Art & Entertainment

Producers Guild Of India And Filmmakers Come Forward To Help The Women Cops

Producers Guild of India, filmmakers for Frontline Care, Project Mumbai and Ketan Rawal come together for Mission Suraksha campaign and offers celebrity vans as restrooms for women cops

Producers Guild Of India And Filmmakers Come Forward To Help The Women Cops

As a gesture of gratitude ‘Mission Suraksha' was launched on Friday to protect our caretakers, especially women cop on bandobast duty. In the tweet, Producers Guild of India wrote, “Fully
equipped tents and vanity vans used by cinema stars have been provided across 22 key locations as restrooms for break time.”

Chhitra Subramaniam from Filmmakers From Frontline Care stated, "Women and men at the frontier of the fight with the virus are making tremendous sacrifices and need all the facilities and support to make their jobs easier. It's our privilege to help them in the best possible ways."

Shishir Joshi, Founder of Project Mumbai, “We at Project Mumbai have been at the forefront of reaching out to communities across sectors impacted by the virus. It is only natural that those who  serve us-the uniformed services get as much support that is possible. Mission Suraksha is about that.”

The gesture comes just a few days after Bollywood stars took to social media to express their gratitude to Mumbai Police for their tireless efforts during the ongoing lockdown. The pandemic has truly made the privileged from our society generous and Bollywood and they are coming forward to lend their hands to help the warriors of coronavirus who has been risking their lives to save the lives of those who have been infected with coronavirus.

The Producers Guild of India has also set up a relief fund for daily wage earners associated with the film industry, to ensure these workers and their families get food during the novel
coronavirus pandemic.






