Making A Difference

Man In Indonesia Almost Married Wrong Woman Because Of Google Maps

Coincidentally, the real groom was also late to the party as he and his family had to stop midway to look for a toilet

Man In Indonesia Almost Married Wrong Woman Because Of Google Maps

In a rather unique goof-up, a groom in Indonesia almost married the wrong woman! The groom and his family relied on Google maps and the blunder took them to someplace different than the real venue of the wedding. 

Hold on, the series of comical errors does not end here because when they reached the venue, the family did not even realise they were at the wrong venue. The bride's family even went on to exchange gifts with the wrong groom!

The bride, Ulfa, 27, told an Indonesian news organisation that initially, she did not know that the man had entered the wrong house as she was getting ready for the rituals. "But my family welcomed them and they proceeded to exchange gifts. They said they were led to the house by Google Maps", she added. 

The family later apologised for the mix-up and left the house. 

Coincidentally, Ulfa's to-be-groom and his family were also late for the event as they had to stop in the middle for a loo break. 






