
Live Updates | 'It's Time We Fight Terrorism Together': PM Modi Tells World Leaders At UNGA

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Live Updates | 'It's Time We Fight Terrorism Together': PM Modi Tells World Leaders At UNGA

All eyes are on the UN General Assembly (UNGA) where India and Pakistan are taking the stage.

 Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his speech at the 74th session of the UNGA on Friday exhorted the international community to stand united against terrorism, which he described as one of the biggest challenges not for any single country, but for the entire world.

Imran Khan is likely to follow the Indian Prime Minister on the UNGA podium and is likely to focus on Kashmir.

Catch all the live updates here:

7: 47 PM: "We believe terrorism is one of the biggest challenges, not for any single country, but for the entire world and humanity. For the sake of humanity, I firmly believe, that it is absolutely imperative, that the world unites against terrorism. Lack of unanimity amongst us on the issue of terrorism, dents those very principles, that are the basis for the creation of UN," said PM Modi.

7:46 PM: "Mahatma Gandhi's message of truth & non-violence very relevant even today, for peace, development and progress," said  PM Modi at UNGA.

7: 45 PM: "The very core of India's approach is public welfare through public participation: PM Modi while addressing UNGA session," PM said.

7: 43 PM: "When a developing nation successfully carries out the biggest cleanliness drive of the world and provides more than 11 crore toilets to its people just within 5 years, that system gives a message of inspiration to the entire world," PM Modi said.

7:42 PM: PM Modi called for the United Nations to be free of single-use plastic.   "As I came in here, on a wall at the entrance to this building, I noticed the call to make the United nations free of single-use plastic," Modi said.          

"I am pleased to inform this august assembly that even as I am addressing you today, a very large campaign is being started across the entire country to make India free of single-use plastic," he said during his address.

7:41 PM: Prime Minister Narendra Modi said India was one of the leading nations in the fight against climate change, though its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions was "very low".

"On one hand, we are working towards achieving the target of 450 Giga Watts of renewable energy, and on the other hand, we have also taken the initiative to create the International Solar Alliance," he said.

7: 40 PM: "The world's largest democracy voted for my government and me. We came back to power with a bigger majority and because of this mandate I am here today," PM Modi at UNGA

7:35 PM: PM Modi begins his speech at the UNGA in front of world leaders.

7:30 PM: Members of the Indian community gather outside United Nations Headquarters, ahead of PM Narendra Modi's address at the 74th United Nations General Assembly.

7:00 PM: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is all set to address the UN General Assembly a short while from now.

2:30 PM: The US has urged India to quickly ease restrictions imposed in Kashmir. "We hope to see rapid action -- the lifting of the restrictions and the release of those who have been detained," Alice Wells, the top State Department official for South Asia, said.

2:20 PM: Elimination of terrorism in all its forms is a precondition not only for fruitful cooperation but also for the very survival of the South Asian region, External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar tweeted after a SAARC meeting here.

2:17 PM:  At the SAARC meeting, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi boycotted the addressed by his Indian counterpart Jaishankar. Qureshi said: "It is not possible for me to sit with the murderer of Kashmiris." 





