
Tunisia Through A Photographer's Lens: Things To See And Do

Tunisia is the glittering land of multitudes you should visit next. Sandwiched between Algeria and Libya, the country hosts a hybrid spectrum of rare opportunities for photographers who would definitely relish in adding Tunisia to their portfolio

Amphitheatre of El Jem Photo: Flickr

We've all seen the #wanderlust hashtag at some point in our lives.

Whether you've given it pride of place on your Instagram, or internally cringe at the thought of using it, one things for sure - the content found within is extraordinary. And no matter the crowd you fall into, chances are you'd love to photograph an exotic location that wouldn't set you back thousands of dollars. If that's the case, Tunisia is the glittering land of multitudes you should visit next. Sandwiched between Algeria and Libya, the country hosts a hybrid spectrum of rare opportunities for travellers. With its unique architecture and exquisitely alien landscapes, there are several sights hidden within—locales that a photographer would definitely relish in adding to their portfolio.