
20 Coronavirus Hotspots Sealed In Delhi, Face Masks Made Compulsory For Those Stepping Out

As on Tuesday, the total number of coronavirus cases in the national capital rose to 576, with 51 fresh cases and two deaths being reported in a day.

20 Coronavirus Hotspots Sealed In Delhi, Face Masks Made Compulsory For Those Stepping Out

The Delhi government has sealed 20 COVID-19 hotspots in the national capital to combat the spread of the novel virus, Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia announced on Wednesday.

Talking to reporters after a high-level meeting, he said, "Nobody will be allowed to enter or exit from these areas."

The government will ensure delivery of essential items in the areas that have been sealed, he added.

The AAP-led government also made it compulsory for people to wear face masks when stepping outdoors to combat the coronavirus spread.

Announcing the decision, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said, "Wearing of facial masks can reduce the spread of coronavirus substantially."

"Therefore, it has been decided that facial masks will be compulsory for anyone stepping out of their house. Cloth mask shall be eligible too," he said in a tweet.

The chief minister said that all government departments have been directed to stop all expenditures except salary, adding that they will have to cut expenses drastically considering the current revenue status.

The meeting to discuss measures to contain the COVID-19 spread was attended by ministers and top officials of Delhi.

As on Tuesday, the total number of coronavirus cases in the national capital rose to 576, with 51 fresh cases and two deaths being reported in a day, according to the Delhi Health Department. 





