Jonathan Schell
Jonathan Schell


  • Are You With Us... Or Against Us?

    The journey to the martial law just imposed on Pakistan by its self-appointed president, the dictator Pervez Musharraf, began in Washington on September 11, 2001. On the road from Washington to Karachi to Nuclear Anarchy...

    BY Jonathan Schell 13 November 2007

  • The Exception Is the Rule

    The American occupation of Iraq is something new, but the fundamental error of the United States has a long pedigree. It is the imprisonment of the human mind in ideology backed by violence.

    BY Jonathan Schell 19 June 2005

  • Apocalypse Now!

    A clash between the triumphal rhetoric of global domination and the sordid reality of failure in practice lies ahead. Would the American President, facing defeat of his policies somewhere in the world actually reach for his nuclear option?

    BY Jonathan Schell 25 May 2005

  • Faking Civil Society

    Perhaps the most beautiful achievement of political life in the late twentieth century was the international movement for democracy that brought down several dozen dictatorships of every possible description. But even that transmogrified into somethi

    BY Jonathan Schell 6 April 2005

  • The Atlantic Divide

    Spain's commemoration of the so-called "M-11" terrorist bombings underlines stark differences with the post-9/11 US reaction

    BY Jonathan Schell 17 March 2005

  • A Less Super Superpower

    Its military has been stretched to the breaking point, its economy is held hostage by Himalayas of external debt, its domestic debt towers to the skies, its foreign policy is entangled in contradictions...

    BY Jonathan Schell 6 March 2005

  • Unpredictable Iraq

    There can be no doubt that the election was a rebellion by the Shiites against their traditional oppressors in Iraq. Was it also a rebellion against the occupation?

    BY Jonathan Schell 9 February 2005

  • What Happened To Hearts?

    "They made a wasteland and called it peace," Tacitus famously said. It was left to the United States, champion of freedom, to update the formula: They made a wasteland and called it democracy.

    BY Jonathan Schell 17 November 2004

  • Strong And Wrong

    An antiwar party rallied around a prowar candidate. The result has been one of the most peculiar political atmospheres within a party in recent memory. The Democrats are united but have concealed the cause that unites them.

    BY Jonathan Schell 29 July 2004

