
Strict Action Will Be Taken Against Those Not Following Covid-19 Regulations: Delhi Health Minister

Satyendar Jain has claimed that in the last few days fines amounting to Rs 45 crore have been levied against those not following Covid-19 norms

Strict Action Will Be Taken Against Those Not Following Covid-19 Regulations: Delhi Health Minister

Delhi health minister Satyendar Jain on Monday asserted that stricter action will be taken against those who are not following Covid-19 safety norms in public. The minister also said that penalties worth Rs 45 crore have been imposed during the last few days for such violations.

The health minister said that the main problem in battling Covid-19 has been the lack of fear of the virus among the people. Many people roam around the city without masks, many of them are asymptomatic cases, they then infect others, without being aware, the minister said.

"We have been taking action against safety norm violators and we will take stricter actions from now on. In the last several days, challans amounting to Rs 45 crore have been issued to defaulters for not wearing masks, not following social distancing or violating other Covid-19 safety norms," Jain said.

The state health minister also expressed hopes that since the festive season is coming to an end, shopping activity should decrease in the city. "But, the problem is many people are not feeling afraid of this virus at all, and some people are too scared. We have to strike a balance," Jain added.

Delhi has witnessed a spurt in coronavirus cases since October 28 when the daily tally breached the 5,000-mark for the first time and it crossed the 8,000-mark on Wednesday. On Thursday, 104 deaths, the highest in over five months, were reported in the city. The infection tally in the city stands at over 4.85 lakh with the death toll of 7,614 as recorded on Sunday. Delhi currently has 4,358 containment zones and 27,809 people are under home isolation, as per the Sunday health bulletin.






