
Karunanidhi To Be Buried Near Anna, Epitaph Says 'One Who Worked Without Rest, Will Rest Now'

The funeral procession of late DMK President M Karunanidhi will start at 4 p.m today and he will be laid to rest at Marina near the Anna memorial.

Karunanidhi To Be Buried Near Anna, Epitaph Says 'One Who Worked Without Rest, Will Rest Now'

The golden casket in which the mortal remains of Karunanidhi would be laid to rest will have the engraving in Tamil, "Oivu edukamal uzhaithavan, idho oivu eduthu kondu irukiran, meaning "one who worked hard without taking rest, is resting in peace here".

The funeral procession of late DMK President M Karunanidhi will start at 4 p.m today and he
will be laid to rest at Marina near the Anna memorial here, the party said.

A party statement said the procession would begin from Rajaji Hall, where his mortal remains are kept for public homage, by 4 p.m, and proceed through Sivananda Road and Thanthai Periyar Road to reach Anna Square.

He would be buried adjacent to mausoleum of former Chief Minister and his mentor C N Annadurai on the sands of Marina, it said.

"Party supporters and public are requested to stay calm during the procession and pay their respects to the unparallelled leader," it said.

Meanwhile, preparations were on at Marina beach for the burial of the departed DMK patriarch.







