
How Covid Virus Spreads And The Precautions You Must Take

During such times, when the country's healthcare system is crumbling down, it is we the people, who need to step up and take measures that can prevent the spread of the deadly virus.

How Covid Virus Spreads And The Precautions You Must Take

The second wave of coronavirus has taken a heavy toll on India's population. Hospitals and medical facilities are struggling to keep up with the rising number of Covid-19 patients and the unfortunate and tragic accounts of deaths are rising every passing day. During such times, when the country's healthcare system is crumbling down, it is we the people, who need to step up and take measures that can prevent the spread of the deadly virus.

The virus enters the body via the nose, mouth, and eyes. Some recent studies suggest that the virus may be airborne and can be spread through fine infected droplets that remain suspended in the air in closed air-conditioned environments of offices, AC cabs-buses, shopping malls, and theatres due to the absence of cross-ventilation, even when you are not in direct contact with an infected person.

Here's how Covid transmission can be reduced:

  • Staying at home if possible, especially if you are more than 60 years or less than 5 years of age, or have comorbidities like diabetes, hypertension, or chronic ailments. Avoid meeting visitors at home.
  • Washing your hands and face at regular intervals with soap and water.
  • Wearing a mask at all times when out of the house.
  • Social distancing – keeping a distance of 6 feet from others when out of the house.
  • Cleaning the frequently touched surfaces with disinfectant regularly.
  • Avoiding closed spaces with central air-conditioning like offices, malls, etc. with inadequate fresh air.
  • Avoid going near sick people.
  • Ensuring proper nutrition through a balanced diet, maintaining hydration with plenty of fluids, boosting immunity through fresh fruit juices, herbal drinks and turmeric in milk.
  • Daily exercise and meditation.
  • Taking your daily prescribed medicines regularly. Don’t self-medicate.

Don’t hesitate to seek medical advice whenever needed.




