
21 SARMs Before And After Pictures (Amazing Results From REAL Users)

In this article, we list a detailed description of 21 SARMs with images of users (before and after) and the benefits they gained after using these SARMs.

The internet has been exploding lately with SARMs before and after results pictures, with thousands of users claiming that they're like legal anabolic steroids, without side effects.

As you'll soon see with our SARMs results pictures, many users pack on 25-30 pounds of lean muscle mass, while also shredding off 20-25 pounds of body fat, in just one cycle.

Here's what we'll cover in today's guide:

  • RAD 140 Before and After
  • Cardarine Before and After
  • Ostarine Before and After
  • LGD 4033 Before and After
  • YK11 Before and After
  • MK677 Before and After
  • SR9009 Before and After
  • S23 SARM Before and After
  • ...and much, much more!

I've been researching and using SARMs since 2015, so have tried almost everything, and today my goal is to educate and entertain - so you too can get some of these results for yourself!

Why SARMs Work So Well

Before we get into all the SARMs before and after pictures, let's first explain why SARMs are so powerful and how they work so well. I mean, after all, how is it that they can give you similar results to anabolic steroids, but they're legal, AND have so few side effects?

The magic lies in how SARMs work. They were first discovered and synthesized in the 1990's, being labeled selective androgen receptor modulators (or SARMs for short).

SARMs like LGD 4033 and Ostarine (MK-2866) were initially developed as a way to treat cancer patients suffering from muscle wasting (or cachexia), so they needed something that had a strong effect (similar to anabolic steroids), that was also safe and gentle on the body.

So, after developing SARMs, and researching them, doctors quickly realized that even when they gave SARMs to healthy elderly men, they'd start packing on lean muscle mass. [R]

In short, without going into a whole lot of detail, SARMs were basically chemically altered and designed to be around 90% as strong as anabolic steroids, with only around 1% the side effects.

This makes them the perfect way to pack on muscle and accelerate fat burning safely.

How to Get Good SARMs Results


Before we go into the SARMs before and after pictures, I just want to briefly explain how you can get the most of your SARMs cycle, if you choose to do one. Using SARMs, you can shred a ton of body fat, and pack on tons of lean muscle mass, but there's a few tips to know.

The most important thing is to choose the best SARMs for your needs. Different SARMs have slightly different effects on the body, with some being better for different things.

For example, if your main goal is muscle growth, a SARM like RAD 140, MK 677, or YK11 would be ideal - don't worry too much about this, though. We'll go in detail under each SARM.

Aside from this, here are a few other tips to get the most out of your SARMs cycle:

  • Follow Workout Routine (5-Day Split is Best)

  • Count Your Calories & Get Enough Protein

  • Get At Least 8-9 Hours of Sleep Daily

  • Drink 1 Gallon of Water Each Day for Hydration


Taking your first SARMs cycle can be intimidating, since taking SARMs in general is confusing and new to most people. Don't worry, though - I'll simplify everything throughout this post.

Now, with this in mind, let's get to the good stuff!

RAD 140 Before and After

RAD 140 Before and After

Look at this guy's RAD 140 before and after pictures here. See how much muscle mass he packed on, and body fat he lost, in just a period of a few months? That's the power of SARMs.

In just a period of 3-4 months, this guy packed on 26.5 pounds of muscle, and lost a hefty 13.8 pounds of fat, according to his own logs. Talk about completely transforming your physique.

Here's the cycle he took to get those results:

  • Cycle Length: 4 Months

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)


He also reported that his physical function and overall muscle strength had a significant increase. His total body weight dropped, but his bench press and squat went way up.

RAD 140 Results #2

RAD 140 Results #2

Here's another RAD 140 results picture, but this one is only a 1 month cycle. Look at how much lean body mass this guy packed on in literally just 30 days. That's how fast they work.

Here was the SARMs stack he took for these results:

  • RAD 140 Dosage: 10mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Duration: 4 Weeks

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

In just 30 days, this user gained 9 pounds of muscle mass, and experienced 3.5 pounds of fat loss. He was already very lean to begin with, and this RAD140 stack made him even more lean.

RAD 140 Results #3

RAD 140 Results #3

In this Testolone cycle, the user gained 19 pounds of muscle, and lost 2-3 pounds of fat.

This is the cycle he followed for these results:

  • Cycle Length: 3 Months

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

Overall, RAD140 (Testolone) is an amazing SARM for doing a lean bulk.

Cardarine Before and After

Cardarine Before and After

Now for our next set of SARMs before and after pictures. Here, we have a man who took Cardarine for 12 weeks, or for a 3 month cycle, to get this SARMs transformation.

His Cardarine before and after transformation is very impressive. In just a twelve week cycle, this man was able to lose 33 pounds of fat and gain 7.2 pounds of muscle, according to his log.

Here was his cycle for these SARMs before and after results:

  • Cardarine Dosage: 25mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 12 Weeks

  • Caloric Deficit? Yes

  • PCT Required? No

Cardarine is one of my favorite research chemicals, due to its fat reduction properties, but also it's amazing for increasing endurance. One study found that it boosts endurance by 216% in just a matter of less than 48 hours. [R] [R]

If you want to shred off body fat, Cardarine excels at this. It's also a great research chemical to take, because it doesn't affect your natural testosterone production - so no post cycle therapy is required.

Cardarine Results #2

Cardarine Results #2

Look at the SARMs before and after results this guy got from a 16 week cycle of Cardarine and Ostarine (known as a SARMs stack). He lost 22 pounds of fat and gained 19 pounds of muscle.

For this "stack" he combined Cardarine with Ostarine MK-2866, a popular selective androgen receptor modulator used for gaining muscle and packing on lean mass and muscle tissue.

To get these results, he took the following stack:

  • Cycle Length: 16 Weeks

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

If you do this stack, you can expect to shred off probably around 20-25 pounds of body fat, and you'll experience a good amount of muscle building as well, with very few adverse effects.

Cardarine Results #3

Cardarine Results #3

Here's another great example of Cardarine's fat cutting power.

The cycle he took for these results is as follows:

  • Cardarine Dosage: 10mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 4 Weeks

Thankfully, no PCT is needed for Cardarine, since it doesn't lower your test.

Ostarine Before and After

Ostarine Before and After

Now, let's take a look at some Ostarine before and after pictures. Ostarine is one of the most potent SARMs for losing fat and accelerating muscle gain, in a safe and effective way.

It's also one of the oldest and most well-researched selective androgen receptor modulators on the market right now, and it rapidly accelerates fat loss and muscle growth in users. [R]

It has a short half life, and binds to your body's androgen receptors very quickly, telling them to start building muscle, increasing bone density, and burning fat at an accelerated rate.

To get these SARMs results, here's the stack this guy took:

  • Ostarine Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 16 Weeks

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

If it's your first cycle of SARMs, Ostarine is a great place to start. It's gentler than most SARMs, has few side effects, and very powerful muscle building effects.

Ostarine Results #2

Ostarine Results #2

Here's an example of someone who used Ostarine mainly for melting fat away - we should also note he's in his 40's, which shows you how effective and fast SARMs work regardless of age.

His cycle for those results was:

  • Cycle Length: 12 Weeks

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

Overall, MK-2866 is an amazing SARM for cutting or doing a slight lean bulk.

Ostarine Results #3

Ostarine Results #3

This is one of the best Ostarine before and after results pictures we've seen in a long time, but to be fair this guy didn't take just Ostarine. He stacked it with a SARM called SR9009.

Here's the stack he took:

  • Cycle Length: 40 Days

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

If you do decide to buy SARMs, we recommend you only get them from the sources that we recommend here - according to a JAMA report, over 48% of all SARMs sold online are fake, so finding a high quality company is extremely important if you want to get results like these.

LGD 4033 Before and After

LGD 4033 Before and After

This might be one of the best SARMs before and after results pictures I've seen in a while. In just 90 days, this guy packed on 15 pounds of muscle mass and shred 12.5 pounds of body fat.

Ligandrol (otherwise known as LGD-4033) is one of the best bulking SARMs on the market, in terms of packing on sheer wet muscle mass (as opposed to cut and "dry" muscle mass).

In fact, just a single cycle of Ligandrol has the potential to increase muscle mass by 20-30 pounds depending on the length of the cycle, and it'll help you with fat loss a lot as well.

Here's the cycle this guy took for these results:

  • Ligandrol Dosage: 10mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 3 Months

  • PCT Required? Yes (Buy Here)

Keep in mind that Ligandrol will affect your testosterone levels more than most other SARMs, so it's important to take a post cycle therapy like the one we recommend here.

LGD 4033 Results #2

LGD 4033 Results #2

Here's another example of how much muscle growth a SARM like Ligandrol (LGD-4033) can help users achieve. This man here gained 18.5 pounds of muscle and lost 32 pounds of fat.

Here's the stack he used for these LGD-4033 results:

  • LGD 4033 Dosage: 10mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Ostarine Dosage: 25mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 4 Months

  • PCT Required? Yes (Buy Here)

Of course, not all people will get results like this (especially if you don't work out). But if you work out, have a good diet, train, and follow this cycle, you'll get some amazing results.

LGD 4033 Results #3

LGD 4033 Results #3

Ligandrol is known as one of the strongest SARMs for bulking up. Most people who take it are skinny fat, or "hard gainers" who want to bulk up and pack on as much muscle as possible.

Here's the cycle he followed for these results:

  • LGD 4033 Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 12 Weeks

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

Ligandrol rapidly accelerates protein synthesis, which means it drastically speeds up the rate that your body not only repairs muscles, but also the rate that it builds new muscle tissue.

YK11 Before and After

YK11 Before and After

YK11 is simultaneously one of the strongest SARMs out there, but the least studied. It provides amazing results (as you can see above), but has a higher incidence of adverse effects.

Based on the anecdotal evidence, most people tolerate YK11 well, however. This man lost 33 pounds of fat and totally changed his body composition with just a single cycle of Yk11.

Here's the cycle he took for these results:

  • YK11 Dosage: 10mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 16 Weeks

  • Post Cycle Therapy? Yes (Buy Here)

Yk11 will give you results similar to testosterone enanthate (an anabolic steroid), but more research should be done on the long term negative effects of human consumption.

If you're going to buy SARMs or cycle SARMs for the first time, you should pick a very well studied and safer SARM like Ostarine or Ligandrol.

YK11 Results #2

YK11 Results #2

Here's another Yk11 before and after picture. This guy lost 18.3 pounds of fat in 60 days.

This is the cycle he took for these results:

  • YK11 Dosage: 10mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 60 Days

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

YK11 is one of the strongest SARMs on the market, so if you do decide to use it, be careful - usually it is not recommended for beginners who don't have any experience with SARMs.

YK11 Results #3

YK11 Results #3

YK11 (Myostine) is definitely one of the stronger SARMs on the market right now, and I think this YK11 before and after picture makes this extremely evident.

In this cycle here, our friend lost 17 pounds of fat and gained 20.5 pounds of muscle in just a few months. He also noted that his bench press, deadlift, and squat went up by at least 1 plate.

Here's the cycle he took for these results:

  • YK11 Dosage: 10mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 12 Weeks

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

If you do decide to get some YK11, we recommend you get it from Chemyo. They're the only source we trust. Use the code "MD10" to get 10% off your first order of YK11 here.

MK 677 Before and After

MK 677 Before and After

MK-677 (or Ibutamoren) isn't technically a SARM, but rather a growth hormone secretagogue. This means that it will rapidly boost growth hormone in your body, leading to enhanced muscle building, fat loss, strength, and higher insulin resistance. [R]

On top of that, because MK 677 isn't a SARM, it won't cause any testosterone suppression, so you don't need a post cycle therapy to boost testosterone levels after taking MK 677.

Here's the cycle he followed for these results:

  • MK 677 Dosage: 25mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Duration: 12 Weeks

  • PCT Required? No

MK 677 is one of the most common growth hormone secretagogues out there, to the point that it's often thrown in with SARMs cycles for a stack (like, say, combining it with Ostarine).

MK 677 Results #2

MK 677 Results #2

Look at these MK 677 before and after results here. In a 60-day, or 8-week cycle, this man was able to shred off 11.3 pounds of fat, and pack on 8.5 pounds of lean mass (muscle).

Again, MK 677 isn't a SARM, but it will give you results similar to one by boosting growth hormone, which in turn will help you build muscle, lose fat, and build strength.

Here's the cycle he took for these results:

  • Cycle Length: 60 Days

  • PCT Required? No

Most users can expect to pack on around 15-25 pounds of lean muscle mass from a cycle like this, and will probably shred off a good 5-10 pounds of fat as well (depending on your goals).

SR9009 Before and After

SR9009 Before and After

Take a look at these SARMs before and after results from a SARM called SR9009, sometimes referred to as Stenabolic. SR9009 is commonly known as a very powerful cutting SARM.

This man had a 4-week cycle using SR9009 and was able to shred off 7.8 pounds of body fat, plus it looks like he experienced some really nice muscle gain as well.

Here's the cycle he took to get these results:

  • SR9009 Dosage: 10mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 4 Weeks

  • PCT Protocol? No

Most people can expect to shred a lot of fat with SR9009. It's technically a PPAR Delta receptor agonist (related to Cardarine), which means it excels as a cutting compound.

SR9009 Results #2

SR9009 Results #2

Here's another set of SR9009 before and after results pictures. In this picture, he lost a massive 43 pounds of fat, and packed on some muscle as well as you can see.

Here's the cycle he took for these results:

  • SR 9009 Dosage: 10mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Length: 12 Weeks

  • Post Cycle Therapy? No

Most users will experience mild muscle growth on this compound, however SR9009 doesn't target your androgen receptors in the same way that most SARMs do.

In short, SR9009 is one of the best SARMs for cutting, so if your goal is fat loss, click here to secure a bottle of SR9009 for yourself, and just take 1 full dropper per day for your cycle.

S23 Before and After

S23 Before and After

Take a look at this S23 before and after picture here. This guy went on the S23 SARM and lost 32 pounds of fat, plus it looks like he was able to build muscle as well. Not much, but still.

S23 is an amazing SARM for shredding fat, so if your primary goal is to shred fat, S23 is not at all a bad choice. It works very quickly, delivers hard-hitting results, and has minimal sides.

Here's the cycle he took for these results:

  • S23 Dosage: 20mg/day (Buy Here)

  • Cycle Duration: 3 Months

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

Even just a six week cycle of this stuff has the power to shred off 10-20 pounds or so, which means if you take the S23 SARM for a 12-week cycle, you'd get some very impressive results.

S23 Results #2

S23 Results #2

Here's another S23 SARM before and after results picture for you to check out. This is one of the best SARMs cycles results I've seen in a while, with how much fat this guy lost.

According to his own cycle log, he lost an amazing 42.1 pounds of fat in just 3 months, without even hitting the gym. This is how powerful some of these fat shredding SARMs are.

Here's the stack he took to achieve these results:

  • Cycle Duration: 3 Months

  • PCT Protocol? Yes (Buy Here)

Both S23 and Cardarine are cutting SARMs, which means that if you combine the two together, you'll get an insanely effective combo for rapid fat annihilation and shredding.

Where to Buy SARMs (Best Source)

Hopefully some of these SARMs before and after results have convinced you that most people can experience absolutely amazing amounts of muscle gain and fat loss with SARMs by now.

What's extremely important, however, is that you get your SARMs from a high quality source, otherwise there's a very high risk they'll be fake, and you'll get terrible results.

In fact, according to a recent report by the Journal of the American Medical Association, a whopping 48% of all SARMs currently sold are the market were found to be fake. [R]

That's why here at Outlook India, the only company we recommend is Chemyo. Every batch of their SARMs has been 3rd party tested for the utmost purity. Just click here, use the code "MD10" and you'll get 10% off your first order of SARMs.

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