Art & Entertainment

Raja Kumari On Battling Body Image Issues: When I Look In The Mirror, I See My Own Beauty, I Don't Require Validation From External Sources

Raja Kumari opens up about how Indians, especially the media, are obsessed with addressing people with reference to their body type. She feels this is a phenomenon specific to India and she’s never faced it in America.

Raja Kumari

Raja Kumari has been an inspiration for numerous Indians, not just because of her music, but also for the way she always stands up for important issues. One issue she always sheds light on is battling body image stereotypes in society. She is one of the very few who has always spoken up about how Indians, especially the media, are constantly referring to people with a reference to their body type.

Talking about the same, she says, “If you were to read any article that has been written about me in India, it consistently mentions my body, unlike in America, where such references are absent. They never describe me along with my age; you won't find phrases like ‘36 or 37-year-old curvaceous Raja Kumari’ in American articles. This phenomenon is unique to India. The articles in America don't engage in this practice.”

On how she deals with it, she adds, “Now, how do I deal with it? Well, I write music, I put people on mute, and I brush off negativity. Frankly, I'm not fond of being asked how I find the confidence to do what I do. It's a rather impolite question. How do I have confidence? How do I handle it? I just do. I am a strong woman, and my confidence comes naturally. I possess it because I believe in myself. When I look in the mirror, I see my own beauty. I don't require validation from external sources. I encourage everyone to seek validation from within themselves because the world's opinions are constantly changing.”

“A few years ago, it was all about being curvy like Kim Kardashian; now, it's about a super-heroine chic like the Kardashians. I don't have much to say about that, but I never follow trends when it comes to body image,” she adds.

Talking of how inclusivity changes a woman’s perception of herself, she says, “I believe that by the time you become a woman, you should truly have a strong idea of who you are.”

“In my opinion, inclusivity profoundly impacts a child's and a young girl's perception of herself. It holds immense importance to witness individuals resembling you in positions of power and beauty being celebrated. Such representation helps you understand that there's no need to conform to someone else's standards. Thus, inclusivity holds significant importance,” concludes Raja Kumari.




