Greg Palast
Greg Palast


  • Adventure Capitalism

    Why were Iraqi elections delayed? Why was Jay Garner fired? Why are American troops still there? New uncovered documents answer these questions and more about the Bush administration's grand designs on Iraq.

    BY Greg Palast 26 October 2004

  • Johnnie Been Good?

    Democrats are hopping up and down like JFK never went to Dallas; like Bill Clinton didn't blow it for us; like there's a chance to bring the boys home alive; like America can crawl out of Dick Cheney's bunker and look at the sun again.

    BY Greg Palast 29 July 2004

  • Reagan And Osama

    Ronald Reagan's loss of memory was, undeniably, a great personal tragedy. But lost in this week's circus of fakery and fawning for a failed president, is the greater national tragedy: America 's amnesia

    BY Greg Palast 16 June 2004

  • The Hutton Whitewash

    He did not say, "hello," or even his name, just left a one-word message: "Whitewash." It came from an embattled journalist whispering from inside the bowels of a television and radio station under siege, on a small island off the coast of Ireland: fr

    BY Greg Palast 27 January 2004

  • Jessica Lynch Captures Saddam

    Ex-dicatator demands back pay from Baker, asserting that Baker and the prior Bush regime, 'owe me my back pay. After all I did for these guys you'd think they'd have the decency to pay up'.

    BY Greg Palast 13 December 2003

