
Dangers Of Soul Loss And The Need To Reorient

Most people of varied religions do believe in the soul, as it is apparent we have a body. Thus energy and matter!


Dangers Of Soul Loss And The Need To Reorient

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration,” said the great scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla. If we broadly classify things into two characteristics, we can use the div­ision of energy and matter.

Most people of varied religions do believe in the soul, as it is apparent we have a body. Thus energy and matter! The mind becomes a fragile meeting ground for the two polarities and seems to dominate either at different times with its own intelligence borrowed from experience or psyche or even the psychic! Man has prided himself to be the only son of god, so to say, and in ‘his image’.


Where does the soul go in life and living? Are we in touch with this high-frequency intelligent energy aspect of ourselves? Why are cities places for soul loss, unlike the lesser-populated countryside? Constant externalisation leads to soul loss, which alienates the individual from his core and he begins to spin on instinct rather than intuition.

But man being man, he is bereft once he loses contact with his soul. The initial reaction is to immerse in activities, which relate to his existence, motivation and intellectual inte­rests or hobbies. He may derive momentary amnesia from alcohol or other stimulants. Something to blindly lead one into the next day without dealing with the search for soul!


Where does a prolonged soul loss lead? Dis-ease.

How do we reorient?  In silence, isolation, freedom, prayer, nature, love. Popularly, intr­ospection and meditation. Where should we begin in a city? Anywhere! Your home, under a tree, your car, a junction on some road, a place of worship or a ruin—anything that strikes the fancy and inspires.

All journeys begin with one step.

