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Donald Trump's Son Eric Asks Minnesota To Vote A Week After Elections, Becomes Laughing Stock

Eric Trump's tweet, which most likely was supposed to be scheduled for last Tuesday, drew ridicule online.

Donald Trump's Son Eric Asks Minnesota To Vote A Week After Elections, Becomes Laughing Stock

Donald Trump's second-oldest son, Eric Trump, became a laughing stock on social media for urging people of Minnesota to vote- a week after US elections ended.

Eric on Tuesday shared a tweet urging people of Minnesota to "get out and vote". The tweet was deleted within an hour but it didn't escape the eyes of Twitteratis. Within an hour, the screenshots of the tweet went viral.

The tweet, which most likely was supposed to be scheduled for last Tuesday, drew ridicule online.

Pennsylvania state representative Brian Sims replied: “BLURP: So the ‘team’ that scheduled a press conference at a landscaping business, and a tweet a week after the election, wants you to believe they’ve discovered fraud somewhere.”

 Eric Trump had posted similar tweets on Election Day and had urged people to cast their votes which is why it was assumed that the tweet was a scheduling error. 

The younger Trump was recently mocked for various reasons: his false claims of ballots being burned; "censoring" of his posts by big tech; and his claim that Democrats were spamming  Trump campaign voter fraud hotline with messages.





