Making A Difference

Diego Maradona Calls Trump A 'Cartoon', Says Switches Channel Everytime He Sees Him On TV

Diego Maradona Calls Trump A 'Cartoon', Says Switches Channel Everytime He Sees Him On TV

Football legend Diego Maradona has blatantly ridiculed US President Donald Trump by calling him a cartoon during an event in Russia.

During a conversation with journalists, Maradona, who was in Moscow recently, said Trump is more of a comic while praising Russian president Vladimir Putin for bringing peace into the world.

According to a RT report, the veteran football called Trump as a cartoon character who cannot be taken seriously while he hailed Putin as a ‘phenomenon’. 

“For me, he’s more of a comic,” Trump said, RT quoted.
“He’s like a cartoon to me, if we talk about politics… Every time I see him on TV, I switch the channel.”

Maradona also went on to say that Trump’s presidency could lead to war.
“One shouldn’t forget about Russia, China, about North Korea. The US isn’t the county sheriff anymore. We’ll find a gun to match the one they have.”

While stressing that no one wants war, Maradona said, “when you see such cartoon characters like Trump, you begin thinking that if such a man takes it into his head we may all become enemies," the RT report adds.

Earlier on Sunday, President Donald Trump tweeted a modified video of himself, starring at a pro wrestling event, punching a man whose face was obscured by a CNN logo.

The tweet, which said, “#FraudNewsCNN #FNN,” linked to a video which shows Trump attacking and punching a man whose face is obscured by a CNN logo. 

The video escalates an ongoing war of words between Trump and the cable news outlet.






