
Health Department Gears Up To Tackle Dengue, Malaria In Agra

Agra Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Arun Srivastava said, We have made arrangements to tackle dengue and malaria in Agra. Arrangements have been made for 10 beds at the district hospital.

Health department gears up to tackle dengue, malaria

The state health department has taken several steps, including reserving beds at the district hospital, community health centres and at the Sarojini Naidu Medical College to tackle the dengue and malaria situation in Agra district, officials said on Saturday.

Rapid response teams have been formed and private laboratory owners asked to provide details of test reports to the Chief Medical Officer (CMO).

Agra Chief Medical Officer (CMO) Dr Arun Srivastava told PTI, "We have made arrangements to tackle dengue and malaria in Agra. Arrangements have been made for 10 beds at the district hospital. Two beds have been reserved at every community health centre (CHC) in every block."

"Arrangements have also been made at Sarojini Naidu Medical College. Besides, private laboratory owners have been told to provide details of such patients to officials concerned at the CMO office. A rapid response team has also been formed to tackle dengue cases in the district,” he said.

A 12-year-old girl tested positive for dengue on August 27 and she is fine now. No positive case has been reported since then," the CMO added. The district had reported one malaria case in July.

SNMC Principal Dr Prashant Gupta said, "We have reserved 25 beds at the medicine department and 10 beds at the paediatric department."District Hospital Senior Medical Officer Dr Bhupendra Chahar said high fever, joint pains, nausea, headache, appetite loss, and vomiting were symptoms of dengue. 

(With PTI Inputs)




