Places of Interest

This Kolkata Responsible Travel Outfit Offers Unique Experiences

From immersive stays on the banks of the Ganges to special interest tours exploring Kolkata's hidden gems, 100 Miles is a beacon of alternative tourism

Enjoy a stay by the river via one of the immersive experiences by 100 miles Photo: Hari Mahidhar/Shutterstock

In one of the World Summits on Sustainable Development being held in Cape Town, 'Responsible Tourism' was defined as "making better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit." The concept of Responsible Tourism relies on three tenets, known as the Triple Bottom Approach—economic responsibility, socio-cultural responsibility, and environmental responsibility—to curate experiences for travellers such that the welfare of the local communities and their economic advancement is enhanced. Several organisations in the travel sector have built their foundation on these concepts.

One such is 100 Miles based out of Kolkata. From cross-border cycling expeditions to heritage stays, they have lined up an incredible variety of immersive travel experiences.