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3 Best Creatine Monohydrate - Which Creatine Supplement Is The Best?

"Are you confused by all the fancy creatine supplements out there? We have done the heavy lifting and selected the best ones for you. Check it out now."


Best Creatine Monohydrate

It's not easy to find the best creatine monohydrate. The fact is, there are many different types of creatine available on the market, and not all of them are created equal. So, how do you know which one is right for you? 

This remarkable substance has been the subject of much controversy and debate over the years. That's despite it being one of the most well-researched and effective supplements available today. 

Creatine is a natural compound that's produced in the body. It's also found in some foods, particularly red meat and fish. Most people get all the creatine they need from their diet. However, some groups of people may benefit from taking supplements. This includes athletes, bodybuilders, and people who want to improve their exercise performance. 


There are many different types of creatine supplements on the market some of which are NSF certified for sport, like creatine magnesium chelate, creatine nitrate, and micronized creatine monohydrate available in forms such as powder as well as creatine capsules. 

The most popular is creatine monohydrate. This form is the cheapest and most effective. It's also the type that's been studied the most. However, there are other forms, such as creatine ethyl ester, buffered creatine, and Kre-Alkalyn. 

What Are The Best Creatine Monohydrate? 

  • Transparent Labs Creatine HMB- Unlock your anabolic potential 

  • In today's article, we will separate the wheat from chaff and help you find the best creatine monohydrate supplement on the market. 


    #1 - Ultimate CRN-5 - Top Choice 

    Ultimate CRN-5

    For years and years, we have heard the argument that creatine is just creatine and how can one make it any better than it already is? That's not true though. There are many factors that can make creatine more effective, such as increasing its absorption. And that's exactly what CrazyBulk has done with their Ultimate CRN-5 supplement

    This product is designed to help your body absorb and utilize creatine much better than other supplements on the market. It contains a special blend of ingredients that work together to maximize creatine uptake. 

    Also, rather than shoehorning you into buying and using just one type of Creatine monohydrate, CrazyBulk, adds 5 different types of creatine to their supplement. 

    What is Ultimate CRN-5? 

    Ultimate CRN-5 is the most advanced and effective creatine formula on the market today. It contains a unique blend of 5 different types of creatine, which work together to help your body absorb and utilize creatine more effectively. 

    This ensures that you're getting the full spectrum of benefits that creatine has to offer such as increased strength, improved exercise performance, and faster muscle growth. 

    Due to the easy availability of the raw materials required to make creatine monohydrate, the market is now flooded with poor-quality products that not only produce substandard results but also cause unwanted side effects. 


    CrazyBulk's Ultimate CRN-5 is a cut above the rest though. It's made in an FDA-registered facility in the USA and contains only the highest-quality ingredients. 

    The benefits of using Ultimate CRN-5 

    Ultimate CRN-5 offers a slew of benefits that separate it from the cookie-cutter creatine supplements sold online in fancy bottles. Here's a look at the most important ones. 

    Creatine Monohydrate improves exercise performance 

    The Ultimate CRN-5 contains pure creatine monohydrate, the most popular and well-studied type of creatine. It's also the most effective in terms of improving exercise performance. 

    Creatine supplementation has been shown to increase muscle strength, power output, and anaerobic endurance. It does this by increasing the availability of ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is the energy currency of your cells. 


    In other words, creatine monohydrate helps you exercise harder and for longer by giving your cells the energy they need to keep going. 

    This is why it's such a popular supplement among athletes and bodybuilders. It can help you train harder and see faster results. 

    Tri-Creatine Malate increases ATP production 

    The second type of creatine in Ultimate CRN-5 is Tri-Creatine Malate. This is a more expensive type of creatine that's gaining popularity due to its ability to increase ATP production. 

    ATP is the energy currency of your cells and is responsible for powering all cellular activity. The more ATP you have, the more energy you have to exercise. 


    As a result, men and women using Ultimate CRN-5 report being able to push through their workouts with ease and seeing faster results. Also, this is a completely water-soluble type of creatine. 

    Creatine HCL improves absorption 

    The third type of creatine in Ultimate CRN-5 is creatine hydrochloride (HCL). This is a newer type of creatine that's becoming popular due to its improved absorption. 

    Studies show that creatine HCL is absorbed better than other forms of creatine, which means that your body can utilize it more effectively. This results in improved exercise performance and faster results. 

    A lot of times, poor absorption can lead to gastrointestinal issues like bloating and cramping. This is not a problem with creatine HCL though. 


    Creatine Ethyl-Ester penetrates your cells faster for instant explosive strength 

    There's nothing more frustrating than taking a supplement and not feeling its effects immediately. This is where creatine ethyl-ester comes in. 

    It's been shown to penetrate your cells faster than other forms of creatine, which means that you'll feel its effects almost instantly. This makes it perfect for pre-workout supplementation when you need an extra boost of energy and strength. 

    Creatine Citrate Pyruvate for improved pumps and vascularity 

    The final type of creatine in Ultimate CRN-5 is creatine citrate pyruvate. This is a newer form of micronized creatine that's becoming popular due to its ability to improve pumps and vascularity. 


    Creatine citrate pyruvate is able to do this because it's more bioavailable than other forms of creatine. This means that your body can utilize it more effectively, resulting in improved pumps and vascularity. 

    Also, more recent studies indicate that it may help with fat loss, something that's generally unheard of in creatine supplements. 

    Added Electrolytes prevent cramping and boost recovery 

    Still, adding that creatine powder to water to fuel your workouts? Well, it's time to leave that in the past. With Ultimate CRN-5, you're getting all the benefits of creatine plus added electrolytes. 

    Electrolytes are essential for muscle contraction and prevent cramping. They also help you stay hydrated, which is crucial for exercise performance and recovery. 


    Ultimate CRN-5 contains a whole blend of electrolytes including sodium and potassium to help you stay hydrated and prevent cramping. This makes it the perfect post-workout supplement to help you recover faster and build muscle mass. 

    Ultimate CRN-5 Cost 

    A 30-day supply of Ultimate CRN-5 costs just $34.99, despite it being such an effective and powerful supplement. This is because the company behind it, CrazyBulk is a direct-to-consumer supplement manufacturer. 

    They don't spend any money on marketing or advertising unlike Optimum nutrition's micronized creatine, so they're able to sell their supplements at a fraction of the cost of other brands. 


    Plus, they offer free shipping to anywhere in the world as well as some great discounts on bulk purchases. The three-month supply is priced at just $83.99, which is an insane value. 

    Ultimate CRN-5 - Why we highly recommend it 

    While creatine monohydrate remains the most popular and effective type of creatine, the other forms in Ultimate CRN-5 are quickly gaining popularity due to their unique benefits. 

    It would be foolish to overlook a creatine supplement that contains all of the most effective forms of creatine, which is why we highly recommend Ultimate CRN-5. 

    Plus, at just $34.99 for a 30-day supply, it's priced very affordably. When you compare it to other brands that charge upwards of $60 for a similar product. 


    Add to that CrazyBulk's stellar reputation in the fitness industry and you cannot go wrong with it. 

    #2 - Transparent Labs Creatine HMB - Unlock Your Anabolic Potential 

    Transparent Labs

    While most brands are trying to peddle their basic creatine monohydrate products, Transparent Labs is taking it to the next level with their Creatine HMB supplement

    This unique formula not only contains creatine monohydrate but also includes HMB (beta-hydroxy beta-methyl butyrate) which is a powerful anabolic compound. 

    The combination of these two ingredients makes Creatine HMB one of the most effective creatine supplements on the market. 


    What is Creatine HMB? 

    HMB is a metabolite of the amino acid leucine and it's been shown to be very effective at promoting muscle growth. It works by inhibiting the breakdown of muscles, which leads to more muscle growth over time. 

    Creatine monohydrate on the other hand is the most popular and well-studied type of creatine. It's very effective at increasing muscle size, strength, and power. 

    When you combine the two, you get a potent formula that can help you unlock your anabolic potential. 

    Be it a cutting phase, where you are trying to preserve muscle while losing fat, or a bulking phase where you're trying to pack on as much muscle as possible, Creatine HMB can help. 


    As if the formula wasn't good enough already, Transparent Labs also adds Bioperine to the mix, which enhances absorption. 

    The benefits of using Creatine HMB 

    While the benefits of using creatine are well known, very little is known about how HMB can make a difference in your training. 

    The most common benefit that people report is increased muscle endurance. This means that you can work out for longer without getting tired. 

    Another benefit that has been reported is improved recovery times, which means you can train more often without overtraining. 

    Now let's take a closer look, shall we? 

    Creatine HMB boosts exercise adaptation 


    Exercise adaptation is the process by which your body gets used to a new training stimulus. In other words, it's how your body adapts to the stresses of exercise. 

    The faster you can adapt, the faster you can see results. Your body must generate anaerobic power to exercise at high intensities, and creatine is the most effective supplement for increasing anaerobic power. 

    HMB on the other hand helps to reduce muscle breakdown, which means your body can recover from exercise more quickly. The combination is a potent one that can help you see results faster. 

    Creatine HMB improves recovery times 


    Recovery time is the amount of time it takes for your body to repair the damage from exercise and adapt to the new stimulus. 

    The faster you can recover, the more frequently you can train without overtraining. Overtraining is when you train too frequently and your body doesn't have enough time to recover, which leads to a decrease in performance. 

    HMB has been shown to reduce muscle breakdown, which means your body can recover from exercise more quickly. When you combine it with creatine, you get a potent formula that can help you recover from exercise more quickly. 

    Amino acids are the building blocks of protein, and protein is the building block of muscle. So it makes sense that HMB would help to preserve muscle mass. 


    In one study, subjects who were supplemented with HMB while following a calorie-restricted diet were able to maintain more muscle mass than those who didn't supplement with HMB. 

    Creatine HMB increases muscle size 

    Creatine increases muscle size by increasing the amount of water that is drawn into the muscle cells. This is called cell volumization and it's one of the main mechanisms by which creatine works. 

    HMB has been shown to increase muscle protein synthesis, which is the process by which your body builds new muscle proteins. In a clinical study, men using HMB gained 0.97 lbs more muscle than those not using HMB. 


    The combination of these two mechanisms is a potent one that can help you build muscle quickly. 

    Also, Creatine increases strength by increasing the amount of ATP that is available for your muscles to use. 

    Creatine HMB Cost 

    Creatine HMB is priced at $49.99 for a month's supply, which is a great price for a product that delivers on its promises. 

    Transparent Labs also offers a discount when you subscribe. That's 15%. Considering that most people use Creatine endlessly, this might be a great idea if you are looking to run this long term. 

    Creatine HMB - Why we highly recommend it 


    Creatine HMB is a potent formula that can help you build muscle quickly and increase your strength. It also contains Vitamin D3, which is essential for muscle growth. 

    It's priced at $49.99 for a month's supply, and you can get a 15% discount when you subscribe. We think that's a great deal for one of the best creatine supplements. 

    #3 - Onnit Creatine - Good option for those who want plain Creatine Monohydrate 


    Some old school athletes prefer the tried and true method of just using creatine monohydrate. No fancy ingredients, no loading phase, just 5 grams a day for 30 days to see how your body reacts. 


    Onnit's Creatine Monohydrate is a great option for those athletes. It's third-party tested for purity and potency. 

    This might seem redundant in the face of all the science that has been conducted on creatine, but it's still important. 

    The fact that Onnit tests its product for purity and potency means that you can be sure you're getting what you're paying for. 

    It also means that the product is free of impurities and won't cause any unwanted side effects. 

    What is Onnit Creatine? 

    When Creatine monohydrate became the blue eyed baby of sports researchers, it was discovered that micronized creatine was more bioavailable than the regular powder form. A lot of brands, like Optimum Nutrition Micronized creatine monohydrate became runaway successes. 


    Micronized creatine is a Creatine monohydrate that has been treated with a process that reduces the particle size, making it easier for your body to absorb. 

    Onnit's Creatine Monohydrate is micronized for optimal absorption and efficacy too. 

    This is plain and simple creatine without any bells and whistles. Just 5 grams of creatine monohydrate per serving. 

    Onnit recommends that you take it with your post-workout meal or shake for optimal absorption. 

    The benefits of using Onnit Creatine 

    Onnit's Creatine is pure creatine monohydrate which means it's highly effective at increasing strength and power. 

    It's also been shown to increase muscle mass, although the effect is not as pronounced as with other ingredients like HMB or Beta-Alanine. 


    Here's a closer look at the benefits. 

    Increases muscle fibers 

    There's a lot of talk about how creatine monohydrate helps increase ATP which gives your muscles energy. 

    But what's often overlooked is that creatine also helps increase the number of muscle fibers. This is important because the more muscle fibers you have, the more potential you have for growth. Five clinical studies have established that creatine increases the number of muscle fibers. Add to this the ability of creatine to increase intracellular water which gives your muscles a fuller look, and you have a recipe for some serious gains. 

    Creatine reduces myostatin levels 


    Myostatin is a hormone that limits muscle growth. The more myostatin you have, the harder it is to build muscle. 

    Think of it like an inbuilt mechanism that prevents your muscles from getting too big. When you supplement with creatine, myostatin levels decrease. This allows you to build muscle more easily. 

    A study showed that myostatin levels decreased by as much as 5% when they were supplemented with creatine. 

    Creatine also has the ability to increase follistatin levels. Follistatin is a protein that inhibits myostatin. So, not only does creatine reduce myostatin levels, it also increases follistatin levels which further reduces the action of myostatin. 


    This double whammy effect is one of the reasons why creatine is so effective at increasing muscle mass. 

    Creatine improves cognitive performance 

    Athletic performance is not solely about physical prowess. A big part of it is also about mental Toughness. This is where creatine comes in. 

    Creatine has been shown to improve cognitive performance in a number of studies. In one study, subjects who supplemented with creatine performed better on tests that measured working memory and intelligence. 

    In another study, subjects who supplemented with creatine for six weeks showed an improvement in cognitive function and working memory. 

    The improved cognitive performance may be due to the ability of creatine to increase levels of ATP in the brain. This increase in ATP leads to an increase in phosphocreatine which is used by the brain for energy. 


    Creatine also increases levels of dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline. These are all neurotransmitters that play a role in cognitive function. 

    The increase in these neurotransmitters may explain the improved cognitive performance seen in studies. 

    As well as improving cognitive function, creatine also has neuroprotective effects. This means it helps to protect your brain from progressive age related decline. 

    Onnit Creatine cost 

    Onnit Creatine is the cheapest creatine monohydrate you can buy. 

    It's available in two sizes, 500 grams and 1000 grams. The 500 gram size costs $12.95 and the 1000 gram size costs $24.95. 

    You can also buy it in bulk for a discount. Onnit is a trusted brand with a great reputation. You can be sure you're getting a quality product when you buy from them. 


    Onnit Creatine - Why we highly recommend it 

    Onnit Creatine is a tried and tested creatine monohydrate. It's been shown to be effective in increasing muscle mass, reducing myostatin levels, and improving cognitive performance. 

    It's also the cheapest type of creatine monohydrate you can buy. For these reasons, we highly recommend Onnit Creatine. 

    What is Creatine Monohydrate and why is it so important for athletes? 

    Creatine Monohydrate is a naturally occurring substance found in the body. It's an amino acid that's produced in the liver, kidneys, and pancreas. It's also found in meat and fish. 

    If you do not exercise, then you probably get all the creatine you need from your diet. However, if you do exercise, then you may need to supplement with creatine. 


    This is because when you exercise, your muscles use up ATP (adenosine triphosphate) for energy. Creatine helps to replenish ATP levels. ATP, as we all know is the energy currency of the body. 

    So, by increasing ATP levels, creatine helps to improve athletic performance. 

    Creatine Monohydrate has been shown to be effective in a number of studies. In fact, it is the most well-researched sports supplement available today. 

    How does Creatine Monohydrate work? 

    Creatine works in numerous ways, many of which are not even discussed while others are only briefly touched on. We’ll go through some of the main mechanisms: 


    It increases levels of ATP in the body which leads to improved athletic performance. 

    ATP is the energy currency of the body and is used for all sorts of things, including muscle contraction. When you exercise, your muscles rapidly use up ATP for energy, which means, your fuel tank so to speak, gets depleted. 

    Creatine Monohydrate helps to replenish these ATP levels, so you can exercise for longer periods of time and at a higher intensity. 

    It also increases levels of another substance called Phosphocreatine (PCr). PCr is stored in the muscles and is used to resynthesize ATP. So, by increasing PCr levels, creatine also helps to improve athletic performance. 


    Increases muscle size and muscle fibers 

    Creatine Monohydrate also increases the uptake of amino acids into muscle cells and helps to synthesize new proteins. Muscle proteins are the building blocks of muscle tissue. 

    So, by increasing muscle protein synthesis, creatine leads to an increase in muscle size (hypertrophy). In fact, one of the main mechanisms by which creatine works is by increasing cell hydration. 

    Cell hydration is a process whereby water is drawn into muscle cells, which causes them to swell. This leads to an increase in muscle size. 

    Another way in which creatine increases muscle size is by increasing the number of muscle fibers. This is achieved by increasing levels of a protein called myostatin. Myostatin is a protein that inhibits muscle growth. 


    So, by reducing myostatin levels, creatine allows you to build more muscle. 

    Improves cognitive performance 

    Creatine Monohydrate has also been shown to improve cognitive performance. This is likely due to the fact that it increases levels of ATP in the brain. 

    ATP is used for a variety of things in the body, including muscle contraction and nerve impulse conduction. So, by increasing ATP levels, creatine helps to improve cognitive performance. 

    A study published in the journal Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment showed that creatine improved memory and intelligence in a group of elderly individuals. 

    Supports cardiovascular performance 

    Your cardiovascular system is responsible for transporting oxygen and nutrients around the body. It consists of your heart, blood vessels, and blood. 


    Creatine Monohydrate has been shown to improve cardiovascular performance by increasing levels of a substance called nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a molecule that helps to relax blood vessels and improve blood flow. 

    So, by increasing nitric oxide levels, creatine helps to improve blood flow and transportation of oxygen and nutrients around the body. 

    A study published in the journal Cardiovascular Research showed that creatine improved cardiovascular performance in a group of heart failure patients. 

    Increases muscle pumps 

    Nothing can beat the feeling of a good muscle pump. When you exercise, your muscles fill with blood and nutrients and look bigger than ever before. 


    Creatine Monohydrate has been shown to increase the size of muscle pumps. This is likely due to the fact that it increases levels of nitric oxide, as we discussed above. 

    What are the different forms of creatine? 

    Creatine is available in a variety of different forms. The most popular forms are: 

    Creatine Monohydrate 

    This is the most common creatine and is the form that has been studied the most. It is also the cheapest form of creatine. 

    Micronized Creatine Monohydrate 

    This is a creatine monohydrate that has been treated to make the particles smaller. This makes it easier for the body to absorb and use. 


    Creatine Ethyl Ester (CEE) 

    This is a creatine that has been esterified, which means that it has been bonded to a fatty acid. This makes it more bioavailable than creatine monohydrate. 

    Creatine Hydrochloride 

    This is a creatine that has been bonded to hydrochloric acid. This makes it more soluble in water and easier for the body to absorb. 

    Buffered Creatine 

    This is a creatine that has been bonded to an amino acid. This makes it less likely to cause stomach upset. 

    Creatine Nitrate 

    This is one of the newest, and most popular, types of creatine on the market. It is a combination of creatine and nitrate, which is a vasodilator. This means that it can help to increase blood flow and deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. Creatine nitrate is also supposed to be more soluble than other types of creatine 


    Creatine Citrate Pyruvate 

    This type of creatine is a combination of creatine, citrate, and pyruvate. Citrate is a molecule that can help to increase the absorption of creatine. Pyruvate is a molecule that can help to increase the production of ATP. This type of creatine is supposed to be more easily absorbed by your body than other types of creatine. 


    Q. Which type of creatine should you take? 

    A. There's no definitive answer to this question. Some people prefer to take creatine monohydrate because it's the most studied creatine and it's also the cheapest. Other people prefer to take more bioavailable creatine, such as CEE or HCL. Ultimately, it's up to you which form of creatine you take. 


    Q. How much creatine should you take? 

    A. The recommended dose of creatine is 3-5 grams per serving. 

    Q. What are the side effects of taking creatine? 

    A. The most common side effect of taking creatine is weight gain. This is because creatine attracts water into your muscles, which can cause your muscles to swell and appear bigger than they are. 

    Some people also experience bloating and cramping with poor-quality creatine monohydrate supplements. This is why it's important to buy a high-quality creatine supplement from a reputable company. 

    The Bottom Line 

    Creatine Monohydrate can be an excellent supplement for increasing muscle size, strength, and power. That said, it's important to choose a creatine supplement that is high quality and from a reputable company. 


    All three options that we have listed are tested, proven, and backed by science. They are also made by companies that have a reputation for making high quality supplements. 

    Here's the list once again. 

  • Transparent Labs Creatine HMB- Unlock your anabolic potential 

  • Onnit Creatine Monohydrate - Creatine without bells and whistles 

  • We hope that this article has helped you to understand the different types of creatine and how they can benefit you. If you have any questions, please feel free to leave a comment below. 

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