
ULFA Denies Involvement in Massacre

ULFA supremo Paresh Barua claims the incident was the result of a clash between two factions of the SULFA over commercial interests

ULFA Denies Involvement in Massacre

The ULFA has denied its involvement in the massacre of 14 SULFA men in Dibrugarhdistrict yesterday, as two of the ten injured in the incident were battling for theirlives in hospital.

The incident was the result of a clash between two factions of SULFA over somecommercial interests, ULFA commander-in-chief Paresh Barua told the local Assamese mediahere last night.

However, senior SULFA leader Sunil Nath had claimed yesterday that 15 of his men weregunned down by the ULFA.

Official sources quoting Assam Medical College hospital authorities said today two ofthe injured SULFA men were battling for their lives, while the condition of the eightothers was stable.

High alert has been sounded in Dibrugarh and adjacent Jorhat, Tinsukia and Sibsagardistricts and a massive search operation launched by security forces to track theassailants.

Minister of State for Home, Pradyut Bordoloi, Director General of Police, HarekrishnaDeka, and top civil and police officials have rushed to the spot for an assessment, thesources said.

About eight AK-47 weilding assailants, their faces covered, drove into Moran Polo Clubpremises in two vehicles yesterday and hurled two hand grenades inside the hall, wheretheir former comrade-in-arms were holding a meeting. They then opened fire, killing 14SULFA members and injuring 10.

The assailants escaped after the massacre, which lasted barely ten minutes, givinglittle time to the securitymen of the SULFA to retaliate, the sources said.






