Outlook Spotlight

YK-11 Pros And Cons: Results, Side Effects, Cycling, Dosing – Potent Bulking SARM?

We will cover everything you need to know about using it. YK-11 stacks, cycles, PCT use, dosage range, and discuss YK-11 side effects in detail.



Although widely talked about, there are a lot of misconceptions about YK-11. In this complete guide, not only am I going to go through all of the YK-11 pros and cons, but I’m also going to cover everything you need to know to use it.

If you’re impatient to find out more about YK-11, then you can check out details and pricing is here:

You’ll learn exactly what YK-11, and what sort of results are typical, or even achievable.

Plus, we will cover everything you need to know about using it. YK-11 stacks, cycles, PCT use, dosage range, and discuss YK-11 side effects in detail.


One of the hardest things about using SARMs right now is buying them. Quality has gone down and prices have gone up. So, I’ll also tell you about two places you can buy high-purity SARMs from generally, and specifically so fantastic YK-11 supplement products.

How SARMs Work

Genuine SARMs work as they state: Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators.

This means that they selectively target and activate at androgen receptor sites in skeletal muscle tissue only. They send a message to those androgen receptor sites that there is lots of testosterone, and you need to build that muscle tone hard and fast.


On the downside, because you are flooding the body with androgen receptor signals, your body thinks it has loads of testosterone starts to cut down its natural supply.

Towards the end of the SARMs cycle, you will therefore start to suffer from the effects of low testosterone because your actual testosterone levels are far lower than when you started the SARMs cycle.

What Is YK 11 ?

Now you know how SARMs work, let’s answer the key question: is YK-11 a SARM?

The answer is mostly no, but a little bit yes. That’s confusing, so let me explain further.

YK-11 works as a Myostatin inhibitor (increases follistatin expression). This is a hormone that limits muscle growth, so that they don’t run away from what the body is capable of dealing with. However, by inhibiting this action somewhat, we can deliver significant muscle growth instead. In effect, it tricks the body into a growth cycle.

So, YK-11 is not a SARM, because it does not work by activating androgen receptors to get the results that build muscle.

However, YK-11 works more like a steroid than a SARM in the body, in terms of its structure. Because of this, it is a minor partial agonist of androgen receptor sites generally.

So although you won’t always suffer significant testosterone drop, you will get some side effects from low testosterone, and the side effects of activating androgen receptor sites around the body. It’s important to say this. Although it’s not a full agonist of the androgen receptor, it can cause significant testosterone drop in some people, but not all.


Overall though, YK-11 is not a SARM because SARMs are nonsteroidal. It is a steroidal SARM, but is a minor agonist of the androgen receptor, and has a different main mechanism of action.

YK-11 Pros And Cons

Now you understand little more about what YK-11 actually is, let’s look in a little more detail at the YK-11 pros and cons.

YK-11 pros:

● Delivers potent muscle growth

● Fast working in muscle tissue

● Tells the body it’s in a growth cycle

● Stronger than androgenic SARMs

YK-11 cons:

● Is steroidal so has more wide-ranging side effects

● Can be too strong for some people to handle


● Partial agonist of androgen receptors across the body

Overall then, YK-11 is a highly potent bodybuilding supplement that has the traits of steroids and SARMs together.

It’s main mechanism of action is not that of other SARMs, but it is a partial agonist of the androgen receptor across the body, in a very minor way, but in the same way as steroids.

It has a very strong potency, stronger than DHT, in the body and is certainly a chemical that should be dosed very carefully and treated with great respect. Stacking it with androgenic SARMs is also something a beginner should not be doing.


YK 11 Side Effects

The word steroids tends to send some people into a panic, so let’s take a look at those YK 11 side effects and a little more detail.

In terms of its chemical structure, YK 11 is almost identical to a steroid, and not like an anabolic SARM, therefore, it’s more in the class of steroids than SARMs.

But that doesn’t mean it’s as damaging or as potent as the older anabolic steroids, and indeed it’s far from that.

It’s a weak partial agonist of the androgen receptor, so you will get some androgenic side effects. Some people talk about steroid rage, aggression, and significant testosterone drop. Others say that’s not the case, so it seems to be very personal.


It is also hepatotoxic to the liver. This is because it has four methylated groups in the same way as a steroid.

But again, that’s not the whole story. Those methylated groups aren’t in the same places in the molecular chain as in steroids, and so is unlikely to be as liver toxic, and certainly real-world evidence suggests that’s the case. Because of the DHT element, some people do get acne and minor hair loss, in exactly the same way as you would with anabolic steroids.

All of this evidence points to it being more of an artificial anabolic steroid than a SARM, and because of this the side effects and problems can be more wide-ranging, but will be dependent on the person taking it.


However, as an insurance policy, many people run it with a testosterone base (TRT) to ensure that it doesn’t have steroid-like side effects on testosterone production levels.

In summary:

● YK-11 can cause short-term joint issues

● You may find it best to run it with a test base

● Will suppress testosterone

● As anabolic steroid side effects at lower levels

● Mildly liver toxic

● Can cause emotional problems

Using YK 11 For Massive Bulking

There’s really no way to know how you are going to react to YK-11 until you try it. Some people report really bad side effects, while others say it’s not that bad at all.


Likewise, some people suggest incredible results, while others say it didn’t do that much. I’ll talk about what results are actually realistic later, but I think it’s important to say a lot of this will depend on who you are, what else you are taking, and the YK 11 dosage.

It’s also important to say that YK 11 doesn’t actually have great bioavailability, meaning it doesn’t absorb very well. Even at low doses it’s potent, but only if you actually get the dose into your body in the right way, which isn’t always the case.

However, the overwhelming majority of people using this say that if used pre-workout, it gives you insane pump ability. We are talking 20% or more on all measures.


So you can take it a couple of hours before you hit the gym each day to use partly as a pre-workout supplement. Its half life is around 12 hours, so you can dose it once or twice per day, depending on how you want to use it.

But the evidence is that this will bulk you up significantly. That was certainly the case for me.

I’m talking about as much as 10 lbs. of lean muscle mass gain in as little as six weeks, and up to 15 lbs. of overall weight gain during that time.

Best YK 11 Vs Rad 140 And Other Bulking Stack Options


Some people advocate using YK 11 on its own, in the same way that you might run an anabolic steroid like trenbolone on its own.

However, Yk 11 has very poor oral bioavailability, so using sublingual dropper bottle liquid, or pills, is going to mean a poor dose unless you make it higher than you would if injecting it, and you don’t want to take really high doses just in case.

That’s why a lot of people stack this with RAD-140, because both are very similar in terms of the large and dry gains they can achieve. By backing them up, they can get better rewards and offset problems with not getting great dosages into the body.


I’ve used this once, and it’s highly potent, and certainly not beginners. But it is a potent YK 11 stack:

● 15 mg YK-11 daily

● 15 mg RAD-140 daily

● 15 mg MK-677 daily

● Eight-week cycle

● Very long gap between cycles

● Strong and consistent PCT required

This will produce incredible gains. Large, aggressive, dramatic, and physique changing. Work really hard and you will be massively improving your vascularity, dimensions, and definition.

To get specific, my bench went up nearly 50 lbs., and shoulder press by about the same. That’s ridiculous, but it seems to be typical.


We also include the nonsteroidal, ghrelin-mimicking, MK-677 in the stack as well. This is because it can help increase the gains, helps to increase your appetite, and can actually offset some of the problems with sides.

For me, YK-11 is a potentially huge step up in terms of results, compared to most other SARMs. However, the side effects the potential for problems go up at the same rate simply because you are starting to use an artificial chemical that getting closer to a steroid than a SARM.

YK 11 Cycle Length

As you’ve already learnt, YK 11 can be potent. The rewards are there as long as you are careful and work hard.


But with all the potential for sides and problems, you need to keep the cycle short. You don’t want to be pushing androgenic suppression, or effects on the liver, beyond the absolute minimum.

I run it for six weeks, and many other people I know do as well. Online, you don’t see many people running this at any significant dose for more than eight weeks.

Sure, at 5 mg, on its own, or even stacked, you can probably cope for 10 weeks. But even then, it’s an additional load on body stress and androgenic suppression that you really don’t need for the minimal returning gains.


It’s far better to run this for just six weeks at a higher dose, 20 mg or so, really work hard and fuel your body, and see massive rewards in that time, than to keep chugging along with diminishing returns.

YK 11 Dosage Guide

Just to clarify exactly what sort of YK-11 dosage range should be looking at, these are the brackets to work within:

● Moderate beginners dose up to 10 mg

● Mid-range dose 10 mg – 25 mg

● High dose above 25 mg (not recommended)

If this is your first SARMs cycle, or even your first cycle of YK-11, then on its own, I would go for between 10 mg and 20 mg. Perhaps start at 10, then up to 15 at the end of week two, and then 20 mg at the end of week four.


Stacked, I’d be even more cautious your first cycle, especially if you’re a beginner. I’d see 10 mg as a peak dose, or 15 mg halfway through the cycle if things are going okay.

If it’s your first cycle, make sure you have blood work done before and after. You need to see what results using YK-11 has, so that you can learn and adjust.

YK 11 Before & After Warning

YK 11 can produce significant results, even after a single cycle, the YK 11 results you can achieve can be so noticeable that they can’t be ignored.

I want to give you a warning about those YK 11 before and after photos and claims you will see and read.


In fact, this would apply to all SARMs and supplements as a general warning on what you are told.

If you see those articles, blog posts, and social media posts, with huge claims about what can be done in a short space of time, and even worse, with before and after photos that show transformations in a short space of time, then be very skeptical.

In one cycle you can make a noticeable difference, you will see the benefits and rewards. But it’s not going to turn you from one physique into another.

So, my advice is to ignore those specific before and after claims. Educate yourself on the pros and cons of YK-11 and other chemicals you use, and do the cycles and experiments yourself. Then you’ll know what works for you, and what the downsides and upsides are.


Alternatives To Using YK 11 For Bulking

YK-11 is an incredible bulking compound, but as I’ve explained you, it’s not for beginners, and can have significant side effects for some people.

If you want to use SARMs and related chemicals for bulking, but you want alternatives to YK-11, then these are the best alternatives:

1. MK-677 is completely non-androgenic, working to mimic a hormone called ghrelin. It prompts an increase in key androgenic hormones that leads to muscle growth and an appetite increase.

2. RAD-140 is the classic androgenic muscle builder. Aggressive, powerful, you’ll get strong and dense muscle tone in a short space of time. It is very suppressive of natural testosterone though.


3. LGD-4033 is another classic androgenic SARM. It will build large gains using potent androgenic signaling. Again, it is suppressive of testosterone production though.

4. S-23 is probably the biggest muscle builder from the SARMs supplement choices. However, it’s also more general and not targeted just to muscle tissue. It can impact the prostate, liver, and other areas of the body in the same way as steroids.

Where To Find High Quality YK 11 For Sale

There aren’t many places left that you can buy good quality SARMs from. There are a few reasons for that situation, and it’s not going to get better.


The combination of the Chinese ban on making SARMs, along with FDA scrutiny in the USA, the pandemic, global shipping prices, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, have all affected the manufacture and availability of SARMs.

So, finding somewhere that sells high-purity SARMs at good prices, with a good range, is incredibly tough to do now.

Thankfully, I’ve used two great places and they are still going. They both offer high-purity Yk 11 for sale that have a great effect.

1. Chemyo offer a good range of core SARMs at good prices.

One good thing about Chemyo is they sell 50 mL bottles of SARMs, compared to the more usual 30 mL bottles. Prices are only marginally higher, and doses comparable, meaning you can get as much as 40% more SARMs dosing for your money if you spend a little more.


If you want to try raw powder (will have to weigh it and deal with consuming it), then it’s far cheaper, costing $89.99 for a full gram. But absorption from this method will be poor.

2. Behemoth Labz offer the widest range of SARMs you will find anywhere right now.

YK-11 liquid, dosed at an incredibly potent 33 mg/mL, costs $135 . However, you can buy a 15 mL dropper bottle, dosed at 7 mg/mL, for just $31 if you want to experiment with a far lower dose per day. To get 20%off use the code: BhGyula .


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