
Cricket Vs COVID-19: Former Players Reiterate Measures Against Coronavirus Pandemic

The most recent tournament to take place in cricket was the 2020 Women's T20 World Cup

Cricket Vs COVID-19: Former Players Reiterate Measures Against Coronavirus Pandemic

The International Cricket Council (ICC) tweeted a video of former cricketers Isa Guha, Lisa Sthalekar and Anjum Chopra reiterating the safety measures that need to be taken amid the coronavirus pandemic.

"Cricket vs COVID-19," says Guha at the end of the video. Cricket, like every other sport, has come to a standstill due to the spread of the pandemic. It has thus far infected more than 1.5 million people around the world and killed over 85,000.

The three former players, who are currently active as commentators and pundits, urged everyone to stay together and stay healthy to see out the crisis.

The measures that Guha, Anjum and Sthalekar mentioned were to wash hands frequently, maintain social distancing, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, practice respiratory hygiene, to seek medical care if you have a fever, cough or difficulty in breathing, stay informed and to follow the advice of the healthcare providers.

The most recent tournament to take place in cricket was the 2020 Women's T20 World Cup. Since then, a succession of bilateral series were postponed or cancelled. India were to host South Africa for a three-match ODI series before the start of the Indian Premier League (IPL). While the first match of the series was washed out, it later emerged that the second and third matches will be played on a later date. The IPL itself was eventually deferred.





