
All Delhi Schools To Remain Closed Till Sunday, Air Condition Worsening: Manish Sisodia

All Delhi Schools To Remain Closed Till Sunday, Air Condition Worsening: Manish Sisodia

All schools in Delhi will remain closed till Sunday, announced deputy chief minister Manish Sisodia on Wednesday. 

"Air condition in Delhi is worsening. In such a situation, the health of children cannot be compromised. All schools in Delhi have been instructed to keep closed till Sunday, Sisodia tweeted.

On Tuesday, the Delhi government asked all primary schools to remain closed on Wednesday in view of the deteriorating quality of air in the city.

The government had asserted that the administration was ready to take a slew of measures to tackle the problem.

It may reintroduce its odd-even scheme to regulate vehicular movement, Sisodia said. Under the formula, odd and even numbered vehicles ply on alternate days.

As a thick haze hung over Delhi, leaving people gasping for breath, Sisodia said the Delhi government had also asked all schools to stop outdoor activities, including morning assemblies.

The decision for school closure was taken after the government received reports from authorities concerned that the PM10 level was recorded at 436 -- air quality described by Sisodia as "close to severe" -- at 4.30 pm on Tuesday.

The government has also issued a health advisory for high risk people, including children, the elderly and those suffering from asthma or heart ailments.

"We appeal to the people of Delhi to avoid morning and evening walks," he said.

(With PTI inputs)





