The magical allure of Indian weddings has captivated the imagination of countless individuals from distant lands. The kaleidoscope of vibrant hues and the exuberant, festive air make the concept of destination weddings in India an irresistible draw for foreign couples. The glamorous destination wedding of actor Priyanka Chopra and US singer Nick Jonas at Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur captivated the imagination of couples around the world. The prospect of exchanging vows in far-flung and culturally rich settings is undeniably alluring. In 2023, the Ministry of Tourism launched a campaign to harness the country's potential as a global wedding destination. Numerous breathtaking locales across the country beckon, with the states of Goa and Rajasthan standing out as particularly enchanting wedding destinations for international visitors. Here is a rough guide for those considering India as their wedding destination.
OT Wedding Wednesday: How To Plan An Unforgettable Destination Wedding In India
India offers numerous breathtaking locales that have captured the hearts of foreign couples looking for enchanting wedding destinations. Here is a rough guide for those considering India as their wedding destination