Best Caffeine Pills: OTC Legal Stimulants

These supplements provide all of the benefits of coffee and energy drinks, but without the harmful side effects and in a far more convenient form.

Article below referenced and checked using the latest cdc.gov and fda.gov information.

If you're looking for a natural stimulant to enhance your energy or improve your mental function, caffeine is by far one of your best options when used correctly.

Taking many cups of coffee or energy drinks every day, on the other hand, may have a bad influence on both your body and your bank account.

Here where caffeine pills can help.

These supplements provide all of the benefits of coffee and energy drinks, but without the harmful side effects and in a far more convenient form.

We tried and tested hundreds of products on the market in order to show you which caffeine pills are the safest and most effective.

What Are Caffeine Pills?

Caffeine pills are a popular way to get a quick boost of energy. They are also used to help people stay awake and alert during the day.

There are many different brands of caffeine pills available on the market today, but not all of them work the same way or have the same ingredients. Some people find that they need to take more than one pill at a time in order to feel any effects from it, while others only need one pill for it to work for them - depending on the product.

It's reasonable to say that pure caffeine pills will have the same good effect as normal coffee. It will also save you time that you would have spent brewing or driving to acquire a coffee a few streets away from your business.

All you have to do is ingest the recommended amount of caffeine pills, and if you follow the directions, you should be stimulated without any jittery side effects - providing you choose the right product without an overload of caffeine contained.

This leads us nicely onto dosages in caffeine pills.

What Dosage Should I Look for in the Top Caffeine Pills?

Let's go through the dosage in more depth.

The dosage of caffeine in these supplements is super important; too little and you won’t feel anything, but too much and you could suffer jittery side effects.

Caffeine pills usually contain 75mg to 200 mg of caffeine. This quantity of caffeine is similar to 1 to 2 cups of coffee, but remember that you don’t usually drink 2 cups of coffee within 2 seconds.

We recommend choosing a caffeine pill that contains 75mg caffeine per serving, but no less than 75mg; this allows you to take a double serving on days when you need it, safely, but also means you’ll have enough caffeine per serving when taking a normal dosage too.

Remember that 1 cup of coffee contains 95mg caffeine, which you usually enjoy over about 30 minutes or so. Taking 75mg means that you’re not “shocking” your body with too much too quickly, while delivering enough caffeine to benefit you for being more productive and alert.

Benefits of Caffeine Pills

For a number of reasons, caffeine pills may be favored over alternative formulations.

Some people detest caffeine-containing foods or beverages, such as coffee or tea. Others may object to energy drinks, coffee, and tea because they include additional ingredients or calories.

People may also want a greater relative dose of caffeine without having to consume numerous cups of coffee to have the same impact.

They might be sensitive to acidic beverages, such as coffee, which can irritate the digestive tract.

Caffeine pills are regularly mixed with other stimulants to enhance their stimulating effects. As a result, for many people, they may be a more well-rounded option.

Here are some of the benefits of taking caffeine pills:

Increase in energy levels

Caffeine pills and energy supplements can supply you with a higher, and sometimes faster, dose of energy than a cup of coffee would normally offer.

While there's a lot to be said about the ritual of brewing and sipping coffee, there are times when you just don't have the time.

Improved mental performance

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that improves alertness and concentration when studying or working. Evidence supports its usefulness for these reasons.

In a 2014 study, 160 participants were asked to rate the effect of caffeine tablets containing 200 mg on their memory.

The participants who took caffeine tablets while participating in a learning activity outscored those who took a placebo on memory tests 24 hours later, according to the study.

Enhanced physical performance

Caffeine can improve exercise performance by increasing muscle strength and endurance, according to a meta-analysis of 21 research.

So much so that the NCAA has banned the use of caffeine before competitions. Taking 500 mg (or 6 to 8 cups of coffee) between 2 and 3 hours before a competition might result in a positive urine drug test.

So, you might want to avoid taking super high dosage caffeine pills if you’re a competitive athlete that competes in the NCAA. If you’re not a competitive athlete, taking caffeine pills will simply mean you perform better in the gym or during your workouts.

Caffeine Pills vs Coffee

What you're looking for will dictate whether you get your caffeine fix from coffee vs caffeine pills.

Caffeine pills are certainly convenient, but there is one reason you might choose conventional coffee: enjoyment!

If you enjoy your morning coffee, you might not enjoy taking a caffeine pill as much. If you don't like the taste of coffee or can only drink it with a lot of milk and sugar, a caffeine supplement might be a great way to get a morning boost without adding unwanted flavors or calories to your day.

That being said, even those that love coffee may simply not have the time to make one themselves or go buy one from a coffee shop.

So, in terms of convenience, caffeine pills win every time.

Not only that, coffee is very acidic and can cause heartburn. So, for those that suffer heartburn, caffeine pills may be a better way of increasing your energy levels quickly.

Side Effects of Caffeine Pills

Whether you suffer from side effects depends entirely on your own personal tolerance to caffeine, as well as how much the supplement you choose contains.

For example, if you drink coffee on a daily basis then your tolerance level will be much higher than someone who doesn’t drink coffee or tea at all.

But regardless, if you take too much, then you’ll be at risk of suffering from jitters, anxiety and insomnia.

It for this reason that we always recommend that you choose a caffeine pill containing no more than 100mg (but more than 50mg). With our sweet spot being a dosage of 75mg caffeine per serving, so that you benefit from the caffeine but stay away from any unwanted side effects.

Best Additional Ingredients in Caffeine Pills

You could just buy a caffeine pill with just caffeine in it. But that pretty boring considering the great options out there - and with the rise of nootropic supplements becoming available.

Now, you can buy a caffeine pill that also contains nootropic ingredients that are proven to improve your memory, concentration and focus. WholisticResearch state that caffeine pills can even support brain health by increasing blood flow to your brain.

This is all so that your caffeine pill becomes an “all-in-one” supplement that you can take:

  • In the morning to help you prepare for work or the day ahead in general

  • At work on days when you need that extra mental performance boost

  • Before a gym session to help motivate you and improve your workout

  • But as with any supplement, you have to make sure that the caffeine pill you choose contains the right ingredients.

    We won’t get too into the “science”, but we’ve researched the best nootropic ingredients that offer the most benefits when taken alongside caffeine.


    Also known as CDP-Choline, Citicoline is required by the body for the synthesis of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that neurons release to communicate impulses in the brain. Healthy neurons aid the brain in learning, recalling, and remembering information.

    CDP-choline also aids in the healing of brain cells. It releases uridine, allowing the brain to repair, regenerate, and replenish neurons.

    Citicoline has even been connected to higher ATP in cells, ensuring that people have enough mental energy to go through lengthy days at school or job. ATP is also known to improve your physical performance (for example, creatine is known for increasing your ATP levels and is often found in pre-workout supplements).

    As a result, Citicoline is a great addition in a caffeine pill, since it offers many cognitive benefits as well as athletic performance benefits too.


    Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid that the body synthesizes from phenylalanine, another amino acid.

    It is required for the production of numerous critical brain chemicals known as neurotransmitters, such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Neurotransmitters allow nerve cells to communicate with one another and regulate mood. Tyrosine also aids in the synthesis of melanin, the pigment responsible for the color of one's hair and skin.

    It aids in the correct functioning of organs involved in hormone synthesis and regulation, such as the adrenal, thyroid, and pituitary glands. It plays a role in the production of nearly every protein in the body.

    L-tyrosine replenishes the brain chemicals that drive mental activity. This has the potential to boost cognitive capacities while reducing weariness. It has been used in complementary medicine as a possibly effective aid in improving brain function, attention, and memory.

    Not only that, L-Tyrosine has also been used to treat depression and attention deficit disorder (ADD or ADHD). So much so that it also contained in the best adderall alternative too.

    For all these reasons, L-Tyrosine remains one of the most proven nootropic ingredients you can find.


    If you could find the perfect partner to caffeine, it would be L-Theanine. It the Robin to caffeine Batman (you can be our friend if you understood that comic book reference).

    L-theanine is an amino acid derived from the camellias sinensis plant (the camellias sinensis plant is allso known as the common tea plant). It is a popular sedative that is sometimes mixed with other natural substances to generate sensations of tranquility and relaxation.

    It can aid cognitive performance too.

    On its alone, L-theanine is a powerful nootropic. However, when combined with caffeine, it has a tremendous synergistic effect. This means you'll have more focus, alertness, and vigor, as well as reduced stress and more mental endurance.

    The best part is that L-theanine has been shown to have basically zero levels of toxicity, dependency or tolerance, which means you could take large doses every day without negative side effects.

    Sounds pretty good right? Well, now you know, my friend. Now you know.

    The bottom line is, don’t choose a caffeine pill if it doesn’t contain L-Theanine. And look for L-theanine to caffeine ratio of 2:1 (if a caffeine pill contains 75mg caffeine, you’ll need 150mg L-Theanine for the full benefits).


    Although the body manufactures vitamin B-12 on its own, taking a supplement can help you achieve new levels of mental function. The vitamin has a variety of functions in the body, including sustaining nerve cells and creating DNA. Most significantly, it may aid in the prevention of neuron loss.

    Neurons allow messages to be sent to the brain. With aging, these specialized cells degrade, resulting in memory loss and dementia. Vitamin B-12 may preserve neurons while also slowing cognitive deterioration.

    Not only that, caffeine can have a mild diuretic effect which means that through urinating more, the body can lose water-soluble nutrients. Studies show that intake of caffeine is linked with vitamin B and C depletion because these vitamins are typically flushed via urine. The higher the level of caffeine in the drink, the stronger this diuretic effect will be.

    So, a caffeine pill containing B-Vitamins will ensure that you stay fuelled with all essential micronutrients needed to be at your best mentally and physically.

    If you’re worried about your micronutrient intake or levels, we wrote an article about the best multivitamin for men.

    The Best Caffeine Pill on the Market Right Now: VyvaMind

    If you’re looking for the best caffeine pill available…well, we found it first. And it called VyvaMind.

    Without a doubt, Vyvamind is the most effective product for increasing mental vigor and concentration swiftly and without jittery side effects or energy crashes.

    The amino acids Theanine (150mg) and Tyrosine, which work together to lower anxiety, enhance motivation, and improve mental clarity, are matched to the exact amount of Caffeine in Vyvamind (75mg). Citicoline 200mg then gets to work increasing neurotransmitter levels, resulting in lightning-fast processing and learning.

    You can see that SAP Nutraceuticals have consulted dietitians and conducted research, due to VyvaMind also containing B-Vitamins. This ensures that while caffeine does deplete B Vitamins, the same supplement will restore the amounts necessary for you to feel and perform at your best on a daily basis - this level of detail is what ensures you experience benefits without side effects.

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