Humphrey Hawksley
Humphrey Hawksley


  • The New Social Contract

    Thousands of demonstrators trying to topple Hong Kong’s legal ruler and set terms for the 2017 election symbolize a new political trend that takes legitimacy of government into perilous and unchartered territory

    BY Humphrey Hawksley 6 October 2014

  • Universal Aspirations

    As East Asia endured dreadful wars in the 1970s, many claimed that Asian societies were not suited for democracy. This proved to be nonsense, just as similar claims will prove to be in North Africa and the Middle East.

    BY Humphrey Hawksley 26 April 2011

  • The Taiwan Model

    The simultaneous rioting over Chinese-controlled Tibet and a presidential election in Chinese-claimed Taiwan may inadvertently have thrown a spotlight on a new era of international diplomacy...

    BY Humphrey Hawksley 6 April 2008

  • Against The Wall

    The controversy over a 12-foot-high concrete wall, topped with barbed wire coils, to divide Sunni and Shia neighborhoods of Baghdad shows a tiny glimmer of hope for defeating Al Qaeda in Iraq

    BY Humphrey Hawksley 2 May 2007

  • The Nuclear Road Ahead

    If the present version of the NPT is proving too hit and miss to survive the next half century of nuclear aspirations, what will replace it? India can offer some lessons on non-proliferation in a new nuclear age

    BY Humphrey Hawksley 19 April 2007

