
I Take Back My Comment, Says Ram Madhav After Omar Abdullah’s Dare On ‘Instruction From Pak’ Remark

The war of words started after Madhav alleging that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and National Conference boycotted local body polls last month "because they had instructions from across the border (Pakistan).

I Take Back My Comment, Says Ram Madhav After Omar Abdullah’s Dare On ‘Instruction From Pak’ Remark

After alleging that arch rivals Mehbooba Mufti and Omar Abdullah joined hands on “instructions from Pakistan”, BJP General Secretary Ram Madhav on Thursday tweeted to say that he was taking back his comments.

Former Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah had dared Madhav to prove his allegations or apologise.

The war of words started after Madhav alleging that the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) and National Conference boycotted local body polls last month "because they had instructions from across the border (Pakistan).

"Probably they had fresh instructions from across the border to come together and form (a) government. What they did prompted the Governor (Satya Pal Malik) to look into the whole issue," the General Secretary said. 

Hours later, Madhav tweeted to Abdullah saying he was taking back his comments.

“Just landed@Aizawl n saw this. Now tht u deny any external pressure I take back my comment, bt, now tht u proved it ws genuine love btw NC n PDP tht prompted a failed govt formation attempt,u shud fight nxt elections 2gether. Mind u it’s pol comnt,not personal,” Madhav tweeted.

Abdullah had dared Madhav to prove his allegations.   

"I dare you to prove your allegation. You have RAW (Research and Analysis Wing), NIA (National Investigation Agency) and IB (Intelligence Bureau) at your command (CBI too is your parrot). So have the guts to place evidence in the public domain. Either prove this or be man enough to apologize. Don't practice shoot and scoot politics," Abdullah said.

Madhav's remarks came a day after Governor Malik dissolved the Assembly even as the PDP wrote to him saying that the Congress and the National Conference had decided to support her party to form a government and their collective strength was 56.

People's Conference leader Sajjad Lone also wrote to the Governor staking claim to form a government with the BJP's backing. He claimed the support of 18 MLAs besides the 25-strong BJP and contended that it was more than the required number for majority.

The Bharatiya Janata Party leader's allegations came in an interview on Wednesday hours ahead of the Governor's move ordering the state Assembly dissolved with "immediate effect".

(With inputs from IANS)





