Art & Entertainment

IT Department Finds Irregularities Of Over Rs 20 Crores By Sonu Sood

Bollywood actor Sonu Sood has been allegedly implicated for irregularities in tax by the IT department. The amount said is over Rs 20 Crores.

IT Department Finds Irregularities Of Over Rs 20 Crores By Sonu Sood

In a surprise disclosure, the Income Tax Department has blamed Bollywood actor Sonu Sood for alleged monetary anomalies worth over Rs. 20 crore by way of unutilized charitable funds, bogus contracts and circular transactions all over India, officials said.

The revelations came after IT sleuths pounced for two days raiding some 28 premises in Mumbai, Delhi, Lucknow, Jaipur, Kanpur and Gurgaon in one of the major such investigative actions on any actor.

The IT department has claimed unutilized finances received through donations or crowd-funding of around Rs.20-crore, fake contracts worth Rs. 65-crore, and dubious circular transactions worth Rs. 175-crore with a Jaipur-based infrastructure company.

After clutching onto the case, IT is in search of implicating documents and other pieces of evidence that point at tax evasions. The IT investigations continue. The actor has yet not spoken up about the entire thing.





