
Gadar Protests In Lucknow

Protests go unabated as Muslim youth burn Pakistani flag to demonstrate patriotism; some scenes reportedly to be deleted.

Gadar Protests In Lucknow

Muslim youth under the aegis of Muslim Jagriti Manch held a protestdemonstration at the Asifi Imambara in Lucknow today against the controversial Hindifilm 'Gadar Ek Prem Katha'.

Soon after the Friday prayers, the youth holding placard against the filmheld a protest demonstration at the Imambara.

The protestors shouting slogans against the BJP, RSS, Pakistan and film'sProducer/Director and also burnt the Pakistani flag.

Later, President of the Manch, Syed Talbhe Husain told PTI that talks weregoing on with the producer of the film Nitten Keni who has agreed to delete someof the objectionable scenes from the film.

He said, Keni, however, has expressed his inability to change the name of themain character 'Sakina. If this was not done Shia women would resort to 'matam'before the local cinema hall where the film is currently being screened, themanch President added.

Other organisations that joined the Manch in today's demonstration includedYoungmen's Muslim Association, Pasdarane-Islam, Shia Mahasabha and HussainTigers.

Meanwhile, noted Islamic scholar and Vice President of All India MuslimPersonal Law Board Maulana Kalbe Sadiq said that committee of senior Shia andSunni Maulanas would be constituted within two to three days time to chalk outthe future course of action in this regard.

The maulana regretted that the film's Producer/Director included his name inthe acknowledgements even though the amendments suggested by him were notcarried out in the script of the film.
