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21 Amazing Ways To Get Your Ex Back (Updated)

Let’s take a look at how one can get their ex back by improving themselves and then focusing on getting them back.


Amazing Ways To Get Your Ex Back

Breakups can be nasty and leave you wondering what went wrong. It often leaves people questioning themselves and thinking if they weren’t good enough for their partner. It can leave you traumatized and affect your well-being.

People often tend to grow close in their relationships irrespective of the days, months, or years they have been together for.

If you have been extremely close to this person, heartbreak can be hard to deal with, and you may not be able to deal with it on your own. Is there a good way of winning your ex back is a question you may ask yourself.


Well, it is possible to win your ex back but there are several things that you need to take into consideration before begging them to come back and give the relationship another chance.

Let’s take a look at how one can get their ex back by improving themselves and then focusing on getting them back.

1. Understand the situation better

Often in a relationship, individuals tend to make it all about the needs of their partner and ignore their own needs. Firstly, it is important to give yourself clarity about the situation and how it impacts your well-being.

It is important to put yourself first while understanding a breakup. Make sure to control your emotions and assess the situation effectively. Make a note of all the things that you have done to make sure that your partner is comfortable.


Once you have done this, make sure to understand what led to the breakup and how you played a role in it. Additionally, humans tend to make mistakes while being in a relationship.

Keep that in mind and understand the situation better. Once you understand the situation you can strike a clear conversation with your ex and try to make things better between you two.

Hence, understanding the situation and devising a proper way to deal with the breakup, and clearing the things that led to it is the best way to work it out between you two and get your ex back.

2. Personal space

Giving someone personal space after a breakup is of utmost importance. Understandably, you may feel the need to talk to them and meet up.

However, the most important thing is to give them space to think thoroughly about the situation and figure things out on their own.

When there is a lack of personal space, it can be difficult for a person to think clearly and may cause them to decide in haste.

Thus, to avoid this, it is important to eliminate your urge to talk to them and make sure that they have personal space to think clearly. Once this is done, you can initiate a conversation with them and talk about getting back together.


3. Stop contacting them

If you have recently broken up, the best thing is to stop contacting them for a while. This step is extremely important as contacting them and being needy can make them drift further apart.

Once you have said your goodbyes make sure to take the necessary measures to stop contacting them. Block them from every social media site and messaging app if necessary.

Keep them wondering what you have been up to and hit them up once you have healed from the breakup. By not contacting your ex it may make them miss you.


However, it only works if you are determined enough and make sure not to contact them no matter what.

4. Work on yourself

Working on ourselves is the last thing that we think about after a breakup. It is important to remember that as humans, we aren’t perfect and it is important to address this as soon as we break up.

Dealing with a breakup positively is extremely important, and it involves working on ourselves better.

What does working on yourself mean? It simply means getting your life together on track and doing things that make you happy.

Like indulging in your hobbies once in a while, hanging out with family and friends, including exercise and healthy eating, and doing everything that you deserve. By working on yourself, your ex will be able to see how good you were for them and how you positively impacted their life.


Make sure to work on yourself immediately after a breakup because crying and venting won’t help you get your ex back.

5. Boost your self-esteem

Self-esteem is something that may get affected by a breakup the most. This is because a breakup leaves you with self-doubt and the inability to understand things from your point of view.

A breakup shouldn’t be all about “maybe I wasn’t good enough” instead, it must be about building your self-esteem back.

So throw self-doubt and other issues in a trash can and focus on yourself. The best way to boost your self-esteem is to focus on your emotions, assess what you are best at doing, recognize that you are important, and work on yourself.


Once you cope with your self-esteem issues, you can approach your ex with a sense of pride and know that you have done enough for your relationship.

Once your ex sees the boost in your confidence and sees what they may have let go, you can strike up a conversation about getting back together and working on your relationship next.

6. Rediscover Yourself

We often forget the person we once were. This is because we often think about the needs, likes, and dislikes of the person we are with and tend to change into something they would like more.

However, we tend to forget that they wanted you when you were yourself, that is, they got with you for who you were. We often forget this and change ourselves for the partner.


Thus, a breakup is the best way to rediscover your old self. Remember the person you were, remember why they fell in love with you, remember your personality back then, bring back the sense of style that you had once before you got comfortable in the relationship, and develop yourself furthermore.

You can then communicate with your ex with the same charisma you had when you first met them and slay them the way you did before. This is one of the best ways to get your ex back and rebuild your relationship.


7. Bring a positive change in your appearance

As mentioned earlier, we tend to get comfortable in a relationship and stop worrying about our appearance even for our own sake.

A breakup is a good chance to get back your A-Game. Go out for a run, work out, eat healthy, make healthy changes in your lifestyle, and doll yourself up.

Go out, get a new haircut, get your nails done, and do everything that makes you look fresh.

Dress up and go out to have fun, meet up with new friends, and make sure that they hear about the positive change in your appearance from their friends or others. This might make them want to reach out to you and perhaps even get back to you.


8. Rekindle with the outside world

After a breakup, individuals expect you to sit alone at home and cry over them. However, doing the unexpected is the best way to get them back.

Looking at you being fine might make them wonder if you miss them, and they may contact you. Looking at you not worried about the breakup may make them want you back, and they may ask you to get back with them.

9. Invite your ex for a casual hangout

The sweetest way to make your ex want you back is by inviting them for a casual hangout after a month or so of the breakup. You can invite them to the place you went for the first date, somewhere you and your ex made memories or the place where they met you for the very first time.


10. Communicate better

If you feel like the breakup was caused due to a mere misunderstanding and lack of communication, approach them after a while when they have cooled off. Strike up a conversation and ask them to be open-minded with the relationship.

Ask them to clear things out with a calm mind and make sure that you stay calm as well. Try to understand the point of view from both sides.

11. Remember what caused the breakup

The reason behind the breakup must be clear at all times. You must remember why the breakup took place in the first place.


If it was caused due to a third person in any way, make sure to not involve this person when you talk about the breakup.

Make sure to assess everything that led to the breakup and keep an open mind. Resolve the issue by going back in time in a sequence and making a note of the things you did and they did for the relationship to break.

This may make them realize that you put in effort to save the relationship and may help you win them back.

12. Bring about positivity in your thoughts

Instead of overthinking and keeping negative thoughts in your mind, it is best to cultivate positive thinking. This helps you focus on the positive aspects of the relationship and how you have done enough to make it work. Make them realize how great you two were together and induce these positive thoughts in them as well.


13. Be someone you are proud of

One must feel proud of themselves before expecting others to be proud of them. This is one of the steps you need to take in self-development and is extremely crucial.

Once you have made sure that you have done everything in your power, that you have given it all to make it work, you can feel proud of yourself. You can make your ex realize the same and try to win them over by talking about self-worth.

14. Own your flaws like a boss


When in a relationship, it is important to be your authentic self as it has a major impact on the relationship. This means that owning your flaws is also an important step in maintaining a relationship.

If you feel like you have been trying to give up your authentic self while trying to please them, it is important to own your flaws and make sure they know that you are proud of your flaws as well.

This might make them want you back as they may see how true you are and how you do not need to fake anything to make it work with anyone.


15. Use your social media account to your advantage

Make sure that your posts may somehow reach them. Post yourself indulging in activities like hanging out with friends, enjoying solitude, and moving on in your life. This may make them feel like they have been missing you and may ask you to hang out with them.

16. Projecting Happiness

Project your happiness on them and make sure that they feel it. If they feel like you are happy even without them, they may want to return to you looking at the positivity that you have and you may end up back together.


17. Reach out to them at the right time

The right time to reach out to them is within a month or so. This is why maintaining distance for a while is important. Let them think of you for a month and let them remember all the good times you had. Once you contact them, they may be happy and realize how they missed talking to you and being with you.

18. Talk about all the good times you’ve had

Invite your ex for a casual hangout session and start reminiscing about all the good memories that you have created throughout your relationship. This may ignite feelings within them and may help you get them back into a relationship with you.


19. Meet him and show him how you have changed

Make sure that they notice how you have changed and how you love yourself more despite the breakup. They may like the new and developed you and make them want to come back to you.

20. Assess their personality type and act accordingly

If your ex was the jealous type, it is simple to get them back. Simply create jealousy by mentioning a great time you had with one of your friends. If your ex loved and valued confidence, show them that you have improved and make sure that they notice this change in you. Thus, work out a plan according to the personality type of your ex.


21. Reverse psychology

This is one of the best ways to get your ex back. They may do things deliberately to make you jealous. Hence, you can choose not to act and give no reaction which is what they expected. This may help them get interested in what you have been up to and may make them strike up a conversation.


It may be easy to get an ex back depending on various factors that led to the breakup. However, make sure that the relationship you are fighting for is worth it and that you and your ex were great together.


Consider all the scenarios, think about whether it is going to work out, and other important aspects of the relationship.

Love yourself, develop yourself, achieve your dreams and goals, and love independence if you wish to move on from your ex. Prioritize your needs and work accordingly.

Also, remember that you must analyze before getting your ex back thoroughly. This could be a good or a bad call.

If your ex was a toxic person, it could be hard for you to change them and situations. If both of you are willing to work things out, it can always work. Think twice and make a wise decision.


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