Shim Jae Hoon
Shim Jae Hoon


  • Talk, Test, Talk, Test

    North Korea has been doing it for some years now: Seemingly co-operate with talks, agree to some denuclearisation measures, then break the agreement under some pretext, test, then agree to talk again, then break the talks again under some other prete

    BY B. Raman 29 May 2009

  • Doing God's Work For The Taliban

    The global mission of spreading Christian faith seems to have run smack into the US and NATO global mission against terrorism. Korean Christian missionaries end up bolstering the terrorists in Afghanistan

    BY Shim Jae Hoon 4 September 2007

  • Back To The Future?

    The Six-Party deal returns essentially to a past agreement with new promises for the future-- though it leaves unanswered the fate of nuclear weapons and fissile material already produced by North Korea.

    BY Shim Jae Hoon 14 February 2007

  • North Korea's Nuclear Gamble

    The North Korean underground nuclear test on 9 October has sent shockwaves— weak on the Richter scale but shaking the core of the East Asian security and the existing geopolitical balance in Asia underpinned by the US nuclear umbrella.

    BY Shim Jae Hoon 10 October 2006

