart, they provide a small shock to the hypoglossal nerve that runs through the neck to the tongue.


The hypoglossal nerve governs the tongue's motor control and plays a key role in involuntary actions such as swallowing.

Battery life can vary depending on the device model and the number of sleep apneas that occur each night. However, even in severe cases of OSA, the battery should not need changing for several years.

Sleep Apnea Surgery

Even more invasive than the previous option, sleep apnea surgery generally involves the surgical removal of tissue from the back of the throat.

Obviously, it's a good way to open up the airway. The removal should also mean there is less flesh to vibrate and make a noise.


However, as with all surgical procedures, there are dangers involved and there is no guarantee the treatment will work.

Another surgical sleep apnea treatment, called an anterior inferior mandibular osteotomy, is particularly nasty. The surgeon operating splits the chin bone to pull the tongue forward.

Strangely, the recovery time after this type of sleep apnea treatment tends to be more rapid than with many other surgical alternatives.

Nevertheless, given the choice between surgery and oral appliances, many sleep apnea sufferers choose to avoid going under the knife and choose a good mouthpiece to use instead.

Weight Loss

Some people only have sleep apnea because they have become overweight or obese.


When a lot of fat collects around the neck and throat, it can push down on the airway during sleep, causing an obstruction.

The obstruction is still largely due to muscle relaxation of the tongue and throat. However, in the case of very overweight individuals, the relaxation would not be sufficient to cause any problems if it were not for the presence of the extra fat.

A similar thing can happen in the throats of overweight people. Just as CPAP can prevent apneas by providing extra pressure within the throat, excess body fat can help close it up from the outside.


Advantages of Using Anti Snoring Mouth Guards to Treat Sleep Apnea

Mouth guards offer several advantages over many alternative sleep apnea treatments. One of their strong points is they are a research-backed solution that has proven to be safe and effective. [1]

Unless you decide to have your dentist-built you a device, mouth guards are also a cost-effective sleep apnea solution. All of the best anti snoring mouthpieces cost well under $100 and do not require a medical consultation or a prescription.

Disadvantages of Using Mouth Guards for Treating Sleep Apnea

Mouth guards are one of the best sleep apnea treatments but, as with anything else, there can be no pros without a few cons.


One of the worst things about mouth guards is they can cause drooling. However, waking up with a damp pillow is a small price to pay when you consider the many benefits this type of technology can bring.

Sleeping with an anti snoring mouthguard in place can take a little while to get used to. During the early stages of treatment, the device may also cause jaw pain. However, this is a problem that generally does not last long. The body soon adjusts to sleeping with the lower jaw forward.

There may also be some degree of increased sensitivity of the teeth during the first few weeks of use. However, the device anchors to the teeth, so this is hardly surprising.


Due to the reliance they place on strong teeth, sleep apnea mouth guards are unsuitable for people who wear dentures or have crowns on their front teeth. This is one of the greatest disadvantages of all.

Best Sleep Apnea Mouth Guard Research Sources 2023

1. Mandibular Advancement Device for Obstructive Sleep Apnea: An Overview: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4439678/

2. Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Obesity: Implications for Public Health: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5836788/


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