Making A Difference

'We Don't Need An Asian Axis'

The Indian Foreign Secretary was in Moscow last week where Moscow and Delhi announced the beginning of trilateral talks among India, Russia, and China.

'We Don't Need An Asian Axis'

This interview took place on September 10.

Sergey Strokan, Kommersant : This is your third visit to Moscow this year. Your last stay here coincided with the beginning of the Iraqwar, because of which the Iraq issue dominated at the talks. What issues have been discussed during thisvisit?

Kanwal Sibal : This time our consultations took place two weeks before opening of the next UN General Assembly in New York.This largely predetermined the agenda of the talks I conducted with FM Igor Ivanov and his deputy VaycheslavTrubnikov. On the eve of discussions in the UN we synchronized our positions on many issues including Iraq,Middle East, the last year's initiative of conducting trilateral meetings India-Russia-China, and newRussian-Indian summit planned for November of this year.

Sergey Strokan, Kommersant : UN draft resolution on Iraq has become a highly controversial subject. What is Delhi's attitude to theresolution and what role can India play in restoration of Iraq?

Kanwal Sibal : I would like to clarify something first. We are not members of the UNSC, and that's why we are not able toinfluence the process of working on the new resolution. At the same time, being a member of the internationalcommunity, India cannot be unconcerned by what is happening in Iraq. We firmly believe that the key role inrestoration of Iraq should belong to the UN. Just like the Russian side, we think that the situation in Iraqis rapidly becoming worse, which demands collective efforts of the international community to normalize lifein Iraq. We are prepared to contribute to restoration of the infrastructure and solving humanitarian problems.For instance, in association with Jordan we are building a hospital in Najafe. In addition to that, weannounced about giving $20 mln for restoration of Iraq and delivery to the country 50 metric tons of wheat.

Sergey Strokan, Kommersant : Let's speak frankly. Americans don't need your wheat in Iraq; they need your troops to relieve them fromtheir burden. Is it possible that under certain circumstances Indian troops will be sent to Iraq?

Kanwal Sibal : I think it's too early to ask this kind of question.

Sergey Strokan, Kommersant : You mentioned the initiative of conducting trilateral meetings among India, Russia, and China. What is it, anew triangle of force or new Asian axis?

Kanwal Sibal : Let us not use such an expression. This understanding is of another era. This approach is not applicablehere. The talk is not about creating an axis of power or a 'triangle'. The basis for such a relation is thatsubstantial population; resources and potential belong to India, Russia and China - the major powers in theworld. Therefore, with some key areas if we begin to synchronize our positions, it allows each of us toachieve much more. It is important to note yet another aspect, all the three countries are interested inimproving relations with the United States. Hence all the talk that this is an axis of power or friendshipagainst some one is misplaced.

Sergey Strokan, Kommersant : You already have reminded us about the November meeting of President Putin with Prime Minister Vajpayee. Whatare the areas that need more attention and which are the priority tasks?

Kanwal Sibal : Trade and economic relation is the area, which needs more attention. Just for comparison, our trade withChina few years ago was USD 200 million, which now has grown up to USD 6 billion dollars. Bilateral trade ofIndia with the United States, a strong economic partner, is USD 26 billion. Bilateral trade with Russia is USD1.2 billion dollars, which is as much as our trade with Sri Lanka. We have a very strong cooperation in thefield of defence, which is a very important area of cooperation, but should not be the only field. The task infront of us is to take our bilateral trade (from rupee - rouble) to a freely convertible currency, simplifycustom procedures, develop transport corridors, create of banking channels, allow faster and effectivetransfer of funds etc.

As far as new areas of cooperation are concerned then - fight against international terrorism is one of themand during the meeting of two leaders this area will assume a significance place.
