Udit Raj
Udit Raj


  • Stop Forced Religious Conversions!

    Has the Sangh Parivar and the Gujarat government sought prior permission of Buddhists and Jains to make them part of Hindu religion? If not, it is nothing but a case of forced conversion. The real danger to Hindu religion is from within because of it

    BY Udit Raj 21 September 2006

  • Road To Conversion: The Chakwada Detour

    Hindutva organisations are outraged over conversions, and their outrage prevents them from entering into negotiations with Muslim and Christian leaders. But have they ever bothered to understand the plight of Dalits?

    BY Udit Raj 29 October 2002

  • Why I Decided To Convert The Dalits Of Jhajjar

    If you had visited Badshahpur, Akhlimpur, or Tikli with me and seen what I saw, you would have decided right then and there to give a call to all the Dalits of the area to convert to Buddhism, Christianity or Islam. Anything but Hinduism.

    BY Udit Raj 29 October 2002

