Making A Difference

On The Dalai Lama

Xinhua was authorized on Tuesday to release a signed article by Shi Shan on the relationship between the 14th Dalai Lama, Aum Shinrikyo cult and Falun Gong. The full text of the article.

On The Dalai Lama

The world has seen rapid development in thescientific civilization of mankind, but the malignant tumor of evil cults isstill rampant, plunging innocent people into the depths of suffering. Evilcults such as the Solar Temple Cult of the United States, the Falun Gong ofChina and the Movement of the Restoration of God's Ten Commandmentsof Uganda wantonly preach the fallacy of "the End of the World",destroy social stability and jeopardize the lives and property of thepublic. Such perverse acts have aroused strong indignation of the people and governments of various countries. Many countries havestaged a fight against evil cults by enacting legislation and setting up specialagencies.

Buddhist doctrine advocates good deeds andextrication from the earthly weal and woe. It has also long been viewing evilcults as the "feud of Buddha" and maintaining that "Buddha anddemons do not coexist with each other". The 14th Dalai Lama, who boasts tobe a "follower of Buddhism" and "human rights fighter",however not only has no hatred toward evil cults but instead shows a great dealof compassion for them. Isn't it worth pondering the reasons behind this?

Let's first start with the Aum Shinrikyo cult ofJapan. The cult leader Shoko Asahara claimed that it was "the 14th DalaiLama who personally led him into the Mahayana tradition ofBuddhism" and that he could shorten the time needed for one to become aBuddha from 2,000-3,000 years to just 10 years, urging people toditch the ascetic practices advocated by Buddhism and follow his sect tenets tomerrily achieve longevity and even to become a Buddha. The 14thDalai Lama kept writing certificates or letters of recommendation for Shoko Asahara to the authorities of Tokyo, hailing ShokoAsahara as "a very capable religious teacher" and hoping theauthorities would "allow the Aum Shinrikyo Sect to be exempted from tax payments andpropagandize its credo. The German weekly Focus reported that without the support of the 14th Dalai Lama, it would have beenabsolutely impossible for Shoko Asahara to build up his sect empire and, withina short period of very few years, gain status as a cult leaderin Japan. In other words, it is the 14th Dalai Lama's all-out"support" that turned Shoko Asahara, a swindler and a mountebank, into "areligious teacher".

It was because of the 14th Dalai Lama whopersistently supported and trumpeted Shoko Asahara that the Aum Shinrikyo cultcould acquire the privilege of "tax exemption" andaccumulated funds to bankroll his cruel evil doing against the Japanese people.In the Spring of 1995, Shoko Asahara organized a terrorist attack bydischarging poisonous gas in

Tokyo's subway, killing 12 people and injuring 5,000others. The event sparked indignation from the Japanese people. In October ofthe same year, Shoko Asahara and his die-hard followersstood public trial in a local court of Tokyo and were punished in line withlaws.

Even at this moment, the 14th Dalai Lama who claimedto be a "human rights fighter" still spoke plausibly to the Kyodo NewsService that Shoko Asahara remained his friend and that he stillthought what the Aum Shinrikyo cult preached was in accordance with Buddhist doctrines. It was the support and connivance of the14th Dalai Lama who took the foe for his friend that made Asahara feel secure inthe knowledge that he had strong backing. The evil cultcontinued to do evils under the guise of constantly-changed names and leaders. Eventually in 1999, the Japanese Senate completed thelegislative procedures against evil cults including the Aum Shinrikyo. The Tokyoauthorities also took a number of measures to crackdown on the leaders of the evil cult.

Why would the 14th Dalai Lama openly violate theteachings of Sakyamuni that urge his followers to get rid of demons and upholdtruth and laws to favor Aum Shinrikyo? Why would he flout thetenets of Buddhism urging the masses not to do evils but to do good deeds? The14th Dalai Lama had confessed in a letter to the cult,appreciating the Aum Shinrikyo Sect for its "generous donation to ourBuddhist collective in exile". Aha, it turned out to be that the"leader" even bartered away the sacred tenet of Buddhism as a cheapbargaining chip in money deals.

It is the 14th Dalai Lama's own deeds that have stepby step betrayed his real intentions and political ambitions put under the guiseof Buddhism and peace. A weekly newspaper in Manilacommented it was a pity that the 14th Dalai Lama wore the cassock of a Lama but played political tricks, spoke of the pursuit offreedom through peaceful means but harbored in mind the vain attempt ofrestoring the past feudal rule of Lamaism. Even catholic senator P.Santorum of the United States couldn't help exclaiming that such conductreflected a subdued religious sentiment. He held that to establisha society respecting life, cracking down upon crimes and promoting dignity of mankind, efforts must be made to prevent religion frombeing individualized. It appears that many people of insight across the worldhave recognized the tricks of the 14th Dalai Lama in usingTibetan Buddhism to engage in political activities and have stayed on high alertto and repulsed the deed of the Dalai Lama.

Let's now have a look at the 14th Dalai Lama'sattitude toward China's evil cult Falun Gong. Cult leader Li Hongzhi of FalunGong took religion as pretence, trampled upon religious doctrinesand thus invited indignation, reprimands and stern objections from the religiouscircles. They said that Li Hongzhi had blasphemedBuddhism by fabricating his birthday from July 1952 to May 13, 1951, the date onwhich Sakyamuni was believed to be born. His attempt to passhimself as the reincarnation of Sakyamuni and his bragging about getting true knowledge from Sakyamuni and thus being more powerfulthan Sakyamuni was "an extreme blasphemy to Buddhism", they said.However, even such an evil cult leader who is denounced by manypeople and had to flee abroad to escape the punishment of laws secured compassion and admiration from the 14th Dalai Lama. Thelatter first dispatched his representative to comfort Li Hongzhi and then sent over his representatives to conspire with Li and stagedvarious farces at the time when the 56th World Human Rights Conference was held in Geneva, stopping at nothing to spread lies andrumors and to trumpet anti-China bills.

As one Chinese saying goes: Birds of a feather flocktogether. The real reasons for the collusion of the 14th Dalai Lama and LiHongzhi are their shared situation. 

  • They are both in exile aftertheir illegal acts to subvert the Chinese government and the Chinese peopleended in constant failures under the august Chinese Constitutionand laws; 
  • Shared nature--They are both not resigned to failures and attempt to hoodwink and manipulate their few domestic followers tocarry on making turbulence and to hold back the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; 
  • Shared intention--They are both hostile totheir motherland and regard the 1.3 million Chinese as enemies, dreaming a pipedream of returning to China, with the support of their masters,to materialize their evil objective of splitting China. 

Imagine the 14th DalaiLama, the self-proclaimed "religious leader", evencondescended to associate with Li Hongzhi who has been labeled by the UnitedInternational World Buddhism Association Headquarters as a preacher of evilcult and a swindler! This obviously reflects that the 14th Dalai Lama hascornered himself into a dead end!

Source: Xinhua





