Saikat Majumdar
Saikat Majumdar


  • Book Excerpt: 'The Remains Of The Body' By Saikat Majumdar

    The Remains of the Body is an intricate story of friendship and intimacy between three Indian immigrants in North America from a writer known for his exploration of the unpredictable nature of human sexuality. Two men in their mid-thirties, childhood friends, share a deep bond that is put to an unexpected test as one’s marriage starts to crumble under the conflicting arcs of immigrant ambition. As the marriage loses its last breath in an unexpected affair, the other friend, a single man, has to confront questions about his own desire that he cannot answer. Whose body does he long to touch? Can a man’s intimacy with a woman mask his inexpressible desire for someone who lies beyond his reach?

    BY Saikat Majumdar 2 July 2024

  • Learning Among Fear And Suspicion

    What we have is a long-drawn situation of conflict between the fundamental interests of society. Reopening is going to be a long and uneven process, filled with fear and suspicion, more for some than for others.

    BY Saikat Majumdar 18 August 2021

  • Teaching In The Time Of Protest

    Those who know the slim volume know what a unique text it is – a polemical, novelistic essay, an unforgettable manifesto from an age of sinewy manifestos, one of the most influential credos of feminism and pacifism are known to humanity.

    BY Saikat Majumdar 6 April 2021

