
Congress Working Committee Meeting On October 16

The Congress general secretary KC Venugopal said the party will hold deliberations over country’s political situation and organisational elections.

Congress Working Committee Meeting On October 16

A meeting of the Congress party’s working committee will be held in New Delhi next week, the party general secretary KC Venugopal announced on Saturday.

The party’s top leadership will gather in the national capital on October 16.

He said the meeting of the working committee has been called to deliberate over the country’s current political situation and decide on the organisational elections.

"A meeting of the Congress Working Committee will be held on Saturday, the 16th October, 2021 at 10 am at AICC Office, 24, Akbar Road, New Delhi to discuss current political situation, forthcoming assembly elections and organisational elections," Venugopal tweeted,

The meeting has been convened after demands from some quarters within the party to discuss important issues, including some defections in the recent past.

Former leader of opposition in the Rajya Sabha Ghulam Nabi Azad had also written to the Congress president Sonia Gandhi to convene a meeting of the CWC soon. (With PTI inputs)





