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Alpha Brain Reviews 2023 - Does Onnit's Nootropic Really Work?

Alpha Brain is a nootropic supplement, also called a Smart pill or a smart drug. Well, technically it's not a drug because it does not contain any synthetic or chemical ingredients.


Alpha Brain

"Alpha brain reviews suggest that this is the best nootropic for all things related to cognition. But we don't think so. Here are our thoughts." 

Look up on Google for Alpha Brain Reviews and you'll probably come across a few pages of glossy reviews that call it the bee's knees for all things brain related. 

Onnit is a popular (for some reason) and large dietary supplement brand with a range of nootropics, vitamins, and health supplements offered. 

Alpha Brain is one such product in their range; it's a cocktail of natural ingredients designed to help with focus, energy, memory, and overall cognitive health. 


But does it really work? Many people have written glowing reviews about Alpha Brain’s positive effects, with some of the most common claims being improved alertness and focus, better memory recall, improve brain function, and enhanced verbal fluency. 

But is this just a well-paid marketing campaign at work? Nootropics are a novel and relatively new concept. So it's important to look at the evidence before jumping on the bandwagon. 

Today, we are going to drill down into the science behind Alpha Brain and decide whether it really lives up to its claims. 

We'll look at the ingredients list, clinical trials, customer reviews, and more to build a comprehensive picture of what this nootropic can do for you. So let's get started! 


Best Alternatives for Alpha Brain 

What is Alpha Brain? 

Alpha Brain is a nootropic supplement, also called a Smart pill or a smart drug. Well, technically it's not a drug because it does not contain any synthetic or chemical ingredients. 

It's a natural supplement that combines herbal extracts, vitamins, and minerals to boost cognitive performance and increase overall brain health. 

According to Onnit, Alpha Brain can help with focus, mental clarity, memory recall, and creativity. It also promises improved verbal fluency and comprehension ability. 

That's a lot to offer as a supplement even. 

We have been closely following the nootropic space to keep ourselves updated with the latest scientific developments. 

We are pretty well versed with natural ingredients and how they work, if at all. 

What this means is that a quick glance at the ingredients list will suffice to give us a good idea of what Alpha Brain is capable of. 

Before we take a look at the ingredients list to get an answer, lets quickly analyze the claims made by Onnit. 

How does alpha Brain work? The Claims 

Most often, the claims made by a supplement company is a dead giveaway of what is likely to be included in the supplement. 


Onnit claims Alpha Brain can do a whole bunch of different things for your mental capacity. Here's an overview of the ones in bold. 

Remember things easily - Recall 

Claim number one is that Alpha Brain can help you remember things with more ease. This would be especially helpful for students or people who are preparing for an exam or presentation. 

But even otherwise, struggling to remember things that you should have remembered normally can be frustrating. 

This tends to occur more commonly once you cross the age of 40. Alpha Brain claims that it can help you recall things more easily. 


Sharpen your focus and clarity - Concentration 

The second claim is that Alpha Brain can sharpen your focus and mental clarity. 

This is especially useful for people who have to multi-task on a daily basis, or are feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work they have to do. 

Having improved clarity and focus would be a great help in these circumstances. 

This claim received a shot in the arm after Alpha Brain was featured on the Joe Rogan podcast. 

Well, Joe Rogan was a co-founder of the company. So no surprises there really. 

Enhance your creativity - Creativity 

Amongst all the claims that Alpha Brain makes, this is probably the most interesting one. Enhancement of creativity is usually attributed to the use of hallucinogens or other artificial substances. 


There are only a select few ingredients of botanical origin that can help with creative thinking and an amino acid or two. 

Alpha Brain claims to be one of them. Whether it has the potential to do this or not is something that we will touch upon when we review the ingredients. 

Alphra Brain Ingredients 

What goes into this smart pill? Let's take a look, shall we? 

Alpha Brain contains three different blends of ingredients. Each blend is a mix of different ingredients that supposedly produce different cognitive enhancement benefits. 

The Onnit Flow Blend 

As implied by the name, this blend is supposed to help with activating the flow state. It contains L-Tyrosine, Oat Straw Extract, and Phosphatidylserine. For those who are new tot his, the flow state is a mental state where you can focus and be in the ‘zone’ for an extended period of time. 


In simple terms, if you are in the flow state for an hour, you can probably get 2-3 hours of work done within that hour. This blend totals to 650 mg. 

The Onnit Focus Blend 

Here's the kicker. The flow state is the same as the focus state. Still, Onnit Alpha Brain has a separate blend for focus. It contains Alpha GPC, bacopa, and toothed club moss extract. 

These ingredients are meant to produce an effect similar to caffeine but without the crash or jitters for brain performance. This blend totals to 240 mg. 

The Onnit Fuel Blend 

The third blend is meant to provide a jitter-free increase in energy levels. It contains L-Leucine, and Pterostilbene. 


This blend is 60 mg. The idea of a stimulant free energy boost sounds great, but does it work for brain and nerve cells? 

It rarely does. Any increase in mental energy that you might experience may be short lived. 

Does Alpha brain really work? 

The question that we hear a lot is whether or not Alpha brain works. 

There's no denying that some of the ingredients in the Alpha Brain formula are associated with an improvement in cognitive function. 

But we don't think it even comes close to meeting the claims they make. Here's an explanation about why we think so. 


Proprietary blends anyone? 

Have you heard about proprietary blends? They are called so because the manufacturers don't reveal the exact composition of each ingredient. 

This is usually done to keep people from recreating the formula with cheaper ingredients. But it's become a simpler way to cut costs. 

You see, proprietary blends give companies the freedom to add the bare minimum amounts of certain ingredients. 

For instance, hypothetically, if Pterostilbene is an expensive ingredient and L-Leucine is a cheap one. 

A supplement manufacturer can add 59.99 mgs of L-Leucine and 0.01 mgs of Pterostilbene in a blend and call it a 60 mg blend of the two. 


There's no reason for them to disclose that they have added such a small amount of the expensive ingredient. 

The bottom line is if you don't know the exact amounts per ingredient, in a prop blend. Ever. This just takes away from the credibility of the supplement. 

Inadequate ingredients 

While Alpha Brain does contain some good ingredients, it also lacks several others which we consider to be essential for any nootropic supplement. 

These include CDP-Choline, ALCAR and Huperzine A. All of these ingredients are found in some of the best nootropic supplements available. 

So why is Alpha Brain missing them? 


We can only speculate here. But it's possible that these ingredients just cost too much for Onnit to afford to include in the Alpha Brain formula, given that it's quite cheap. 

How much does Alpha Brain cost? 

The only real motivation that someone can find for using Alpha Brain is the price. 

This is a cheap nootropic supplement. One that costs less than 50% of what some of the better supplements out there cost. 

But is it worth it? Not if you are looking for real results. 

We would feel a lot better paying a bit more for a nootropic supplement with better ingredients than taking alpha brain. 


Conclusion - Our Alpha Brain review 

At the end of the day, Alpha Brain is an average nootropic supplement at best. Some of the ingredients in it may provide a slight cognitive boost. 

And that's a big 'maybe'. But we don't think it is nearly enough to justify its price tag. Is alpha brain fda approved? No, it's not. 

It claims to do a lot. But it falls short when it comes to delivering the promised results. We suggest you look at more complete and effective nootropic supplements instead. 

We have listed three of the best nootropics here. They contain all the essential ingredients and are a lot more effective than Alpha Brain. 


#1 - Noocube - Best nootropic for memory 


Since the ability to recall information is one of the claims that Onnit makes for Alpha Brain, we start with a nootropic supplement that aces this criteria. Noocube  ticks all the boxes when it comes to memory and cognition. 

It contains several clinically tested ingredients that are known to improve memory and cognitive function. 

These include Bacopa Monnieri, Alpha GPC, Huperzine A, L-Theanine and a whole blend of powerful vitamins. There's no way this cannot boost your memory and recall. 

What is Noocube? 

Noocube is the #1 selling nootropic supplement in America. 


This potent smart supplement has become the go-to choice for anyone who tends to struggle to keep up with their daily demands. 

It boosts your concentration, focus and mental clarity so you can stay productive for hours on end. 

We are not merely talking about recalling names or numbers here folks. Noocube can do a lot more. If you picture your brain like this ginormous puzzle board, then Noocube will help you fit in the pieces faster and better. 

Why Noocube is a better nootropic than Onnit Alpha brain 

There are several reasons why Noocube is a much better choice than Alpha Brain. 


First, Noocube contains double the number of ingredients that Alpha Brain has in its formula. And they are transparent. There are no proprietary blends or mystery ingredients here. 

But that's not the primary reason we think it's a great choice. Here are more reasons. 

Alpha GPC and B-Vitamins for memory 

Noocube contains two essential ingredients for improving memory and recall — Alpha GPC and B-Vitamins like B1, B7 & vitamin b6. 

Together, these two ingredients can help improve your overall cognitive function by aiding neurotransmitters in your brain. 

This means you can think faster, remember more and recall better than ever before. 


Huperzine A for focus and attention spans 

Huperzine A is a potent nootropic ingredient which helps you to reach peak performance faster. 

It stimulates and activates neurotransmitters and provides them with energy so you can stay focused and attentive for longer. 

Plus, Huperzine A is also known to improve dendrite production, which means you can make new neural pathways faster and stay productive for much longer. 

L-Theanine and bacopa for stress relief 

Stress is one of the biggest, if not the biggest, killers of productivity. It zaps your energy and stops you from doing the things you want to do. 


Noocube includes two powerful stress-busting ingredients — L-Theanine, an essential amino acid and Bacopa Monnieri. 

Both of these have proven to be beneficial in reducing stress, stimulating alpha brain waves and improving brain function. With these two ingredients, you can be sure that stress won’t get in the way of your productivity. 

Noocube Price 

At $59 for a 30-day supply, Noocube is more expensive than Alpha Brain. But, as we repeatedly tell our clients, the price is not the only marker of quality. 

Noocube is more than just a nootropic supplement. It's a smart and complete package that can help you amplify your mental performance in all aspects of life. 


By the way, do check out their Buy 3, Get 2 free offers. It just maximizes the value of the supplement by miles. 

Noocube vs. Onnit Alpha Brain - Who's the winner 

Does that even need a mark? 

Noocube is the clear winner here. It contains more ingredients like Cat's claw extract, offers better and it delivers results with minimal side effects. This is one of the only nootropics that stimulates alpha brain wave production. 

Alpha Brain, on the other hand, is expensive and yet only contains a few ingredients, that too in a proprietary blend. 


So if you ask us to pick one, it will be Noocube without a doubt. 

Get Noocube dietary supplement today and start improving your cognitive performance like never before! 

#2 - Hunter Focus - Best Nootropic for Focus and the Flow Zone 

Hunter Focus

Let's talk about focus and getting into the famed, but elusive "flow" zone. You know what we mean right? 

That state of being where everything around you melts away and you can focus intensely on one task. 

But with distractions galore and technology always at our fingertips, it's getting harder and harder to focus on anything for more than a few seconds. 


That's where Hunter Focus  shines. 

What is Hunter Focus? 

Hunter Focus from Evolve is a natural alternative to focus on inducing stimulant drugs like Adderall and Ritalin. 

This powerful nootropic has the perfect blend of clinically tested nootropic ingredients to help you focus and stay in the flow zone. 

While it's not conclusive, researchers believe that the flow state of mind is controlled by two neurotransmitters — dopamine and glutamate. 

Hunter Focus contains ingredients that increase the production of both these neurotransmitters, hence improving your cognitive functions. 

Why Hunter Focus is a better nootropic than Onnit Alpha Brain 

Be it in the supplement industry or in pharmaceutical-grade drugs, there seems to be no other option except stimulants to help you get into the focus zone. 


But with Hunter Focus, you can get the same benefits without worrying about all the side effects that come with stimulants. 

Plus, when compared to Alpha Brain, Hunter Focus is way more potent. Here's why it's a much better nootropic for brain function. 

Organic Lion's Mane and Citicholine 

There are two ingredients in Hunter Focus that offer the most benefit when it comes to focusing and concentration — Organic Lion's Mane and Citicoline. 

Organic Lion's Mane is an ancient mushroom that has been part of traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years. 

It helps to boost brain cells and increase the production of Nerve Growth Factor(NGF) which helps in improving mental clarity and focus. 


Citicholine on the other hand, is an essential nutrient that helps to increase the production of acetylcholine. 

Acetylcholine is a neurotransmitter that helps to improve cognitive ability, focus and mental speed. 

Increased blood flow with Gingko Biloba 

Hunter Focus also contains Gingko Biloba. This ingredient helps to improve blood flow and oxygenation of the brain. Increasing cerebral blood flow has been known to help improve cognitive ability and focus. 

It also improves your overall mood, reduces anxiety and helps to relieve stress. 

Great mood 

You need to be in the right frame of mind to focus and get into the flow zone. Hunter Focus has got you covered there too. Ashwagandha Root and Panax Ginseng Extract in the supplement helps to boost your mood and reduce anxiety levels. 


So be sure to get into that coveted flow zone with Hunter Focus. 

Hunter Focus Price 

Each bottle of Hunter Focus has 180 capsules. That's thrice the cookie cutter nootropic sold online. So it's natural that it's a tad pricier than the rest. 

You get a month's supply for $90. It's not really a big price to pay for something that can help you get into the flow zone 

If you buy three bottles, you get one full bottle for free. 

Hunter Focus vs. Onnit Alpha Brain - Who's the winner? 

If you struggle to get a grasp on your focus, Hunter Focus is definitely a better option than Onnit Alpha Brain. 


It has the right ingredients to unlock your inner potential and get you into the flow zone. 

Plus, since it's an all-natural supplement, you don't have to worry about any of the side effects that come with stimulants. 

If you're looking to swap out that ADHD med, give Hunter Focus a try. 

#3 - Mind Lab Pro - Best Nootropic for Motivation 

Mind Lab Pro

How many times have you struggled to complete a task due to lack of motivation? It can be really frustrating when you just can't seem to get into the groove and finish that project. 

Lack of motivation is something that most of us grapple with at some point in our lives, and when it hits, it can really push back your productivity. 


This is where Mind Lab Pro  comes in. 

What is Mind Lab Pro? 

Mind Lab Pro is a bestselling nootropic that improves your cognitive functioning. But it seems to be better at helping boost motivation. 

It contains 13 ingredients, many of which aid in improving your focus and concentration, but the star ingredient is Lion's Mane Mushroom (full spectrum). 

This along with other ingredients like Citicholine, B vitamins and Rhodiola Rosea helps to increase your motivation levels. 

Why Mind Lab Pro is better Nootropic than Onnit Alpha Brain 

Here's a fun fact. This is the fourth iteration of Mind Lab Pro. The formula has been constantly tweaked over the years to make it better. 


That's why Mind Lab Pro is a much better nootropic than Onnit Alpha Brain. Here are some of the reasons why it works so well for mood and motivation. 

Increases your happy hormones 

They are called happy hormones for a reason. Neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine and noradrenaline help to keep us in good spirits. 

Mind Lab Pro helps to increase the production of these hormones which not only improves your mood but also boosts your motivation. 

Helps regulate stress hormones 

The flip side of happy hormones are stress hormones. High levels of cortisol can interfere with your ability to focus and could even lead to depression. 


Mind Lab Pro helps regulate cortisol levels, which in turn helps you stay calm and motivated. 

B Vitamins for more energy and less fatigue 

The importance of B Vitamins in the overall cognitive functioning of the body can't be overemphasized. 

When it comes to the brain, these vitamins help to increase your energy levels, boost brain functions and reduce fatigue. 

Mind Lab Pro contains B Vitamins which help to keep you energized and motivated throughout a busy day. 

Mind Lab Pro Price 

Mind Lab Pro costs just $69 a month. That's nothing compared to how people end up paying for addictive brain stimulants. 


Plus, since it's all-natural, you don't have to worry about any nasty side effects. 

Do check out the three month bundle priced at $207. Get one free bottle of Mind Lab Pro and a bottle of Performance Lab MCT Oil for free. 

Mind Lab Pro vs. Onnit Alpha Brain - Who's the winner 

Mind Lab Pro is a superior nootropic to Onnit Alpha Brain when it comes to motivation. It helps to increase the production of happy hormones and also regulates stress hormones which keeps you in a good mood and motivated. 


Plus, you don't have to worry about any of the side effects that come with stimulants. This is not addictive. 

The Bottom Line - Alpha Brain reviews 

Despite Joe Rogan claiming that Onnit Alpha Brain makes his brain function at a higher RPM, we feel that it falls short of meeting the tall claims. 

The proprietary blend of Onnit Alpha Brain is a huge red flag and some of the ingredients used in it lack scientific backing. 

However, the three options that we listed have much better ingredients in potent active doses and have a much better track record. Here's the list again for your reference. 


Noocube  - Best Nootropic for recall 

Hunter Focus  - Best Nootropic for focus 

Mind Lab Pro  - Best Nootropic for motivation

Disclaimer: The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.
