
MP: 21-Year-Old Dalit Man Thrashed For Befriending Girl From Another Caste

The victim, resident of Bufwani village, was friends with a girl belonging to an OBC family and he had gifted her a mobile phone recently, the official said.

MP: 21-Year-Old Dalit Man Thrashed For Befriending Girl From Another Caste

In a shocking incident, a 21-year-old Dalit man was allegedly beaten up and forced to wear a garland of shoes for befriending a girl from another caste in Madhya Pradesh's Jabalpur district.

According to the police, a video of the incident also went viral. Four members of the girl's family were arrested on Monday after a complaint was registered, said City Superintendent of Police (CSP) Ravi Chouhan.

The victim, resident of Bufwani village, was friends with a girl belonging to an OBC family and he had gifted her a mobile phone recently, the official said.

When the girl's family learnt about this, they called the victim and his cousin on May 22.

When the two reached her house, her family members allegedly beat up the victim and his cousin. They also forced the victim to wear a garland of shoes and tonsured his head partially, the official said.

The accused shot a video of the incident which was circulated on social media, CSP Chouhan added.

After the video went viral, the victim filed a complaint at Chargava police station last week, he said.

A case under IPC sections 324 (assault), 506 (criminal intimidation) as well as the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act was registered and probe was on, the official said.

With PTI inputs





