Outlook Spotlight

The Best Thermogenic Fat Burner Supplements 2023-2024-That Actually Work

In this article, we have listed some of the best Thermogenic Fat Burner Supplements that actually work and will help you burn fat and get in shape.


Best Thermogenic Fat Burner Supplements

It's not such an easy thing to try to convince your body to start burning fat. Many people try and implement the traditional techniques of implementing a healthy diet and regular exercise and just don't see the results because their metabolism is working against them. See, there are many, many different factors that go into losing weight, and it's not exactly the case that you should give up on your healthy diet and exercise routines, just that you might want to explore some options for improving your metabolism.

There are many ways to do this, as you could look to improve your NEAT (None-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis), which is manifest in ways such as walking to work instead of getting the bus, washing the dishes instead of using the dishwasher etc. You could look at increase your metabolic rate by increasing muscle mass, increase the number of calories your body uses for regular activity.


You could also take a look at the topic of today’s article- Thermogenic fat burning supplements. These fat burning pills help you lose weight by increasing thermogenesis within the body. If you weren't aware, your body is in a constant state of thermogenesis. How thermogenic fat burners work is, as warm blooded mammals our bodies have to generate heat, and we burn calories in order to do so. Therefore, more thermogenic activity increases resting metabolic rate, as it requires more calories, helping you to burn fat more easily, and that's exactly what these weight loss supplements do - increase thermogenic activity.


The thing is, many thermogenic fat burner supplements rely very heavily on this process, and while it is a valuable one, it's not going to be enough on its own, and the best fat burners pair thermogenic fat burners know this. What you'll see on our list today are many clever ways these products have paired their thermogenic ingredients with other natural fat burners in order to maximise their effectiveness, earning them a coveted spot on our list.

Without further delay let's get into the thick of it, shall we?

Our Choice For The Best Thermogenic Fat Burners

Instant Knockout Cut - The Best Thermogenic Fat Burner Overall


First of all we have Instant Knockout Cut, a thermogenic fat burner that puts most attempts to shame with its clever, clinically proven formula that is sure to be a winner today. Everything from their incredible reputation to their phenomenal formula, Instant Knockout Cut delivers in more ways than one and that's exactly why it's largely considered one of the top fat burning supplements available today.

How Instant Knockout came to be is that professional MMA coaches and athletes wanted to find a way to help them lose weight as quickly as possible without losing muscle mass. This is huge for the popular combat sport, as a large part of it involves weigh-ins, meaning many of the fighters have to lose weight in order to fight, and this keeps the sport fair and competitive.


The problem is most ways of losing weight very quickly involve a fair portion of that weight being lost in the muscle, causing a problem that needed a solution. This is why Instant Knockout is the best thermogenic fat burner, it's been proven to work time and time again in a competitive setting. Ultimately when a win or a loss is dependant on keeping muscle whilst burning fat, you know that athletes are going to really think about what they pick. They can't afford to not retain muscle whilst losing weight.

This issue wasn't easily solved but Instant Knockout Cut is what came of it, with a clever combination of natural ingredients in order to provide a fat burner that will help to you lose weight whilst retaining muscle, as long as you're training. If you're not much of a fitness freak however, Instant Knockout Cut still provides a lot of desirable effects, as you'll see in the ingredient’s breakdown section, meaning it's a viable option for most and the best thermogenic fat burner overall.


Highlighted Features

  • Best thermogenic fat burner

  • Lose weight fast

  • Strong appetite suppression

  • Scientifically backed formula

  • Made in FDA approved facilities

  • Honest, transparent labelling

  • Lose weight without sacrificing muscle mass

  • Increase workout intensity

Ingredients Breakdown

Vitamin D3

This essential vitamin is one of the most interesting there is. Most essential vitamins and minerals we get are either created in our bodies via converting other nutrients or they are simply ingested in foods. Don't misunderstand us, this is the case for vitamin D too, as it is present in some animal products, but the main way our bodies get vitamin D is by synthesising UV waves from the sun. This has led to vitamin D being known as the sunshine vitamin, but it's not all sun and rainbows, as approximately 41% of the American population is deficient. This is down to our indoor lifestyles just not allowing us to get enough of it, as windows block the UV rays we need. As we'll come to explore, this deficiency is associated with obesity and weight gain, but also many other issues such as poor mood regulation, lowered testosterone, and can eventually lead to you developing issues with your bones and joints.


Vitamins B6 and B12

Despite counting up to twelve there are 8 B vitamins currently known (don't ask), and what they all have in common is that they contribute greatly to the functioning of our bodies metabolism, with the majority of them have some stake in how our bodies convert the food we eat into fuel for our cells. Deficiencies are on the rise however, with the increase in vegetarian and vegan lifestyles as these vitamins are most plentiful in meat and other animal products such as dairy, though it's possible to find foods fortified with them, most commonly cereals.



With coffee being the most popular drink on a global scale, it's safe to say that the majority of us have had enough exposure to caffeine either ourselves or just by knowing coffee drinkers that we have a fair understanding of how it works, but as most things it's never quite as simple as it seems, and caffeine does a lot more than just make people feel more alert/ awake/ focused.

For example, it's quite common that caffeine is a main ingredient in most pre-workout supplements. Why is this? Well it's because ingesting caffeine before a work out has been observed to increase the intensity of the workout without any prompting from the researchers, leading them to conclude that, thanks to our perception of our energy levels increase, we push ourselves a lot harder if we've had caffeine than if we haven't [4].


Finally let's bring it all back to the very topic of this article, as caffeine is a popular thermogenic fat burner supplement. It's been found to increase resting metabolic rate by increasing the heat generated by our muscles, as do most thermogenic fat burners [6].


Now this is a very interesting one, as L-Theanine is a common inclusion in many different dietary supplements, with it being a no-brainer pick for both nootropic supplement and sleep aid supplements. This is because L-Theanine is known best for it's calming properties, making it a fantastic way to therapeutically treat individuals with high levels anxiety, and ofcourse it's ability to induce sleep more naturally by promoting relaxation rather than the usual sedation.


Green Tea Extract

Where coffee might be the most popular drink globally, green tea is certainly the most popular drink in most Asian cultures. Green tea contains caffeine ofcourse, and although in a much more reduced amount, it still has the effects of increasing alertness, and even activating thermogenesis. Green tea also contains L-theanine, which is responsible for the calming effect that drinking green tea is quite well known for.


This right here is quite possible the most effective way to induce appetite suppression that we currently known of. Derived from the Konjac Root, which has long been used in traditional Chinese medicine, glucomannan has long been known for it's ability to reduce hunger when taken before a meal.


Black Pepper Extract

If you've done research into any dietary supplements - meaning anything from nootropics, to joint health supplements and even testosterone boosters - you've probably seen black pepper extract on the label. The question is, why? how on earth can such a simple, everyday part of our lives be such a flexible ingredient that it's use in supplements is so prevalent?


So there we have it, from our research we couldn't find a better thermogenic fat burner supplement than Instant Knockout Cut. It's not just that it has more active thermogenic ingredients than our other offerings today, more that it's able to capitalise on it the most with it's clever formula. Now that you've read through the ingredients breakdown you can see that we just have all bases covered here: -
Need help with reducing portions? Glucomannan has got your back.
Want to increase the intensity of your workouts? Caffeine will spot you.
Want to burn more calories whilst resting? This has more thermogenic ingredients than any other offering.


If it wasn't obvious, we like Instant Knockout a lot, and highly recommend you go check it out for yourself.

Hourglass Fit - The Best Thermogenic Fat Burner For Women


When it comes to losing weight for women, there are different challenges that they face that can make other thermogenic fat burners less effective in the long run. Don't misunderstand us, the other two picks on this list will work fine for lots of women, but Hourglass Fit was designed from the ground up to help women with the hurdles they specifically might have to deal with.

All of this comes from hormones, as this is the way in which men and women differ the most. See, when guys get hungry, they might suffer some cramps which are uncomfortable, but for the large part once we get past the initial surge of hunger, we're alright. Women on the other hand are likely to suffer much harsher fluctuations of hormones when craving food, and as such these cravings can be much harder to ignore.


As you'll see once we start breaking down the ingredients, Hourglass Fit has been designed in order to tackle these issues as effectively as possible, without ignoring everything that a good fat burner needs to be a good fat burner.

Highlighted Features

  • Designed from the ground up for women

  • Strong appetite suppression

  • Mood regulation to help food cravings

  • Boost metabolism via thermogenesis

  • Clinically proven, natural formula

  • Honest, transparent labelling

  • Stimulant free fat burner

  • Fast acting ingredients

Ingredients Breakdown

From this point onwards if we encounter any repeat ingredients, we'll provide a simple summary to avoid repeating ourselves too much.

Vitamins B6 and B12

Essential micronutrients that play an important role in every stage of our metabolism, and as such deficiencies are associated with obesity.


Cayenne Pepper

A popular spice containing capsaicinoids which, when ingested, improve resting metabolic rate via a process known as thermogenesis, which is how our bodies stay warm internally.

Black Pepper Extract

Helps every other ingredient in the formula by increasing their bioavailability, and even provides a mild increase to thermogenic activity.


One of the greatest ingredients for appetite suppression, this fibrous root increases in size within the stomach, filling space in order to help us feel full faster, decreasing caloric intake in the process.

Vitamin B2

Another of the 8 B vitamins, B2 is no exception and it's main responsibilities revolve around our metabolism. This is one of the lesser talked about B vitamins, despite being just as important, but ultimately it boils down to a protection against deficiency. We don't want to downplay how useful this is, but once again vitamin B2 deficiency is associated with obesity.


That said it does have a little bonus for the women as vitamin B2 plays an important role in maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails [14]


And that's Hourglass Fit, a thermogenic fat burner that manages to get itself on this list by not focusing too much on the thermogenesis front, instead focusing on the unique ways it can tailor itself to the women's experience in order to provide the best weight loss solution for women that there's ever been.

Hunter Burn - The Best Premium Thermogenic Fat Burner


A creation by the brilliant Hunter Evolve, who have earned a fantastic reputation as a supplier of the very best premium dietary supplements on the market with their nootropic supplement Hunter Focus and their testosterone booster Hunter Test. Their philosophy is clear: - Use the very best ingredients known to the current science and dose them highly.


This might have you questioning why Hunter Burn wasn't our top pick, and the reason is that you just can't recommend it to everyone due to it's price. It's not overpriced by any stretch of the imagination, but the best ingredients around are usually either scarce or highly sought after, driving the price up and some people just can't justify the spend, regardless of value.

That said Hunter Burn's clever formula is an incredibly impress feat and definitely worth checking out just to see if it might offer you that push you need to finally start losing some stubborn belly fat. It's combination of ingredients provides the very best for everything you can expect, with a particularly powerful ingredient that we're very excited to start talking about.


Highlighted Features

  • FDA approved weight loss supplement

  • Honest, transparent labelling

  • Strong appetite suppression

  • Reduces caloric impact of carbohydrates

  • Scientifically backed formula

  • Highly dosed natural ingredients

  • Boost metabolism via thermogenesis

  • Fast acting weight loss supplement

Ingredients Breakdown


One of the greatest ingredients for appetite suppression, this fibrous root increases in size within the stomach, filling space in order to help us feel full faster, decreasing caloric intake in the process.

Cayenne Pepper

A popular spice containing capsaicinoids which, when ingested, improve resting metabolic rate via a process known as thermogenesis, which is how our bodies stay warm internally.

Matcha Green Tea Extract

A little bit of caffeine and a little bit of L-theanine helps a fair bit, but EGCG's contained within have been shown to help with weight loss.



A popular ingredient most commonly used for it's calming and anti-anxiety effects, but is very useful for it's ability to make fat more available to burn within the body.

White Kidney Bean Extract

Here we have the ace up the sleeve that we've been so excited to start talking about. See, everything else in Hunter Burn is stuff that we've seen before, but it's basically a best off. Everything here works, but this is where things get fascinating and might even have you guys wondering if it's even too good to be true.

This is because how White Kidney Bean Extract helps you to lose weight is that it blocks your ability to absorb calories for carbohydrates. how it does this is it inhibits an enzyme known as alpha amylase, which is responsible for breaking down carbohydrates into glucose for our bodies to absorb. By preventing this enzyme from working as well as it normally can, you reduce the n `a1qz`1``umber of calories absorbed from the carbs and as such, reduce their impact. As carbohydrates are the most calorie dense foods, this can have a large impact of your ability to enter a calorie deficit.



Now that you've seen the formula you can see why Hunter Burn just had to make it onto this list, even if it might price some people out. The fact it reduces the caloric impact in your diet at all is a huge benefit for finally breaking through that barrier and entering a calorie deficit, but the fact it targets carbs for this is so useful, it really can't be understated. Combine that with the glucomannan alone and you've got a very successful formula on your hands, but add in the increased metabolic rate of Cayenne with the fat burning properties of L-Theanine and Green tea extract and you have a truly winning formula.



So that's our picks for the best thermogenic fat burners around. It's easy to think that the best will be the one that focuses solely on one area, but the important thing for the designers of these products to know is that you're only going to gain so much from any one mechanism, and as such you'll create a more effective fat burner if you add in some ingredients that say, help with suppressing appetite like Glucomannan, or aid in overall health like supplement B vitamins and vitamin D.

Take our top pick, Instant Knockout Cut as an example. It's spread itself into these categories and as such is a much better thermogenic fat burner supplement for it. It's employment of caffeine is genius, especially considering its original concept was just to help fighters and it only went public at all because it was so popular behind the scenes.


Hourglass Fit is so commonly found on lists such as these because it's designed and marketed in such a precise way that it absolutely nails what it sets out to achieve. It's difficult to find many circumstances in which it isn't the best choice for any woman looking to lose weight, being so specifically designed for the difficulties women will face when losing weight.

Finally, we have Hunter Burn, rightfully earning our best premium title thanks to a genius combination of ingredients, making it quite possibly the most reliable supplement to help with weight loss that we've ever seen. It covers all of it's basis with a solid foundation of the best appetite suppressant (glucomannan), the best thermogenic fat burner supplement (cayenne pepper) and then sends it to the moon with it's choice of specialized ingredients with green tea extract, L-Theanine and of course the all-important white kidney bean extract.



1 - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30246883/

2 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8331291/

3 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7400011/

4 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8400708/

5 - https://health-works.org/category/fat-burners/

6 - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2912010/

7 - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33863801/

8 - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12972679/

9 - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16320857/

10 - https://bcr.org/what-is-capsaicin/

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13 - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9763876/

14 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK470460/

15 - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7284421/

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