
Chinese Hospitals Overwhelmed Amid Covid Wave

China is witnessing an unprecedented Covid-19 surge. Emergency wards in the towns and cities to Beijing's southwest are overwhelmed and intensive care units (ICUs) are turning away ambulances and residents are forced to driving sick relatives from hospital to hospital. Projections say 1.3-2.1 million people could die in China from the Covid-19 surge. Reports also indicate that Chinese authorities are covering the true extent of the outbreak.


Covid Surge In China

China is witnessing an unprecedented Covid-19 surge. Emergency wards in the towns and cities to Beijing's southwest are overwhelmed and intensive care units (ICUs) are turning away ambulances and residents are forced to driving sick relatives from hospital to hospital. Projections say 1.3-2.1 million people could die in China from the Covid-19 surge. Reports also indicate that Chinese authorities are covering the true extent of the outbreak.

