
Will Domestic Help, Delivery Of Groceries Be Allowed? Here Are All Your Questions Answered

With coronavirus cases showing no signs of abating in Delhi and the positivity rate remaining high, the Delhi government on Sunday extended the lockdown by another week – Till May 3.

Will Domestic Help, Delivery Of Groceries Be Allowed? Here Are All Your Questions Answered

With coronavirus cases showing no signs of abating in Delhi and the positivity rate remaining high, the Delhi government on Sunday extended the lockdown by another week – Till May 3.

Apart from curbs that were enforced during the recent weekend curfew, private offices, construction work, cinemas, and weekly markets will also remain closed. The government has ordered to close of all the schools, colleges, coaching institutes.

Is this a complete lockdown like last year?

No, private offices, shopping centres, malls, cinemas, shops, theatres, restaurants and bars, auditoriums, gyms will remain closed.

There will be a complete ban on any sort of gatherings – Social, political, entertainment, cultural, religious. However, the list of exemptions is longer as compared to the lockdown that was enforced in March last year.

What is being exempted?

All those involved in essential services will be exempted – Print and electronic media, doctors, nursing staff, paramedics, staffers of medical labs, medical oxygen suppliers, government officials working with departments such as health, police, fire, power, water, Delhi Metro, municipal bodies, members and staffers of the judiciary.

Pregnant women and other patients, people traveling to and from airports, railway stations, and ISBTs will also be exempted.

The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has also allowed shops in the sectors of courier services, self-employed electricians, plumbers, or water purifier repair personnel, shops for educational books, and shops for electric fans to remain open. Those employed by these can apply for e-passes for movement.

Can people go out to get vaccinated?

As per the order, those going for Covid-19 testing or vaccination shall be allowed. Medical attendants will also be allowed to attend to patients on the production of ID-card, prescriptions, and other medical documents.

Can people catch a bus, train, or flight?

Yes, Delhi Police will allow the movement of such individuals on the production of valid tickets. Those going to the airport or rail stations or bus terminals to pick up someone will also be allowed.

What about grocery vendors and chemists?

E-passes will be issued to people engaged in running shops selling medicines, groceries, fruits and vegetables, dairy and milk booths, meat and fish; people working in banks, telecom/ internet services, private security services.

Will domestic help be allowed?

Yes. Restaurants and eateries will be allowed to offer takeaway and home delivery services. Domestic help will also be allowed.

Will liquor shops be opened?

Liquor shops will remain closed.

Can one go out for a walk/jog in parks?

Public parks, gardens, gyms will remain shut. Swimming pools and stadia shall be allowed to function only for the training of sports personnel for participation in national and international events. These facilities shall remain out of bounds for others.





