
Best Diets For Women Over 50 - Best Diet And Weight Loss Program For 50 Year Old Women

Here are 3 natural diet pills that are highly recommended to complement diet or weight loss programs.

Women over 50 encounter different issues that were less concerning earlier in life. Unwanted weight gain is a common issue many women face when they reach their fifties.

Thankfully there are diets and weight loss programs that are extremely beneficial to women of a certain age.

Best Diet Pills for Women Over 50

There are three key principles for weight loss and wellness at any age: A balanced nutritious diet, regular exercise and quality natural supplements. Here are 3 natural diet pills that are highly recommended to complement diet or weight loss programs.

#1 - PhenQ - natural fat burner and appetite suppressant


PhenQ is a natural fat burner and appetite suppressant. It has been on the market for over a decade and helped countless men and women to lose weight - and keep the weight off permanently!

PhenQ is critically acclaimed and arguably the best over the counter diet pill in circulation. It has set the bar for many other natural diet supplements that have followed. PhenQ is the original and the best according to many industry experts. PhenQ used in tandem with the Mediterranean diet is a highly recommended combination.

#2 - Capsiplex Trim - thermogenic fat burner

Capsiplex Trim

Capsiplex contains capsaicinoids from red chili peppers to boost metabolism and fat burning.

It works through thermogenesis - increasing body heat and calorie burn. Capsaicin stimulates receptors that release stored fat and curb appetite

#3 - Zotrim - herbal hunger reducer to control cravings


Zotrim is an herbal supplement containing yerba mate, damiana and guarana.

It works naturally to reduce appetite and increase satiety, allowing women to make better diet choices and eat fewer calories

The 5 Best Diets for Women Over 50

Changing your diet is the best way for losing weight after 50. It's also a good way to maintain optimum health.

The best diets for women over 50 are nutrient-rich and do not contain processed foods.

In addition to providing excess calories from sugar and fats, processed foods may also contain chemicals and other additives that offer no real value but may be disruptive to hormones.


Red meats, along with soy and dairy products can increase the risk of hormone issues too. [3]

Here are the best diets for women who are over 50:

  • The Mediterranean Diet (best diet for women over 50)
  • DASH Diet
  • Flexitarian Diet
  • Ketogenic Diet
  • Mind Diet

Although fish and meat are permitted in all of these diets, each of them can be tailored to be vegan-friendly. However, due to the hormonal issues soy can present, it's best to avoid tofu and similar soy-based foods and choose other vegetable-based sources of protein instead.

The Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet

Widely considered to be the most healthy diet in the world, the Mediterranean diet originated in countries surrounding the Mediterranean Sea. It is arguably the best diet for women over 50.

The traditional diet of people living in these countries is high in fruits, vegetables, cereals, nuts, and seeds. Red meat consumption is limited, as is the consumption of saturated fats, and dairy products.


Instead of red meat, the Mediterranean diet places a stronger focus on fish and poultry. People in the Mediterranean regions also tend to consume olive oil instead of alternative oils and saturated fats.

Following the Mediterranean Diet entails eating the foods traditionally eaten in Mediterranean countries. It's not specifically intended to provide weight loss but, due to the lack of processed foods, sugars, and fats, it is one of the best diets for helping women over 50 lose weight.

Researchers first became interested in the Mediterranean Diet after it became apparent people in the Mediterranean regions tend to live longer and enjoy a better quality of life that extends into their later years.

Among its many benefits, the Mediterranean diet supports healthy cardiovascular function and offers protection against diabetes and cancer.

Cardiovascular disease accounts for nearly half the deaths in women who are 50 or older. That's a point worth remembering. [4]


Thanks to its heart-healthy nature and other benefits, the Mediterranean Diet is the best option for women in their fifties. In addition to providing weight management benefits, this diet can also help women enjoy better health and greater levels of vitality. [5]


The DASH Diet is another good diet for women who are over 50 and wish to avoid weight gain and other age-related issues.

"DASH" stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension. Following this diet entails sticking to a healthy eating plan that's designed to prevent high blood pressure.

Menopause often causes women's blood pressure to become higher. This may be due to weight gain, hormonal changes, or both. Researchers are still trying to figure out the dynamics.

However, it is known that the hormone changes that menopause brings can make women more sensitive to salt. When this happens, blood pressure is likely to increase.


According to the Mayo Clinic website, women who want to avoid menopause-related increases in blood pressure should maintain healthy weights and eat heart-healthy foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

The site also warns about the dangers of processed foods and other options that are high in salt. [6]

If you think the Mediterranean Diet ticks all the right boxes, you are correct. However, the DASH Diet is a good alternative option.

The DASH Diet includes foods that are high in calcium, potassium, and magnesium. These minerals help to control blood pressure. They can also support improvements in bone mineral density.

Bearing in mind menopause's ability to cause osteoporosis, this makes the DASH Diet an especially good option for women who want to lose weight after 50 and avoid issues with weak bones and high blood pressure.

Needless to say, the DASH Diet is also low in sodium. It restricts sodium intake to 1,500 mg per day. That's less than one teaspoon of salt.

Although it is structured in a way that places extra focus on the mineral content of foods, the DASH Diet is very similar to the Mediterranean Diet. It's rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains and also includes fish and poultry.

However, if you choose the DASH Diet instead of the Mediterranean Diet, it is more acceptable to eat slightly higher levels of dairy. This is hardly surprising because dairy foods are such good sources of calcium.

Flexitarian Diet

The Flexitarian Diet is a semi-vegetarian diet. Although it emphasizes plant-based foods, dairy, eggs, meat, and fish are permitted as well. However, the portion sizes should be small and consumed infrequently.

If you choose the Flexitarian Diet, most of your protein will come from plant-based sources. However, as we pointed out earlier, because of its estrogenic nature, women over 50 should omit soy from their diets. [4]

Due to its focus on plant-based food options, the Flexitarian Diet is high in fiber. Because of this, the meals the diet permits are more likely to increase satiety and reduce the temptation to overeat.

As you can imagine, this type of diet offers obvious advantages to women who are over 50 and trying to lose weight.

At its heart, the Flexitarian Diet is flexible and can be a good option for women who are flirting with vegetarianism but are not ready to go the full hog.

As with all the best diet plans for women over 50, the Flexitarian approach to eating is not specifically geared toward weight loss. Nor is there any specific requirement to obtain a greater or lesser amount of specific nutrients.

So although the Flexitarian Diet and the DASH Diet may permit many of the same food options, the goals for including them are not the same.

Nevertheless, the Flexitarian Diet is a healthy option that may decrease vulnerability to heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Even though weight loss is not a primary aim, research shows that post-menopausal women who eat a semi-vegetarian diet are likely to have significantly lower body fat percentages than women who are following non-vegetarian eating plans. [7]

Ketogenic Diet

A popular option with women of all ages, the Keto Diet is very low in carbs. However, the shortage of carbohydrates is replaced by dietary fats.

The body normally gets most of its energy from the glucose present in carbohydrates. When this option becomes severely limited, it is forced to look elsewhere.

As with standard weight loss diets, the low-energy state the Keto Diet causes forces the body to break down its stores of fat.

However, the lack of glucose also causes insulin levels to drop and encourages the liver to convert fat into ketones.

When glucose is not available, ketones are the body's second choice for energy. Fans of the Keto Diet often say ketones are the body's preferred source of fuel but many experts will tell you this is not so.

Research suggests the Keto Diet can be effective for weight loss and lowering blood pressure. [8]

However, although the Keto Diet provides a trendy way for women over 50 to lose their excess weight, it's best to only use this option short-term.

Studies suggest the Keto Diet is safe for up to 10 weeks but many experts believe long-term use of this diet is not healthy.

Mind Diet

At its core, the Mind Diet is a hybrid eating plan that combines aspects of both the DASH and Mediterranean diets.

Women who are over 50 often begin noticing signs of cognitive decline. Would you believe 2/3 of Alzheimer's patients are women? [9]

Although it undoubtedly provides many other health benefits, the Mind Diet (Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay) is, first and foremost, a diet that aims to support good mental health.

The diet strives to do this by placing extra emphasis on certain vitamins, carotenoids, and flavonoids that are associated with optimum brain health.

Research is not wholly supportive of this ability but does show the Mind Diet can support weight loss.

Best Foods for Women in Their 50's to Eat (Include in their Diet)

For women in their 50's, the best diets focus on whole foods, lean proteins and balanced nutrition from all food groups. A healthy eating pattern emphasizing natural foods supports healthy lifestyle changes for long term success.

Choose low fat dairy, fatty fish, nuts, seeds, lean meats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables which provide the healthiest eating patterns.

Whole grains like farro and quinoa aid weight loss while maintaining muscle mass as aging slows metabolism. Limit excess sugar, carbohydrates or low carb diets lacking nutrients important for women over 50.

Healthy fats, especially omega-3's, provide heart health and brain benefits. Leafy greens, berries and tomatoes support mobility and cognition.

balanced diet may reduce high blood pressure and support weight loss. Staying hydrated and avoiding unwanted weight gain depends on sustainable choices tailored to your needs.

healthy aging, focus on nutrition through natural unprocessed foods whenever possible. Aim for simple home-cooked meals using ingredients which nourish and satisfy long term.

Why Do Women After 50 Gain Weight Quicker Than Before?

As they age, women experience various changes, some of which can affect their weight. The most dramatic changes often happen at age 50 but there can be a few years difference on either side.

You probably won't be surprised to learn many of these changes occur due to menopause. Even women who have been slim all through their lives may suddenly begin having issues with weight gain.

Many of the changes women have to deal with are due to changes in progesterone and estrogen. That includes weight gain.

Some women gain 10 to 30 pounds. It can be very obvious too because most of the fat buildup occurs around the midsection.

These hormonal changes can affect other aspects of women's lives too by causing mood swings, hot flashes, and other undesirable issues. [1]

To make matters worse, some of the changes menopause brings are unlikely to be easy to notice.

One of the things menopause does is compromise bone mineral density. That's why women over 50 are more prone to weak bones and osteoporosis. Menopause may increase susceptibility to heart disease as well.

Due to the potential for weight gain and other age-related issues, women who are 50 or over may need to modify their diets.

In addition to helping to prevent weight gain or reversing it, some diets can also help women over 50 to enjoy better health.

The right diet can support healthy aging by boosting immune response, helping to prevent loss of muscle mass, improving bone mineral density, and reducing the risk of problems related to high blood pressure.

Additional Factors That Can Cause Women Over 50 to Gain Weight

Although menopause is often the driving factor in mid-life weight gain, it's not the only thing that can cause women in their fifties to gain weight.

Slow metabolism may be a contributing factor. When metabolism slows, the body burns less calories. So, even when women's activity levels have not changed, their normal diets may provide a surplus of calories that can result in fat storage and weight gain.

However, women who are age 50 or older may also experience reduced energy levels and/or a lack of motivation that may lead to them becoming less active. These things alone may lead to weight gain. A slow metabolism can take this type of bad situation and make it much worse.

As we have already mentioned, women who are over 50 often experience reductions in muscle mass. This age-related muscle recline is called sarcopenia. [2]

Sarcopenia can further slow metabolism. Muscle requires energy to maintain it. Losing muscle slows metabolism down.

All things considered, it's not surprising so many women in their fifties have problems with weight gain and suddenly find themselves having to place extra focus on their diets.

Best Diet for Women Over 50 Summary & Conclusion

The aging process brings many changes, some of which can be especially noticeable to women who are over 50.

Although weight gain is often the change that grabs the most attention, some of the less obvious changes can be more worrying. Increased susceptibility to heart disease and bone fractures are a couple of good examples.

This article provides information about five of the best diets for women who are over 50. All of them have the potential to help with weight loss and deliver additional value in other areas as well.

The Mediterranean Diet is the best diet for women over 50 overall but the other four diet plans may be more attractive to women who have very specific worries such as high blood pressure or dementia.

Something else to factor in is a healthy exercise regime and a natural diet supplement such as PhenQ - a combination of these three things gives a woman in her fifties a great chance of maintaining a healthy weight.

Disclaimer: The above is a sponsored post, the views expressed are those of the sponsor/author and do not represent the stand and views of Outlook Editorial.

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