
In A First, Editor's Guild To Hold Elections For Post Of President, Secretary

While senior journalists Seema Mustafa and MD Nalapat are vying for the post of President, Sanjay Kapoor is pitted against Smita Prakash of ANI for the post of general secretary.

In A First, Editor's Guild To Hold Elections For Post Of President, Secretary

The Editors Guild of India will hold elections for its new office-bearers this Friday, signalling a marked departure from its earlier practice of being guided by consensus.

While senior journalists Seema Mustafa and MD Nalapat are vying for the post of President, Sanjay Kapoor is pitted against Smita Prakash of ANI for the post of general secretary.

Anant Nath has been the only nomination for the post of treasurer.

The Guild is India's top body of editorial leaders and is considere to be the conscience keeper of the country's media. Currently headed by Sekhar Gupta, the body is often required to show truth to power, criticising governments for excesses and abuses.

Members say its influence stems primarily from the moral authority it wields by virtue of its members being the senior-most editors of the country.

However, some insiders say the elections to the body is reflective of the growing disagreements even within the media.





