
And Also

How to build cardio reserve for games played in sweltering heat


And Also

Sports Tip

Train Tough

I-league soccer is played in sweltering heat. To adapt to such heat, acclimatisation comes into play. European teams trained in hot Emirates to adapt to the heat of Mexico before the 1986 World Cup. The cardiovascular system goes into an overdrive, since there’s less oxygen in the air. Profuse sweating causes fluid loss and brings about muscle fatigue. Interval running and once-a-week continuous running under heat will build cardio reserve. For strength, muscular endurance with moderate weight with repetitions is preferred. Pre-h­ydrating the body by drinking water before practice and kee­­ping a core temperature (37 degrees Celsius) under control with ice bath 30 mins after the practice/match will allow the body to recover.


Chinmoy Roy, strengh & conditioning coach

