
Monsoon Session: SP Leader Comments On Hindu Gods, Ghulam Nabi Azad Calls Jharkhand an 'Akhara' Of Lynching

Monsoon Session: SP Leader Comments On Hindu Gods, Ghulam Nabi Azad Calls Jharkhand an 'Akhara' Of Lynching

Rajya Sabha witnessed a chaos today with the centre and opposition clearly divided. 

After Samajwadi Party leader Naresh Agarwal made a controversial remark on Hindu Gods, uproar followed and Rajya Sabha had to be adjourned till 4 P.M.

After it was resumed, the SP leader clarified that he did not politicise Lord Ram and the reaction of the Treasury is intolerance, whereas, Law and IT minister ravi Shankar Prasad sought an apology from him, adding that the discussion must end.

The Samajwadi Party had been protesting in the parliament and raising slogans against the expressing dissatisfaction over the government's reply to questions regarding the steps taken by the Centre to stop such lynchings.

Leader of opposition Ghulam Nabi Azad  took potshots at the centre, saying that Jharkhand had become an 'akhara' of lynching. 

“There is no place left from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, where lynchings did not happen,” the senior Congress leader said. “I’m not saying lynchings never happened in the past. But those were at individual level. This time one or other ruling party person is involved.”






