The Answers

1. Joseph

2. Jack the ripper

3. The Man Who Knew Too Much

4. Dial M for Murder

5. Salvador Dali

6. The first British talkie

7. Rope

8. Norman Bates of Psycho

9. Best song - Que. Sera Sera

10. Shirley MacLean

11. He resembled David Selznick, the movie mughal who brought Hitch toHollywood. Understandably, Hitch did not have a very pleasant relationship withhim.

12. Daphne as a tribute to Daphne de Maurier, the author of Rebecca

13. Johann Strauss Senior & Junior

14. Sophia Loren

15. As an entry in the Encyclopaedia Britannica

16. The Lodger, which in fact was his first attempt at cameo roles


17. As a floating corpse

18. The Wrong Man (1957)

19. Dial M for Murder (1954)

20. As a silhouette on the glass pane of the office of 'Registrar of Birthsand deaths' in the film Family Plot (1976)

21. Notorious (1946) and Rear Window (1954)

22. Titanic

23. His 2 West Highland Terriers!!

24. Notorious.  He had been to Caltech to get insight into the actualsize and constituents of an atom bomb and in the process, triggered off thesuspicions of the scientists & the FBI

25. It was during the shooting of this film that Grace Kelly came in touchwith Prince Rainier of Monaco, whom she subsequently married. Hitch waspassionately obsessed with Grace Kelly at that point of time.


