
Kerala Assembly: Congress-Led UDF MLAs Block Guv Arif Mohammad Khan With 'Go Back' Placards

Though the CM and the Speaker repeatedly tried to appease the agitating opposition members, they didn't budge and continued to raise slogans against Khan and his stand in support of CAA.

Kerala Assembly: Congress-Led UDF MLAs Block Guv Arif Mohammad Khan With 'Go Back' Placards

In an unprecedented move, opposition Congress-led UDF MLAs blocked Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan inside the state assembly on Wednesday with 'go back' slogans and placards against the Citizenship Amendment Act.

The incident took place when Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and Speaker P Sreeramakrishnan ushered Khan to the assembly hall for presenting the policy address.

Though the CM and the Speaker repeatedly tried to appease the agitating opposition members, they didn't budge and continued to raise slogans against Khan and his stand in support of CAA.

After nearly 10 minutes of protest, watch and ward personnel removed the opposition members using force and cleared the governor's way to the dais.

As soon as the Governor reached the dais, the national anthem was played but the opposition members gathered at the well of the House and started the 'Governor go back' slogans soon after it's completion.

When khan began his policy address, the opposition members walked out of the assembly hall raising slogans.

After boycotting the policy address, they staged a sit-in protest at the gate of the Assembly.





